
Thursday 15 August 2019

Friday post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. We had showery weather today, it was good to get a bit more rain, we need it so badly. This afternoon was art group, so had a happy time painting and having fun.
Last week I showed you the first side of my large art tote:

Now the second side is finished. I also varnished both sides to make it a bit easier to keep it clean. This time I used rectangles in various colours. The small ones and the dots were made with stencils from CWS and Seth Apter. The wonderful quote is from Nick Bantock:

 I also have a large  (10") tag. I used a painted and collaged piece (13 x 10") and hacked it into 3 pieces to make 3 tags.  I sewed it to some black matting and added a huge butterfly found in my recent clear-up,2 swan feathers picked up in Hofgarten and a sentiment (TH).   Quick and simple!

I am linking to Paint Party Friday and Tag Tuesday, anything goes.

Nathalie and I had some fun in the castle ruins this week. I'm holding up the rusty arches for Elizabeth:

And last but definitely not least I have some pics from the inside of St Maximilian's church in the Altstadt, usually just called Max Church. It is a beautiful late Baroque building, and offers regular, wonderful organ concerts. The organist was practising as I was there, so that was an added bonus: 

I always light candles for friends near and far when I am there:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, good evening to you! I love both sides of your art tote. Great idea to alter the bag for storage. Love the brilliant colors and the wonderful quote. And the tag is pure genius, fantastic. Did you swim after the swans?! Great photos of you and Nathalie, and of Maxkirche. I must admit that I never went inside yet, shame on me! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Swan feathers make a perfect part of your art. What a find! The inside of the church is beautiful, and with the organ music added... what an inspirational place :)

  3. Your tote is so cool and I love the blue rectangles. Perfect color choice. The tag is lovely. The swan feather is a nice touch. The Max Church is gorgeous. I bet the organ sounded magnificent. Lucky you 🍀

    1. I'm going to morning concert there tomorrow!

  4. Beautiful art work and tag. Lovely to see photos of you where you walk. That church is wonderful. So good to be there when the organist was playing.

  5. A one of a kind shopping/gift bag. I love how happy it makes me feel :)
    That tag is gorgeous with the swan feather!!!
    Those photos of the church are outstandingly beautiful!!!
    It is always nice to see you smiling face, too 💮

    Hugs ❤

  6. I love the bag and tag …
    Such beautiful photographs of the Church too.

    Happy Friday Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  7. Beautiful art and quotes today. The photos are lovely too.

  8. I like how you went with squares on the second side of the bag. Circles and squares...nice. And nice tag too! And that is a really pretty church. Thanks for sharing Valerie. happy Friday. hugs-Erika

  9. Your piece and bag are just awesome. You're a very creative lady.
    Have a great one. Glad you got some rain.

  10. Gorgeous bright colours, so fabulous and bright just like the sunshine here. Lovely photos and you look so lovely.xx

  11. Hi Valerie wow what amazing pics the church is awesome and so beautiful and i can imagine very calming.
    Oh your large tote is so full of colour and so pretty and your tag is amazing well done my friend,hope you have a wonderful day my friend xx

  12. OH your tote is glorious - so colorful and artistic! And I love your walkabout in the Max church and you lighting candles for near and far friends! Perfect post!

  13. Such vibrant colours and wonderful motifs on your tote!! Love the tag!! The white swan feather and the black butterfly look so beautiful together. Wonderful photos, Nathalie and you look lovely :)

    -Soma xx

  14. Wow, love this altered bag. Your photos are great as well.

  15. I really like how you decorated your bag. A beautiful baroque church and a nice trip.

  16. So lovely to see you in these photo's Valerie you are one happy lady so full of life and brings a huge smile to my face. Just look at all that gold with the church.
    Love that rusty arch, if I had a larger garden it would be full of things like this.
    Your tote is an wonderful way to share your art work and carry more, now that's a real twofer.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend, I have a couple of spare days before life gets busy again but first treating the Mom's to Lunch this afternoon as it's mine & Hubby's Anniversary. Hugs Tracey & Happy PPF Tracey xx
    P.S Loving your mixed media tag too...

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Hi Susan, I wanted to leave you a reply to your lovely comment and deleted it by mistake! I am sometimes so friggin' stupid, sorry, mea culpa etc etc!

  18. Hi Valerie. I came to visit you from Alberta via Sue's blog. Am not too familiar with the Rhine region as I am a "Nordlicht" from Bremen. Beautiful blog you have here! Will certainly be back to explore some more! Wishing you a very happy week end. Love, cat.

  19. Well now I love both sides of your bag Valerie! I love the bright colours, and what a fab quote. Your tag is wonderful too, you've certainly given your collages a new lease of life! Have a very happy weekend, Sue xx

  20. Both your art tote and tag are spectacular! I am also in love with St. Maximilian, and would love to visit it in person some day. Thanks for your visit to my blog and blessings!

    1. Thanks Arnoldo, the church is really spectacular, we are lucky to have many beautiful churches here.

  21. What a magnificent,lovely church. I loved when you said you light candles for others. I do the same, for those that have passed away. Something about performing that tiny gesture brings so much peace to my heart. Loved your post, thank you.

    1. Thanks Bonnie. I know what you mean. It's such a small thing but always feels good.

  22. Lovely photos of max church. I recognizise St Anthony statue with the lilies and the christ child.
    Luv todays art i prefervthe first dide of the tote shown last week
    Happy you dropped by my blog


  23. Beautiful, colorful and creative artwork and what divine photography of the church and wonderful happy photos of you too! Love lighting candles for people ~ such a sweet and simple gesture but so profound too ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  24. Your tote and your tag both look beautiful. Good thinking to varnish the bag!

    Glad you have been getting more rain and still been able to get outside. Great pictures! :)

  25. The inside of the church looks beautiful. All the photos looked lovely and the photos with your friend looked like you were happy to be out walking together.
    The tote lag is looking fantastic on both sides, it wasa good idea to varnish the surface.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  26. Love your tote. Great job. The tag is beautiful, Love the feather. Nice to see you in some of the photos. The church is amazing.

    It is bearable at 85 tonight. The humidity is above 70% but not oppressive. Thank you for the visit. I needed that.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings

  27. Love the second side of your fab tote bag Valerie - nice happy colours and great quote - but which side will face outwards when used - when both are so fabulous! :)
    The church is beautiful - great photos.
    Hope you have a good weekend.
    Gill xx

  28. Oh, how cool - love how your rectangles contrast with the circles on the other side.... and those words you've added are brilliant, and so true. Great layered colours - what an eye-catching bag, from every angle.

    Looks like another great day out too... thanks for sharing it.
    Alison x

  29. You make a great tote for your art supplies. I wish we had an art group here or even some one day art classes. I live out of town so it is hard to take an art class offered at your local college. - Margy

  30. Total schönes Tütendesign auf beiden Seiten. Gefällt mir sehr. Klasse Tag mit schönem Kontrast von weißer Feder und schwarzem Schmetterling.
    Auch eure Ausflugdbilder sind wieder sehenswert.
    Liebe Grüße
    Sabine 😘🤗

  31. Your art tote is beautiful! I love all the colorful shapes and the quotes are perfect. Looks like you guys had a great time. Lots of great pics too! Happy PPF and have a blessed week. :)

  32. I missed this post because I thought I had already seen it. The opening photo, which showed on my sidebar, led me to believe I'd already left a comment. That was MY BAD.

    I like both sides of your tote, BUT the second side is definitely my favorite. I guess it's the grid pattern that I like so much. And the sentiment is one I can definitely relate to, too.

    Your tag is beautiful. The butterfly sets the stage for the swan feathers and the sewing. I love the idea of this tag, too.

    I had to laugh at you and Nathalie. She took you shopping and you took her on a tour of art in your town. STILL LOVE those arches and I'm so glad you are holding them up for me. That was sweet of you to remember, too.

    The church is insanely beautiful. I am so impressed with it. Every photo oozes beauty, serenity, and comfort. This was a magnificent ending to a wonderful day. Thanks so much for these beautiful photos. Again, I'm SO sorry I was late visiting.

  33. I love your artwork, those rectangles look amazing Valerie! Great photos of your wanderings too!
    Alison xx

  34. OMG - that church is amazing, and the organ is fantastic! Not everyone has the talent to play that type of organ. thank you for lighting candles for all. I think it makes a difference. Your artwork is colorful and fabulous! Hugs, RO

  35. Good job of holding up the rusty arches:)

  36. A fabulous post! The words on your beautiful art definitely ring true for me at the moment and I love the colourful modern styles too 😁. Such lovely photos of you too, you just be strong to hold up those metal arches 😉. I hope that you've had a great couple of weeks! Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  37. I love the quotes you shared on your happy, colorful pieces! Big smiles. And big smiles seeing your happy face! What a good walk!

  38. Great artwork. I love your tag. Beautiful photos.

  39. Woowwww your Art is simply Amazing Valerie !! I looooove them, and the tag is Gorgeous too, the background collage is super beautiful, love the feather and the lovely butterfly. Your photographs from you and Natalie are Wonderful, we can see these are happy moments. Love this church, and you´re a wonderful person thinking of near and far friends.
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, and send big hugs,

  40. Fabulous art Valerie! I love seeing the photos, especially of The Max!
    Hugs, Chris

  41. Your art bag is amazing! What a great idea! I love the quotes you used!
    Gorgeous tag! Love the feather!
    Love the photos of you!! Beautiful!
    Gorgeous church! Big Hugs!

  42. Your artwork is so beautiful and your photos equally so. I really enjoy your posts.

  43. Love your tag with the white feather and the fabulous colourful Tote bag. Great photos too.
    hugs Wendy


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