
Friday 26 October 2018

Spooky Friday

Hi Everybody!
It's Friday already, time just vanished again. I had a busy week and was out and about most of the time. Today I am meeting up with a friend to visit a Chinese restaurant, and then I'm hoping for a quiet weekend with some crafty time!
Today I am re-showing my fave Halloween canvas, made a couple of years back:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday

I made another Halloween card, which I can now show as it has reached its destination. It's  a 6" x 6" collaged piece, using  paper from DCWV, leaves cut from painted and crackled paper, and some leftover leaves that were flying about my table. The owl is from Gecko Galz::

This is the envelope made to send it:

Two weeks back I won a challenge at Paperbabe Challenge blog, and received this gorgeous stamp sent to me by Kim - thanks so much, I am really looking forward to using it. It's a large stamp, and great quality rubber. I am also linking the spooky card to their newest challenge, anything goes. I am also linking to Simon Monday challenge, Spook - Halloween.

And I have some more photos from my trip to the Botanical Garden  in Düsseldorf. We started in the domed glass house for tropical plants:

The pomegranate is a bit fuzzy, sorry:

Fresh figs:


Loved this black tree:

I thought this log looked like a crocodile:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I'm not surprised it's a favourite canvas Valerie the way you have created a frame around those sweet Owls and the rusted glow from the foliage adds so much spirit and dimension.
    Fab Halloween card with it's co-ordinating envelope.
    So peaceful to stroll along your photographs this morning, a calming way for me to start my day before making lists and ticking everything off one by one.
    Enjoy using the PB stamp a super choice..
    Take Care & enjoy your creative time this weekend.
    Hugs Tracey xx

  2. Ooooh, I love that canvas, I think it is one of my (many) faves. The card is fantastic, someone will be very happy with it. Great envelope, too. Love the photos from the Bot. Garden, it all looks so fabulous. Off to my Mum's now, so catch you later. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Beautiful makes! I can see why this canvas is your favourite, it combines spooky and autumn perfectly 😀. The owls are so cool and I love the pop of colour from the leaves - perfect! Fabulous photos too! Happy Friday and weekend! J 😊 x

  4. I remember that canvas. I love it just a much now as I did then. And that card is out of this world. Whoever got it must be dancing with joy.

    Your photos from the Botanical Gardens made my Botanical Gardens look puny. I loved the photos and that black tree was possibly my favorite.

  5. Oh you're so clever Valerie... and I love how you referred to "some leftover leaves that were flying about my table" - my mind conjures up the spooky nature of your creativity for this theme! Well done and Happy PPF :D)
    How lovely are those tropical plants - amazing to see and that trumpet flower!

  6. Those owls are quite dapper looking and I love them. Your art piece is great and your card came out fantastic too. Sounds like a good week and I really enjoyed your photos. That green house had some amazing plants. Is the first one coffee? Not sure but the berries look a little bit like it. Thanks for sharing. Happy weekend. Hope you get some craft time. Hugs-Erika

    1. I can't remember, but it could be. Something for me, huh?

  7. Helo dear Valerie!
    Love your gorgeous owl canvas and the fantastic Halloween card!
    I like very much the envelope too! Stunning pictures from the Botanical garden!
    So many species of exotic flowers and ,trees and plants!
    Thank you for sharing! Wishing you a lovely day and a happy weekend! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Dimi. The plants were wonderful, it's great to see so many exotic plants that we don't usually have here.

  8. I love your halloween art and the envelope is perfect.
    enjoyed all of the photos with all the different plants-unique plants
    Happy weekend Kathy

  9. The Halloween canvas looks amazing, its not surprising that it is one of your favourites. Its a super card you made for a friend as well.
    Your photos in the Botanical gardens look fantastic, the log did look like a crocodile to me as well.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  10. der halloween canvas ist sehr schön ud die karte ist auch klasse,schöne bilder wieder aus deiner umgebung.
    ich feire heute geburtstag,mein schatz hat geburtstag.
    darum heute auch nur kurz.
    schönes we.

    schöne grüße jenny

  11. Love the owl page and how the quilled paper echoes like the owl shapes. The greenhouse tropical plants are beautiful. The weather could be cold and dreary outside, but inside it's always Summer. I need to live in a greehouse.

    1. This one is definitely big enough to live in!

  12. Valerie this is simply stunning. You have truly created a masterpiece. Of course I love the subject matter ant that little skull just makes me happy to see. Your photos too have a different appeal as well. Love this post.

  13. Stunningly gorgeous this ❤

  14. Wow! Those gardens! We don't have a conservatory that big here. I'm sure it rewards return visits :)

  15. Wonderful owls...loved the turquoise blue with the orange because it worked well and was so different. And gorgeous photos too!

  16. It's a fabulous canvas Valerie and I'm not surprised it's your favourite.
    Lovely photos from the Botanical Garden, there's some strange and wonderful plants in there.
    Have a great weekend.
    Avril x

  17. Lovely and fun mixed media Halloween mixed media creations ~ Excllent nature photography ~

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. I love your canvas Valerie, this owl is very spooky, and I love your glossy foliage. Your collage card and envelope are fab too and what lovely photos as always. Have a very happy weekend, Sue xx

  19. Always nice to see your artwork …

    Fabulous photographs from your visit to the botanical Gardens in Düsseldorf. I definitely think the log does look like a crocodile.

    Enjoy your weekend, its getting quite chilly in my part of the UK

    All the best Jan

  20. It’s a wonderful canvas! I’m going to try and make some Halloween art this year. Happy PPF!

  21. Wonderful art Valerie and it made a great card

    The botanical garden poctures are terrific and nice to see the figs. We have 2 fig trees in the garden but the fruit doesn't develope since we no Longer have them in a greenhouse

    Have a great weekend

    Love Chrissie xx

  22. I'm taken with the envelope. Some great photos, lots of lovely textures.

  23. Das alte wie auch das neue Eulenbild gefällt mir sehr gut. Schön diese Eulen und du hast sie wieder super in Szene gesetzt und dekoriert. Deine Fotos vom Botanischen Garten sind wunderschön geworden, das schenkt uns auch einen kleinen Einblick in dieses Paradies für Pflanzenfreunde.
    Hab ein schönes kreatives Wochenende und bleib gesund und munter.
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  24. beautifully spooky Halloween art!!! Your photos are wonderful and have a great seasonal quality to them,

  25. Congratulations on your win, Valerie! love your photos. The two after the "crocodile" look like giraffes to me. Hugs, Eileen

  26. Love Mr. Owl and friend! Wonderful art and photos too! Xx

  27. I loved everything! The October canvas, card, envelope and trip to the Botanical Gardens.
    The log does look like a crocodile:)
    Have a great one.

  28. I love your wise owls , especially the one in the top hat! Great use of color here with the contrast between blues and orange/reds. Thanks for sharing your awesome make with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge! Maura

  29. WOW! That garden is crazy beautiful! Those plants are just amazing-Mother Nature sure does have a fabulously creative imagination!
    Your favorite canvas is beautiful! I love how you used those pearls,and those leaves are gorgeous! I see why it is your favorite!
    great card and envie! I am sure ,your friend was thrilled!

  30. I love it all!! I love that owl on the canvas! It's amazing! Congrats on your win! Big Hugs!

  31. Love those owls (in both projects) The stamp you have won is perfect for you - you art is always an adventure!! I loved seeing the Botanical garden tropical house - a good place to keep warm! Hugs, Cjrisx

  32. I LOVE the wooden crocodile, Valerie!!!!! Ha ha! Great log photo, my friend.
    And what a great canvas and card. Your owls are simply amazing! Kisses!!!

  33. I can see why that is a favorite canvas. It's awesome! You've been busy creating many great pieces. :) Enjoyed seeing the many nature photos. I really love the Aeonium tabuliforme. They look really cool! Happy PPF!

  34. I love your Halloween canvas- so perfect for this time of year. The envelope is fun too!

    Your nature pictures are full of intriguing and fascinating bits. I love how you captured parts of nature that others may have walked by. They each deserved the spotlight. Beautiful!


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