
Saturday 15 December 2018

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy! Although I have been retired for many years, I still look forward to weekends as something special, two days to enjoy and relax.
Today I have a digital piece to share, made with images from Mischief Circus, Serif and me:

I took a walk through the Christmas Market in the Altstadt of Düsseldorf. I was there in the morning, and some booths hadn't yet opened. Later in the afternoon and evening it gets very crowded indeed. I'm glad the new data protection regulations don't ask me to disguise the faces of the cherubs:

I love this 'drunken reveler' on top of one of the old, traditional pubs:

Not everybody is on the sunny side of life:

Altstadt lanterns and the post office tower in the background:

And an early moring shot of the same tower taken by leaning over my balcony and looking to the right - It's about 11 kilometers away:

A very ancient pub called the 'Schiffchen' - little ship:

And the police keeping a watchful eye on the happenings:

 A peaceful afternoon walk back home:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful seasonal digital piece! Interesting that you have to cover faces now. Terrible that security has to be everywhere and homelessness cannot be ignored.

    1. Homelessness seems to be on the increase everywhere, it is so unjust.

  2. This is fun and festive art today Valerie. Love the joyful colors it has. I also love the Christmas market photos. I wish we had them here as they look really fun to visit. It's a great tradition. I am enjoying my weekend so far-I slept in and last night I watched 2 movies on the tv. Smile. Enjoy yours. Hugs-Erika

  3. What a wonderful adventure it is visiting your blog Valerie!
    It is like visiting an art exhibit and traveling to wonderful places...all at one time!
    Loving it so much!
    Thank you for sharing it all with us!

    Big Hugs 💮❤💮

  4. Its a really joyful and happy page Valerie, lovely images and colours.
    The photos were also lovely and I can imagine how busy it could be later in the day, I'm sure I would go early as well.
    Homelessness and police on patrol is everwhere these days even in the smaller towns, times are hard for more folk than they were a few years ago.
    Have a good weekend. Its freezing cold here and I haven't been outside at all today.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Hello dear Valerie!
    Wow!!I love your digital piece! What a gorgeous creation with beautiful colors and pretty images!
    Wonderful pictures from the Christmas market and the beautifully decorated shops!
    I also like the picture with the lanterns and the impressive tower in the background!
    Stunning pictures from your afternoon walk ,with the amazing colors of the sunset!
    I just finished making my Christmas cookies and sweets! I’m going to watch Christmas movies and relax!
    Have a lovely evening and a happy weekend! Hugs!

    1. Thanks so much dear Dimi! I have been busy baking, too!

  6. Lovely digital piece though the Princess looks sad to me. Maybe she's worried the deer will eat all the berries or else she just has too much left to do. We don't have a Christmas market though my town does an event with local businesses called Chain of Lights where businesses and crafts people sell their items. You go from venu to venu either driving or taking a special trolley. This looks amazing all the shops in one location. So much to see and do. And eat and drink. The cherub is dreaming of something sweet. Love the carousel and the views around the city. Your walk photos are always amazing. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. I think she is just preoccupied with all the things she needs to do....

  7. That Christmas carousel! I used to have one of the 3-tiered table models, and we gave them as Christmas presents one year. That one dominates the space with Christmas cheer :) I can't get over how huge it is! I'd definitely be attracted to whatever was going on there :) I love that you can walk to such fascinating places.

    1. As I haven't got a car it's really good that I can reach so many places on foot or by tram.

  8. I love your digital piece Valerie - so cheerful - especially with the grey day we have had today! Thank you for the trip to the market- those houses all lit up definitely caught my eye! The sunrises look wonderful once again! Hugs,Chrisx

  9. Your page is full of such joyous colours, and yet there's an air of melancholy about the young woman.
    Though beautifully coloured, she looks a little sad to me... alone at the party perhaps? Lovely to see Dusseldorf ready for the festivities - I love the giant Weihnachtspyramid!
    Alison x

  10. Hi Valerie love your beautiful work my friend and i love your happy pics,thankyou for sharing xx

  11. Wonderful photos of your walk around Düsseldorf Valerie, and I love your colourful art!
    Have a great weekend,
    Alison xx

  12. lOVELY PHOTOS much more interesting than the ones I could post....your beautiful work of art is

  13. Your digital entry is enchanting. Even though the art was flawless, I wonder what that young lady is thinking about. She is a bit puzzling to me.

    Your photos of the Christmas market are unbelievable. To live in a place that celebrates that way is fascinating and a bit overwhelming. We have NOTHING like that is the states. Each of your photos was superb. To live there would be a joy, especially if I lived in one of those buildings that overlooked the Christmas market. Thank you for sharing these incredible shots with us. I was SO impressed.

    1. I think she's wondering if she's going to get all the baking done in time....The markets are indeed fun

  14. A fun and colourful piece, perfect for the season!
    Gorgeous photos too, Christmas markets in Germany are the best I am sure! Many of the stalls in our market here have actually come across from Germany, - I wonder what will happen after Brexit...

    I was in New York recently and homelessness there seems even worse than what I have seen here in Europe. At this time of year it is even more awful, we should be so grateful that we have a roof over our heads...

  15. From your comment hope you had fun with the snowglobes, I love them.xx

  16. Hi Valerie - love the colours and imagery on your wonderful digital piece.
    I always enjoy seeing your markets - the Christmas one looks fun.
    Sorry I haven't visited for a while - I hope all is well with you.
    Gill xx

  17. I enjoyed seeing your artwork and always enjoy your photographs.
    That looks such a peaceful and most picturesque afternoon walk back home … lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan

  18. It's still the weekend here - Sunday evening. You're right, Valerie - even thought I've been sort of retired several years, there's something special about weekends.

    What a lovely post. The Christmas Market looks delightful. Seeing a homeless person in the midst of all the holiday cheer really makes one stop and think.

    Data protection - I understand it, but it can be taken to extremes. Wait until you see all the disguises I had to do for Tuesday T.

  19. I want to go to a holiday market like that. Love the cherubs and it just looks so festive. Looking at all your photos is such a delight!

    Your holiday artwork is beautiful. Love the colors and design. :)

  20. Love the innocence of the Deer investigating those berries, lovely digi page.
    Seeing the Market town and it's decorations is like a walk in it myself but very sad to see that poor homeless chap. Sadly in my City the homeless population is huge, I always feel so helpless when I know I can not do more to help xx

  21. What lovely and charming art! Your photos are also very lovely.

  22. What a so so gorgeous page Valerie !! Really lovely, the colours and every detail are amazing! Thank you very much for sharing these so beautiful photographs, they are fabulous. The Christmas market is so beautiful !
    I wish you a very nice evening, big hugs, Caty

  23. What a beautiful post my friend! Your happy holidays art is so cute and I love the market! Those cherubs are so cute! Big Hugs!

  24. Your digital piece is wonderful, the images and colours are perfect and so fresh. I really enjoyed my tour around your town too. Have a very happy weekend, Sue xx


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