
Monday 29 October 2018

T stands for Tools of The Trade

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend, and wish you a great week.
It has got very cold here, we have icy blasts blowing down from the North Pole. A week ago we were still in short sleeves. Yesterday I had to dress in my full winter outfit to walk for an hour along the Rhine, and had to walk very quickly to keep warm! I enjoyed my home-made pumpkin soup all the more when I got back home.

Tuesday is Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday party, and we are also one week into our Edgar Alan Poe challenge at Tag Tuesday, so you still have a week to cook up some scary stuff for it. I used images from LONS, Gecko Galz and Serif, combined with  an EAP quote to make my scary tag:

Hmm, I was out and about a lot this week and seem to have had a lot of coffee:

These pictures are from the 'Heimat' (Home) museum we visited some time back in Abtsküche, showing the school room and old tools etc:

We still had desks like these at school!

Tools for various professions:

Back to the school room:

Hope you enjoyed this little journey into yesteryear. 

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love the scary tag! Also your hallowe'en header. Nice visit to the schoolroom.

  2. That is a fabulous Poe tag. I love the overlap of images. And it's good to be out and about and even better to enjoy all those cups of coffee. And I love the old school room photos. My husband found an old school desk similar to those at the dump the other week and brought it home for me. It has beautiful metal legs and other than some yellow paint, it is in great shape. Next summer I will fix it up. :) Have a great start to your week, and happy early T day. Stay warm. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. How lucky to find that old desk, it will great when you have worked on it!

  3. Good morning dear Valerie!
    Love your Poe tag and the themes that to match on !Well done!
    It seems like a great weekend enjoying coffee on your walks!
    I love the old school and your wonderful pictures with all those tools and the old desks!
    Brought me memories from my childhood!Thank you for sharing! Have a fantastic new week! Hugs!

  4. What a spooooooky tag, really, really creepy! I remember those old desks, and I was at school 15 years after you, I think they didn't change the desks till the school moved to the new buildings. Loved the old tools and the rather ghastly stuffed birds and animals, too! Have a great week, hugs, Sarah

  5. Your tag is very creepy (but in a good way!) :-D Perfect for Halloween this week. I loved the visit to the museum especially the classroom. I had a single desk like those wooden ones when I was in elementary school before they put a new addition on the school building. I really loved seeing the penmanship exemplars, too. Happy T Day

  6. Hi Valerie, your tag is the scariest yet! The spider on her cheek - arrrgh ;D)
    How nice having all those coffees, you've had a nice time.
    I can remember our school desks looking like those, with the groove for pen - so we share something similar from childhood!
    Happy days xx

  7. A nice look st the old desks. Lovely seasonal tag and the coffee looks good. I am also in my winter coat.

  8. Stunning art and gorgeous photos plus some yummy ones, too.
    I am always happy to visit your beautiful blog Valerie.


  9. Cool spooky page Valerie! I'm still freaked out by the giant spiders in last night's Doctor Who! Lol!
    Alison xx

  10. Eeek! That spider on her face!

    I always enjoy museums, and I appreciate this virtual tour. I'm impressed by the taxidermied animals and the spinning wheels. Fascinating :)

    Happy T Day!

  11. I think we're having the same weather as you are here, it's flipping freezing! I love your Edgar piece Valerie, he's such a spooky guy and he looks amazing here with his spider baby. Have a happy and spooky week, Sue xx

  12. Ooh, that piece is eerily beautiful.
    Look at all those coffee cups:)

  13. I LOVE your piece with Edgar Alan Poe on it. Super creepy looking!

    And that museum! That looks like a terrific place to spend some time. I reckon classrooms in Europe and the States looked a lot alike. We had those cursive letter posters in our classroom, too. Nowadays, I don't even think they teach children how to write in cursive anymore. Too bad. Being taught to sit with proper posture, and to address the paper "just so" in handwriting class taught us great discipline.

  14. You're helping me remember the many Poe rhymes we learned in school. They're so memorable. My favorite Poe word is "tintinnabulation." Your page is pretty creepy but cool, Valerie. The spider on her cheek - ewww!

    Fascinating schoolroom photos from yesteryear. I remember similar desks in my early school years too.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  15. fantastic Poe inspired tag art!! Pumpkin soup sounds delicious-I'm pulling out soup recipes too now that our weather is truly autumn feeling. I thoroughly enjoyed all the photos from your museum trip-so great to see it preserved so well! A hot cuppa sounds good about now too:) Happy T day!

  16. I love your halloween tag and I enjoyed the museum photos-I went to school using desks like those I really loved them and they hold up so much better than many of the newer ones now. when our high school was upgrading their school rooms-they auctioned off the desks I got one and my brother got one--
    so sorry its cold for you-our weather has been perfect-but all changes big time wednesday. Happy T Kathy

  17. Ohhh I love love love this piece. There is something about old dolls that are just scary. Thank you so much for sharing your photos too. That was very nice.

  18. Poe is such a great subject. I love your tag and all the colors. What a charming schoolhouse. I love all the old items. I think we had desks like that as well in elementary school.
    Happy Tea Day,

  19. Your Poe inspired tag is spooky and piercing. I was even a bit creeped out by it.

    Your photos of the schoolhouse and tools really piqued my interest. I was very much in love with that museum and would be delighted to stay there for hours on end. I bought one of those old desks at an antique market when I lived in another state. Not sure why I didn't bring it with me, but I gave it away.

    Looks like you had lots of good coffee this week. Thanks for sharing your photos, your tag, and your coffees with us for T this Tuesday.

  20. Fantastic post Valerie.

    The Poe tag is just amazing I looked at it for ages it had so much to offer.

    Great for you to have been out and about so much this last week and a nice variety of coffees to show.

    Cold and wet here but as you say we needed rain as you do so I am trying not to complain. Hope you get lots of rain soon.

    Have a really happy T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

  21. I have jut typed you a long response when Blooger tells me: Oops, an error has occurred.... And I had lot the lot! Grrrr! Blogger and iPad don't go ell together. I am looking for a new blogging platform, but they are all with payment, which I can't really do.
    Like Chriie, I too spent a long time looking at your spooky tag. It's beautiful and scary at the same time. Yhe more I looked at it the scarier it became.
    I confess I have never read Poe. Of coure no I have a the qote you put there i urely hi.
    I very much enjoyed the trip to the school house. It brought back memories as we had desks like that too. We still used ink wells and pen and ink. I also loved the old posters. We had those too. I recognized several of them. I also like the printing presses. I am doing a translation about a printing business. Very interesting.
    I saw the spinning wheels and old pots, then spotting a modern cd player in the window sill really made me smile!
    Thank you so much for taking me to the school museum. I really enjoyed it.
    Happy T-Day,

  22. Correction:
    Lisca MeijerTuesday, October 30, 2018
    I have just typed you a long response when Blogger tells me: Oops, an error has occurred.... And I had lost the lot! Grrrr! Blogger and iPad don't go well together. I am looking for a new blogging platform, but they are all with payment, which I can't really do.
    Like Chrissie, I too spent a long time looking at your spooky tag. It's beautiful and scary at the same time. The more I looked at it the scarier it became.
    I confess I have never read Poe. Of course now I have as the quote you put there is surely his.
    Sorry for the mess!

    1. Sometimes Blogger can be very annoying, sorry. But thanks for your nice comment, glad you enjoyed the trip back in time to school.

  23. That's one scary tag, just right for Halloween 😀. I loved visiting the museum with you, so interesting! Such fabulous photos too, the old school room with all those wooden desks looks wonderful 😀. The weather has changed here too, we have been wearing full winter gear since Saturday and we also had a frost yesterday morning 😉. Looks like plenty of hot drinks are needed to stay warm - Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  24. How scary!! Those eyes Valerie!! eeeek!
    That museum is the coolest! I can not believe they have so many things in such excellent condition! You hardly ever see that! Thanks so much for sharing!
    We are having that cold snap today, which I would take over what's next-rain, rain and more rain! I think we are making up for our lack of it over the summer!

    1. It's freezing, wet, wild and windy here just now, I'm staying home this afternoon and reading.

  25. Love your Poe tag! Especially like the spider on the girl's face, so cool. Your coffees look great, and I don't even drink coffee! :) Well, I tried to comment twice on my iPad, now trying it on my laptop. Hope it works. Happy T Day!

  26. I love the blue steeples in that first picture.
    Your header looks very Mardi Gras ish:) Lots of fun.

  27. Oh I love your Poe piece, it is very magical. I hope you stay warm, your coffees look yummy...

  28. Wonderful creepy page dear Valerie, the spider at the face makes me scare. Your photos of that nice old school are wonderful. It is a famous sight into the past.
    Dear Greetings

  29. I don't love all the creepy , scary stuff about Halloween but your page was very well done!! Thanks for the tour of yesteryear. :)
    Happy T day!

  30. A super eerie the images..x

  31. Your tag is really wonderful Valerie!! Love these beautiful images, and the spider too. Thanks so much for sharing the lovely photographs from the Heimat museum, they are wonderful and very interesting.
    I wish you a very nice Wednesday, big hugs, Caty

  32. You created a very interesting tag. I enjoyed the peek into the old time school. Wouldn't you love to use some of those old tools? I remember that type of wooden desk quite well.

  33. That's a great creepy page!

    Oh my, I remember wooden desks! Nice to see your various photographs.

    All the best Jan

  34. That is one scary page!!! Love all those layers! Glad you followed it with the coffee pics! The museum looks fascinating(Oh! Those old desks...sigh!!!) The weather has turned cold here too, after going out twice yesterday It took me ages to warm up when we got home!! Belated Happy T Day! Chrisx

  35. Your EAP page is amazing those child eyes and spider look so effective.
    The photo's from the school museum are fab, it's amazing how some school items never seem to age & I too had desks like those at school. Even the stuffed birds look similar although extremely creepy.
    Think i'm in need of a Coffee now.. Happy belated T Day Hugs Tracey x

  36. Great artwork and photographs. I love seeing all of the vintage items.

  37. Scary yes, but an AMAZING tag, Valerie.
    And THANK YOU for your great photos. When I was at elementary school, I was sitting in a desk like that!!!!!!!!!! So nostalgic! Hugs, my friend.

  38. I love your scary piece of art! It's amazing!
    Look at all those yummy coffees! LOL! You treated yourself well! LOL!
    Love looking at all the old vintage pieces! How wonderful!
    Big Hugs!

  39. Your spooky picture is perfectly spooky. Love it!

    Also- your mention of pumpkin soup has me wanting some! YUM!

    Thanks for taking back to yesteryear- fascinating.


  40. your tag is absolutely frightful! wow, wow wow! xo


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