
Thursday 13 December 2018

Wintry days

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. We've had some cold and frosty days here, with rain, but still no snow, and at the weekend it's supposed to get a bit warmer again....But the Rhine is filling up nicely, which is making it easier for the ships to pass again, so that's something. I have another mixed media journal spread using water colours, stencils and scraps of JD tissues. I am linking to Paint Party Friday

This is a hybrid piece using vintage images, a snow photo as background and a mask and quote added in Serif:

This A3 hybrid piece was made similarly, I like using my own photos as part of journal pages, the mask and text are from Serif:

And some photos of the sunrise scenes on three days this week. It often clouds over after sunrise, but I feel better just seeing the sun go up each day:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Ahi Valerie wow loving your journal and hybrid pieces,well done my friend,also awesome pics thankyou for sharing xx

  2. Hi Val, good morning, just got your mail. Love the sunrise pics, I must admit I was too busy to look outside today! Beautiful journal pages, and I always love it when you combine photos and art. Great to see Erika again, too. Have a lovely day, my mum is here for a few days so it's all hands on deck here! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Hello dear Valerie!
    Love your mixed media piece and the gorgeous Christmas hybrid pieces!
    Your work is always admirable! Well done!
    Stunning pictures and beautiful sky captures of the sunrise!
    Like the shadows of the tree branches!
    It’s raining all day here,and it’s very cold! I don’t like dark days and Winter!
    Have a warm and relaxing day! Hugs!

    1. Thanks so much dear Dimi! I can imagine you don't like the cold if you are used to so much beautiful sunshine!

  4. Wow Valerie !! Totally love your journal pages with the amazing female faces/hair...amazing x Yur hybrid makes are stunning too and so sweet x Wonderfulphotos as awlays

    TFS and huge hugs
    Annie xx

  5. You have some gorgeous art today Valerie. Those ladies are lots of fun! And I love your wintery and holiday feeling pages. It was treat to see them all today. Loving your December sky photos too. have a wonderful end of your week. Hugs-Erika

  6. I love how you use the JD images today, its a gorgeous page and lovely words
    Beautiful hybrid pages as well, it is always nice to see Erika featuring in your art.
    The photos looked awesome, we haven't had a clear sky like that here for many a day.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Finally some rain! Today it's slightly snowing here. And I love your winter card.

  8. Those young women have very creative hair-dos. The children on the hybrid pages are very cute. Only children could love winter so much. I had a muff like that little girl. The colors in your sunrise photos are just glorious. No sun here, today, but no snow so that's a big plus. Enjoy your day!

    1. Yes, kids love winter. I remember my grandson running outside wearing diapers and rubber boots to play in the snow....we had to bring him in in spite of screams and tears!

  9. Beautiful pieces today Valerie and the sunrise is beautiful.

  10. Some amazing art pieces today! Wow, you are so creative! Gorgeous sunrise photos! Really loved them! Big Hugs!

  11. Using your own photos in these pieces takes them to an entirely different place. Art is always personal, of course, but these photos just deepen that, I think. Lovely!

  12. Absolutely beautiful pages Valerie and love the use of your photos in the hybrid pages. All look so lovely.
    Wonderful photos too, so atmospheric.
    Still trying to catch up with my family issues still ongoing so comments will be a bit sporadic for a while. So sorry for this and really hope life returns to a more normal pattern very soon.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  13. Fabulous art and beautiful skies Valerie! xx

  14. Stunning journal page, dear Valerie. I love the background and the ladies with their "do's". Of course those hybrid images are impressive. So good to see that you featured Erika with her muff, too.

    Your sunrises as always, are wonderful. They make me feel cold, though, and I think they felt a bit moody. They were captivating, which any good photos should be.

  15. Beautiful colours on your projects and so enhancing is this post with your delightful photos.xx

  16. OK, I have said this before about some of your other pieces, however, I love this first piece and it is my favorite. (giggle) You are just amazing. Have a very nice weekend.

  17. Your double page journal spread is a real celebration of colour and I love those vintage Hybrids such a clever way to show off your own photography skills. You certainly will have many to choose from...
    It's a chilly day here today so cold it woke me earlier than usual but there's nothing like an early start to the day. Have a pleasant weekend Valerie.
    Hugs Tracey xx

  18. That's a beautiful header Valerie.
    Your ladies are fabulous! your sketching is superb - gosh you're so creative. I love the colours you've chosen for them too.
    what a sweet child in the collage.
    I was really amazed at the layers of colours reflecting on the clouds, so very beautiful.
    Merry Christmas x x

  19. Gorgeous mixed media art work ~ love the 'vintage ones' ~ all very creative and wonderful sky shots!

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  20. wonderful art- love the digital pages. the skies really are quite beautiful this time of year aren't they... happy PPF!

  21. Your art is perfect today -- the colorful one to brighten our very gray day; the holiday/winter pieces because they so reflect the mood and colors of the season. Quite lovely indeed.

  22. Nice art. Luv your winter quote. Thanks for dropping by my blog today Valerie

    much love...

  23. Gorgeous!!! Fantastic!!!
    Such a wonderful and happy posting.
    I have said it before and I will say it again..." You are so talented!!!"

    Big Hugs ❤❤❤

  24. Your journal page is just mesmerizing! LOVE the girls! Love your other pieces and photos as well!

  25. Lovely journal pages, great vintage images and superb photos.

  26. I love most of Robert Frost's poetry, but I've gotta disagree with him. You most certainly CAN have "too much" winter. HA But I'm really grateful all the rain we've been getting here is just rain, and not snow.

    That child is your third piece is absolutely adorable.

    And your photos of the sky? You can never have too much of them. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend, and let me wish you an early, but very happy, birthday.

  27. I particularly like your vintage Hybrids.
    Another super collection of sky photographs.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  28. I particularly loved your first mixed media piece with the tissue cutouts. Wonderful color, composition, and texture! Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks. I am in lobe with these colours just now.

  29. Wow gorgeous sky photos-they look like watercolor paintings-great inspiration for creating.
    I love your art!
    Happy weekend hugs Kathy

  30. I adore your watercolor. Every aspect is beautiful. Your pictures and collages are also wonderful, as always. <3

  31. Oh Valerie! What a treat of a post! I love the JD ladies -I have some to play with some time! Your two vintage pieces are just wonderful! Hugs,Chrisx

  32. Beautiful dreamy colours for those daydreaming JD women - the whole page spread looks gorgeous. I love the vintage pages too, full of atmosphere... and the skyscapes are breathtaking!
    Alison x

  33. Fabulous sunrise shots, Valerie. I love how you captured the lights at just the right moment. I also love the "believe in yourself" spread. I never read that Robert Frost quote. Your hybrid page is great too. Eileen xoxo


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