
Monday 19 August 2019

T sTands for Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

The sun and the crows outside woke me up again this morning, and now I'm sitting here drinking my coffee and enjoying the fresh air. Yesterday was really wet, it rained nearly all day, and you could almost hear the dry earth singing a song of joy. I enjoyed several walks, and hardly saw anyone about, just a few dogs taking their reluctant people for walks.

We still have another week to go at Tag Tuesday, anything goes, and I would love to see more people joining in. So many keep promising to do so and never get around to it, I never know why it's so difficult to make a tag....Big thanks to Erika and Anne who always join in. I have another rather crazy one, made on another piece of the chopped up background I used for the last one, too. I did lots of sewing, added some small embellishments and used a TH image.

I have more tags ready and will show them in the course of the week.

Today is also Elizabeth's  T stands for Tuesday, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely  ladies of the T Gang who visit here. My drink was mostly cappuccino when I was out and about, but I do drink a lot of water at home, and always have a small bottle in my bag to drink in between:

Who ate my cookie before I could take a photo??

And some photos from my rainy walk yesterday, just taken with my cell phone, as my camera does not like wet weather:

I always love how the background melts away on rainy days:

The bridge has disappeared:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie such a beautiful tag,well done my friend.
    I am glad you got some rain yesterday ,love your pics,thankyou for sharing with us xx

  2. Good morning Val! You were evidently up bright and early again! I have my littl'uns who always wake me up! Love the new tag, I always admire how you bring such different things together and make it look so good! Lovely, rainy photos. I must admit, I stayed home yesterday and P took the kids out, they all love walks with puddles and lots of splashing around! Have a good week, hugs, Sarah


  3. In my city it also rained all night, the morning is sunny. I admire your works and photographs. Greetings:)

  4. Thanks for the photos. Awesome tag.

  5. I like your tag. Sisters or mother and daughters going on a trip would make a great travel poster. It always feels so fresh after a good rain. Not for us this week. Hot and humid all week with chances for thunderstorms. I don't mind the hot and humid. Beats snow.

  6. Your tag is incredible. Absolutely stunning. I love, love, love the sewing. I swear, I wish I had time to make a tag, but right now, I'm having trouble getting my daily posts ready and visiting everyone. I don't know how you do it.

    Your cell phone takes beautiful photos. It's amazing how nice these photos came out, even in the rain. I loved the water droplets and the wet path. Really, really lovely.

    Your cappuccinos all look perfect for T this Tuesday. I would love to join you, and I promise, I would not steal your cookie, either (grin). Thanks for joining us for T, dear friend.

    BTW, I'm with you. I'll take snow over heat and humidity any day!

    1. Okay, coffee's on, but no nibbling my cookie!

  7. Beautiful tag and photos today, and who could have eaten that cookie?

    1. Now that is a question I don't want to answer!

  8. I love your nature photos from your walk. It looks like signs of seasonal changes. I'm a Southern gal born and bred, and I love these hot, humid days. I love snow from inside looking out over the peaceful scene ;)

    Cookies do tend to disappear quickly, don't they?! Happy T Day :)

    1. Snow mostly lasts longer than cookies!

    2. Not around here lol We're lucky if it lasts 'til the next day.

  9. Such a great tag Valerie! It all goes together so well!
    Of course i love your sewing touches on your tags...makes them more your creation somehow.
    Always such gorgeous photos!!!

    Big Hugs

  10. What a fun tag! Love the way you put it all together.

    Your cappuccinos look so good. I really must have one this week. Yours always look so inviting. Great pictures from when you have been out and about too. :)

    Hope you have a wonderful week!

  11. A very creative tag Valerie. It would be wonderful to walk in the rain. Unfortunately most of the rain this year was thunderstorms.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings

  12. That's a lovely tag.
    I enjoyed all of your photographs, especially the wonderful red berries … which are making a great header/banner for your blog.
    Enjoy the week ahead.

    All the best Jan

  13. I love your tag Valerie, great use of your chopped up pages. Your photographs are wonderfu, there's something about a walk on a rainy day isn't there. Have a very happy week, Sue xx

  14. Beautiful tag Valerie. How nice to have a wet day walk, nothing better especially after all the hot weather you have had. Love the photo with the red berries, they really stand out on the rainy day.

  15. Fabulous tag Valerie. And nice walk photos. I walked Saturday in the mist and it was really nice. But today the heat and humidity returned, the worst of the summer, so no walk for me. Hope you have a wonderful T day. And enjoy some nice weather and some nice walks. Hugs-Erika

  16. Great tag, love it and love the gorgeous photos...xx

  17. Fab tag art Valerie. Wonderful photos to enjoy- I do love walking in or after rain-so long as it's warm:):) Delicious looking cappuccino. happy T day!

  18. Hi Valerie, your photos are always so lovely, great tag, and that cappuccino always looks so good-Happy T wishes Kathy

  19. That's a beautiful tag! I love the design and colours 😁. Your drinks look wonderful, did you eat that biscuit? 😉. Such great photos too! Wishing you a wonderful week and very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  20. Hurray for the rain... happy plants all round. I love your travel tag - so many delicious colours and details and layers. I haven't had the tags out this week, I'm afraid - but I'll be back again to play next week, I hope.
    Alison x

  21. Everything seems to look and feel fresher after rain. Lovely photos and I am pleased you enjoyed your walk.
    The tag looks fantastic and the sewing draws the eye to the detail and images.
    Happy T day wishes Valerie, I'm sure you must have enjoyed the cookie.
    Yvonne xx

  22. Great tag, Valerie. It impresses me how you seem to be able to create quickly and get so many projects finished. And they all look wonderful!

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  23. Wondrous pictures. Love your header, by the way.
    Another fun, creative piece.
    Glad you've gotten some rain.

  24. Lovely tags! I wanted to play and then didn't. I will still try as I did start my tags.
    Your latte looks good; I am having my tea. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos of your walk. I walked this morning and it was hot and humid at 6:45 am! Think what it will be later! Happy T Day.

  25. Valerie, your tag is simply lovely! That background and the usual size it a wonderful combination.
    Cappuccino is such a yummy drink and yours is mouth watering. That second mug is very pretty.
    The pictures from your walk after the rain are beautiful! I especially like the one with the farm land. It very much reminds me of our Pennsylvania hills.
    Happy Tea Day,

  26. Amazing tag, Valerie!
    I am still on vacation, my dear friend. I will be back in the end of the month. Kisses!!!

  27. I love dogs taking their reluctant owners for a walk! I also love your tag, you have such versatile skills. Your photos are lovely too!

  28. Lovely tag.I like the use of the vintage photos.
    The photos of your walk are stunning. Everything is glistening in the light. The photo of the berries is the best ever and no wonder you have made it your header. Beautiful!
    I've been told we are having a summer storm tomorrow. I hope it has some rain. I can't remember the last time I have seen rain. It is months ago for sure and we can do with some now. Everything is as dry as a crisp.
    Happy T-Day,

  29. You've created another beautiful tag. (I just made a note to myself, to make another one to enter. My biggest problem is artist's block. Making tags is fun!) I love the vintage images in yours. Your cappuccinos look good. I especially like it when they make a heart in it. I thought your blog header image looked new, and I see it's from one of your photos. Lovely red berries growing on those bushes. I'm glad you got some much needed rain. We had severe thunderstorms go through yesterday (Monday) but fortunately I didn't lose electricity like others did. Everything does seem to melt away in your rain photos. I like the photo of the wet path, and the water droplets on the plants. Happy T-Day!

  30. A lovely tag Valerie... you always think of such creative works :D)
    Beautiful header too, which I see came from your walk after the rain yesterday. The phone camera is so useful to pull out and use at times. The photo of the ploughed field is particularly stunning! It's always great to receive rain - happy days xx

    1. Thanks Sue, I am really grateful for the rain, we need it so much!

  31. ooh this tag is a marvelous collage! well done! did you find out who ate the cookie? lol! xo

  32. OOOhhh your tag is Gorgeous Valerie !!Love the wonderful background, love your sewing, and the fantastic embellishments. Great !! Happy belated T-day !! with rain I see, here it´s sunny (well, it´s always sunny :)--)Please send us some rain! :D
    Your photographs are fabulous, I love to see those lovely views. Thanks so much for sharing them with us.
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, and send big hugs,

  33. I love your tag Valerie! I am going to have some crafting time tomorrow, seem to have been to quite a few meetings lately! I love your rainy day pics - we seem to have rain every day here (although not all day thank goodness) Your coffees look enticing but for me it's bedtime ! Belated happy T Day! Chrisx

  34. I really love your tag!!!
    I wonder who ate your cookie? LOL!
    Truly gorgeous photos! Wow! Big Hugs!
    (Say hi to the crows for me! LOL!)

  35. I love your tag! Beautiful. Looks like a change of seasons is slowly emerging in your world!


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