
Wednesday 20 March 2019

Wildlife, water and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. Time is flying by, as always - lots to do, uncooperative fingers that don't want to do anything, and so once again the dreaded housew*** has been the loser.

Today I am sharing the last of the tags I made for Wilma's 'rabbits and hares' challenge at Tag Tuesday. I am glad I always work well in advance, or I wouldn't have had anything for this challenge, or for next week, when I will be hosting. This was made with illustrations from the wonderful Mr Whiskers collage sheet:

This is another of the A3 ( 12 x 18")collages made at art group in past weeks.
I like working in this size better than with smaller pieces. 

I started with a gessoed and painted background onto which I collaged and stitched various pieces of textiles and paper. The piece in the middle is parchment smeared with distress inks when I was trying out colour combos many moons ago:

The next layer was to collage scraps of TH tissue and paper napkins:

 Then I added some colourful tissue pieces from Jane Davenport. I love how the substrate changes the texture and shows through. The last step was to add some colourful dots and spots:

The face looks rather ghostly over the black netting:

I love experimenting with pieces like this, not having any particular theme in mind, just playing. I am linking to Paint Party Friday

The Rhine is very full again, I hope we don't get too much flooding this time.

The stream leading to the Rhine is very full:

You can usually see the arch underneath the bridge, but it's filled up. In last year's flood the water went over the bridge:

Some enjoy the abundance of water:

Have a great day, take care,
ad thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful work for the challenges! Springtime is flood time, here in North America also.

    1. True! When the snow melts in the south it flows down the Rhine and floods here!

  2. I love the protect wildlife theme. Lovely art :)

    We all seem to have had a wet winter. So much rain! I hope your river doesn't rise further. Your photos show how dramatic the level is already!

  3. Love your beautiful art, both pieces. Great photos, too. You always watch nature very closely. Hope the floods don't get worse. I remember your pics from last year, it looked scary! Have a great afternoon, enjoy your music, hugs, Sarah

  4. Oh gosh, another tag I'm in love with:)
    The rivers, in many areas, over here are flooding too or on the verge of.

    1. No wonder after the bad weather we've been having everywhere lately.

  5. Sweet tag. Your experimental page is just wow. All the color and textures. Lots of areas are flooding here, too. )-: Glad to see some enjoying all the water. Hope the water doesn't rise any higher. Enjoy your day.

  6. Woowwww that´s a so so Gorgeous Art page Valerie !! I love love it because it´s so happy and has brigth colours, so beautiful elements you have so well added, love it all !! Congratulations !!
    Well the Rhine is really full !! and these birds are delighted with this. Thanks so m uch for sharing these wonderful photoghraphs with us. Hope all is well.
    I wish you a very nice Thursday,
    Big hugs, Caty

  7. A wonderful wildlife tag and an awesome page. I love all the layers you added to your A3 paper, the netting gives a wonderful effect of mystery.
    There is a lot of water flowing in the Rhine, great photos and the birds looked quite happy.
    Look after your self and the fingers, I'm sure the 'H'work can wait a while.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Hi Valerie you have done it again my friend and amazing tag and wow your journal pages are stunning,well done Valerie xx

  9. What a wonderful place you live serene! LOVE Mr. Whiskers collage darn cute, and great collages!

  10. Nice tag and I really love your latest journal page. So much cool texture! Sorry to hear your fingers are still not doing well. Hope they will be better soon so you can get back into making art. Hugs-Erika

  11. Journal pages are top notch, love all the added goodies and stitching...great tag too.x

  12. I hope you are feeling better soon! Your tag and pages are wonderful 😁. I was amazed by the amount of beautiful texture that you created with the collaged items - fabulous! Lovely photos too! Enjoy the rest of your week! J 😊 x

  13. As usual stunning art and tags and for dessert...scrumptious photos of nature and wildlife.
    I can never say it enough are so talented!!!


  14. Gorgeous tag and a really FABULOUS page, Valerie!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And I always love seeing your beautiful photos.
    Kisses, my dear friend.

  15. That netting does make the face look ghostly. It would go well with a ghost or spooky story.
    Hope your fingers are cooperating today.

  16. Hopefully the water doesn't get too high, but I think we still need it after the very dry last summer. And I LOVE your wildlife piece! Happy PPF!

  17. I need to take a leaf out of your book Valerie and get ahead of myself, I have so much unfinished i'm falling over myself with it all. Your tag is delightful and the A3 journal page well, you already know I adore it even without asking. A fab size to work with, all those layers of fabric and collage papers is delicious. Stunning by design.
    Wishing you a super weekend, the past few days have been quite stressful with our poor wee dog, hoping the weekend will be a little easier and give me a little break.
    Big Hugs & Take good care of yourself Tracey xx

    1. Hope your sweet dog is soon better, it must be a hard time for you all.

  18. Love those color combinations! Hugs...RO

  19. Love your animal kingdom tag, and the collage art has some wonderful images and textures. Always a treat to walk along the Rhine with you:) Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda. It's always a treat for me, too, to walk along the Rhine, whatever the weather!

  20. Great artwork, as always! I especially appreciate that you took the time to show the various steps you took to create the second piece. It's fun to see the "how" to go along with the final result.

    I hope the river doesn't rise too much. Flooding is at historic levels in a good part of the U.S. One year a drought... the next year, way too much rain... it'd be nice if we could strike a happy medium.

    {Happy Medium: "Hey! Why do you want to hit ME?")

    Have a super weekend. I hope your hands feel better.

  21. Your art is always so wonderful-I love to see what you are creating next.
    and I really enjoyed all the photos too.
    Hope your hands get to working soon-Happy weekend-hugs Kathy

  22. oooh! love the bunny mixed media art work and divine landscape photography!

    Happy Moments to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  23. It was good to see the various steps you took to make the lovely collage.

  24. Your collages are always so interesting. I love how you use different materials and bring coherence. The birds look happy with the abundance of water, but fingers crossed that you won't have any flooding.


  25. Your collage is stunning. Sk much detail. So much texture. Luv the photos. Thanks for droppibg by my blog. I have added much more to the post. I linked up early. Do drop by again to see the completed post

    Have a nice weekend

    Much 🌻love

  26. A lovely tag Valerie, a lovely image of the protective hare. The Rhine does look full, my part of the UK has had very little rain this year - I've just been out watering the post of spring flowers!
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Avril xx

  27. Love your art …

    The Rhine certainly looks very full, and yes the birds and ducks love it!

    I do so hope your fingers feel a lot better soon.

    All the best Jan

  28. Wow- the Rhine looks very full, though beautiful. I am sending out wishes that it doesn't flood! The birds are gorgeous.

    Love the wildlife tag and message- lovely.

    Here's to a week where your fingers feel much better. Hugs!

  29. Two fabulous pieces, the wild life piece has such wobderful imagery and the A 3 piece has fabulous layers all wonderfully "woven" together!

    Hope your fingers improve soon!! Happy Sunday and have a wonderful week!!

  30. Your artful creations are wonderful to see. I have tried to put things together like that but it just looked like a pile of junk. I hope the high waters are not affecting life for you in a negative way.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings

  31. Hope the waters are receding and your fingers working:)
    Hoppy Monday.

  32. Oh I love all things wildlife and animals! So this was really sweet to see - I remember when we lived in Germany we would see rabbits everywhere! I hope you have great luck with the water and beautiful photos! xx

  33. I'm such a sucker for bunnies, this series really makes me smile. And beautiful photos today too!

  34. Wow Valerie - i love that page - so much fabulous texture and colour!! Great photos once again! Chrisx

  35. I love both your art pieces! The first one is very special about the wildlife! Amazing water photos! I hope no flooding for you! Big Hugs!


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