
Monday 25 March 2019

T sTands for birds, nesTs and eggs:

Hi Everybody!

On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time I am hosting. My chosen theme is 'Birds, nests and eggs',  a springtime theme that is very dear to me, as I love to watch the birds nesting in this busy time. I made a large (10") tag, which was painted with acrylics and metallic paint. The nest was made from dried grass and twigs. The heart is a chipboard one, painted and stamped. The little birds bringing home nesting material are vintage German scrap. The eggs were bought at the Euro shop. I sewed the edges with some crazy stitching:

I am also linking to Simon Monday challenge, play with paint

Tuesday is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so here a warm welcome to the ladies of the T gang who visit here. I drank my coffee outside last market day, and was able to listen to the sound of the carillon bells playing from the tower and watch all the market activity:

The flowers were especially beautiful:

Some photos from my walks:

The water in the Rhine is now almost back to normal:


This is the lovely prize I won from Simon Says Blog a few weeks back. It took a week to get to Germany from the states, and then the German customs kept it for nearly three weeks....

Sorry, can't write much just now, my fingers are still very painful.
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, what a wonderful post! Little S is sitting here looking at your tag and saying, 'Wannit, wannit!' It really is gorgeous, those eggs look so real and the nest is very clever. Love all the wonderful photos, too, it looks great. Glad the Rhine is getting back to normal, too. Have a good week, look after your poor fingers. Hugs, Sarah

  2. How lovely to sit outside at the market, enjoy your coffee, and people watch. Everything is so colorful and Spring! Your beautiful nest tag could fit in with the scenery on your walk. Hope you're feeling better. Happy T Day.

  3. Looks like my comments are being delivered again. I had one other person tell me she wasn't getting my comments, so I hope blogger and I are on good terms again.

    I'm LOVING your tag. I know how much you love birds, so I hope to be able to join this tag fest sometime in the next two weeks. It's a marvelous tag.

    What fun to see the market day activities. The flowers are stunning, but I love seeing your cup of cappuccino. I can almost hear the bells!

    You captured some fabulous photos on your walk, too. Spring has truly arrived in your area. Everything is so colorful and the river looks so peaceful. I love the magnolia and the forsythia, too. Beautiful photos and great art today that compliments your T time post this Tuesday.

  4. I love your birds nest, and those eggs look real! Your walk is beautiful with all the Spring flowers. I'm sorry your fingers still hurt and hope there's a solution for that soon. Happy T Day!

  5. Woooowwwww this is an absolutely Gorgeous tag Valerie !! Wonderful the background painting, the little lovely birds, and the fantastique nest !! Congratulations !!
    I also like very much your so beautiful photographs you kindly share with us today, they are great and fabulous.
    I wish you a very nice new week, full of creativity
    Big hugs, Caty

  6. Your tag is magical! Congrats on the win, and the photos are so lovely.

  7. Take care of yourself, Valerie.
    Your photos with the flowers are really beautiful.
    I LLLLLLLLLLLOVE your stunning tag!!!!!!!! What a gorgeous design!!!! What a great scene!!!!!!!! Hugs, my dear friend.

  8. I did not have a Rabbit but happy it was not a must. I see your Tag is different. It is Beautiful! My first time to enter. In the group.

  9. Its a gorgeous tag Valerie and the nest you created for the eggs looks amazing.
    The flowers in the photos look beautiful and it was good that you could enjoy your coffee watching the market. The photo of the bike propped up against the post really appealed to me.
    Congratulations on your win, you have some lovely new craft goodies to use.
    Take care and look after yourself.
    Happy T day wishes Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

  10. That's a very unique tag, Valerie. The 3D nest and eggs are wonderful. As always, I love your "crazy stitching." It's a gift or talent to be able to do loose and random art embellishments that really do embellish a piece.

    The flower displays are beautiful. I love the long shadows photo as well as the bike with the crate of flowers labeled "Mexico!" Guess why (grin).

    Fabulous stencils from SSS. Congratulations!

    I hope you get some relief from you finger pain soon.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

    1. I smiled when I saw 'Mexico' on the crate, too - that's a long way from here. The long shadows was a 'selfie' with a friend!

  11. Hi Valerie wow what a wonderful tag awesome eggs looks fantastic,and i love the pics of the flowers,hope you have a wonderful day my friend xx

  12. what a gorgeous tag Valerie!! Of course I must make a tag with this great new theme:) the flowers in the market are just beautiful- love all the vibrant colors. Simon Says are so generous and giving aren't they...have fun with your new supplies. Happy T day!

  13. Happy T Day Valerie. Sorry to hear our fingers are still sore. Are they still blue? Love the bird tag you made. It is a great theme. And I am still in shock of all the flowers you have. It is amazing but so beautiful. It will be another month or 6 weeks at least before spring gets that colorful here. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  14. Spring looks beautiful on your town. And a very lovely market full of flowers.

    Your tag with those speckled eggs is gorgeous! I love the fiber you added. Lovely!

    Happy Tea Day,

  15. Your tag is outstanding, and just beautiful. It sounds like a nice challenge. I am always going to do the challenges and then get distracted and before I know it, there is a new challenge! LOL You received a nice prize, too. Thank you for sharing the wonderful photos of your walk. Happy T Day!

  16. what a fabulous dimensional tag! and looks like spring has truly sprung in your neck of the woods! xo

  17. Ein ganz besonders schönes Tag mit den süssen Vögeln und dem 3D Best. Klasse Idee mit dem Nest und daß du den Vögel auch noch Nestmaterial in die Schnäbel geklebt hast.Deine Fotos sind, wie immer, inspirierend und schön. Mir gefällt besonders das Fahrrad mit Blumenschmuck.
    Gute Besserung für deine Hände und einen zauberhaften Frühling wünsche ich dir.
    Sabine 😘🐝

  18. A fabulous tag Valerie and beautiful photos. Have a lovely day.
    xxx Hazel.

  19. A lovely tag Valerie, love the little next you made for the birds. Love the photos and especially the beautiful Magnolia tree, and nice weather for market day and enjoying your coffee outside. Congratulations on your win at SS.
    Avril xx

  20. Many congratulations on your win over at SSS and have fun with your new crafting goodies! Your tag looks so beautiful with the little birds, nest and eggs scene - I love it 😁. Such wonderful flowers and views on your walk too! Wishing you well and Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  21. Wonderful mixed media collage with 3D effect!
    Your photos are amazing!
    Happy T-Day!

  22. Beautiful artwork and great photos. Happy T-Day!

  23. Your tag is awesome! So 3D with those eggs and twigs. Beautiful!
    Congratulations for winning those SSS stencils. I'm sure you will put them to good use. The dancers will make lovely silhouettes.
    How lovely that you could sit outside and have your coffee. I love listening to the carillon. It is one of the things I miss here.
    The photos of all the flowers and blossom are beautiful, especially magnolia.
    I really liked the bike with the crate. It would make an excellent postcard I thought.
    The flower market looks great. Did you buy any flowers?
    I hope you fingers/hands get better soon. It must be so frustrating not being able to do the things you want to do.
    Happy T-Day,

  24. Look at those birds, building an addition to their nest!
    The flowers are gorgeous. Glad the water is receding.
    How's the fingers?

  25. How nice to be able to sit outside and drink your coffee - all the flowers did look so beautiful. Also nice to see the blossom trees too.
    I hope your fingers get better soon.

    All the best Jan

  26. Your photography is so beautiful I always feel like I am right there with you. I enjoyed everything. Yoru bird and eggs tag is so lovely-you are such an artist I love your work!!
    Happy T wishes Kathy

  27. This really is the most wonderful tag! I love the market photos and of course all of the flowers and blossom in this post! Well done on your win! I hope your hand gets better soon! Happy T day, Chrisx

  28. That egg is amazing. I love your teacup with the writing on it.
    Bridget x3

  29. Gorgeous tag!!!! Love all the floral photos...think spring!
    Happy T day!

  30. I love your tag with the birds! So pretty! Your market is gorgeous with all the flowers!! Big Hugs!

  31. LOVE LOVE LOVE those tags, absolutely everywhere, wow, what a picture and a half...Great win Valerie, seems customs are very careful nowdays so at least you now have your wins and able to enjoy them...hugs.x

  32. Your photo's are amazing! I enjoyed your post very very much!!
    Greetings, Lenie

  33. Absolutely in love with your background, fabulous! Thanks for joining us this week on Simon says stamp Monday Challenge Blog! Barbara

  34. I'm catching up, reading your past posts, I love to see your work and I love to take the walks with you!Such a beautiful country you live in.


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