
Monday 10 September 2018

T stands for Peace

Hi Everybody!

On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and our lovely and very talented Wilma chose the theme of 'peace', as it is the anniversary of the awful attack on the Twin Towers in New York in 2001. I hope a lot of people will join us to remember this awful day and all the people who lost their lives in that senseless act of terror. I made a simple tag, but please take a look at the beauties Wilma created for us on our TT blog. I used blue card to represent the blue skies, the white dove of peace, ( a Sizzix die-cut) and a white rose for those who lost their lives:

Tuesday is also time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T gang.

I visited my friend N. We had a wonderful meal of  stir-fried veggies with chicken. My drinks were water and coffee:

Later we went for a little walk and ended up eating frozen yogurt at Yamaro's - yummy!

Today I have more photos to share, this time from the Mariendom (Church) in Neviges.  As I wrote last week, the Church is a huge, cement building, like an over-dimensional tent, built in the brutalist style. Inside it is very impressive. It is always dark inside, there are just a few spotlights and the wonderful stained glass windows to let in some light:

The rose, symbolizing Mary, is a recurrent theme there:

For more pictures and information visit here

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. First of all...your stunning tag! Majestic in its simplicity!!!
    Your photos of lunch made me hungry...thank you :)
    The church is magnificent!!!
    Normally I love the statues and old fashioned church wooden pews and such. But this church is truly beautiful~


    1. Thanks! I know what you mean. I, too, love the old churches best, but this one is very striking and just completely different!

  2. A wonderful tag and theme. Love the simplicity of your tag which really brings the message across with its symbolism. Wonderful photos from Neviges, too, the Mariendom is very impressive in its starkness. And your food looks soooooooooo very good, yummy indeed. We all love Yomaro's frozen yogurt, too, the kids get the sweeties as toppings! Have a lovely afternoon, hugs, Sarah

  3. What a beautiful church and perfect piece to remember 9/11 with. Thank you.
    The pictures of your lunch are making me hungry:)

  4. Hello dear Valerie!
    Your peace tag is absolutely gorgeous! Lovely creation!
    I’m sure you enjoyed your yummy lunch and frozen yogurt!
    Wow!The church is very impressive,i have never seen something like that before!
    Wonderful pictures and love how you catch the lightning through the stained glass windows!
    Wishing you a lovely day and a happy week! Hugs!

  5. I've never seen anything like the interior of that church. Stunning! Your stir fry looks delicious and is right down my alley, loving Chinese food as I do :) Happy early T Day

  6. Your peace tag is very lovely and pairs well with the church interior. Beautiful and unusual stained-glass windows. Nice to be able to visit with friends and have lunch. The cow mug made me smile. Happy T Day

  7. A lovely peace tag Valerie and really stunning in it's simplicity and perfect to remember 9/11.
    Loved the photos of the church, I love old churches with their magnificent architecture, but this is beauty in a totally different way yet still having that sense of peaceful serenity.(interested to check out the link, thanks) Loved the look of your stir fry.
    Avril xx

  8. Schlicht und schön ist dein Friedens-Tag liebe Valerie.
    Aber überwältigend ist diese außergewöhnliche Kirche mit dieser modernen Gestaltung. Die Glasfenster ein Traum. Deine Fotos wieder excellent. So was habe ich noch nie gesehen. Danke fürs Teilen dieser schönen Fotos.
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  9. Your peace tag is so lovely. Your lunch looks delicious and the stained glass in the church is beautiful!

  10. Totally love your tag Valerie xx Wonderful colours and the beautiful dove...stunning x Sadly I remember this day well and also took part in a memorial service that was taking place whilst we were in Boston x I could not believe the emotion within me x Beautiful photographs of the churches and your dinner looks divine...just about to have mine so I had better go xx

    TFS and huge hugs
    Annie xx

  11. A wonderful tag to commemorate that day we all remember so well... The world will never be quite the same again. Love that dove, and the white stitching really adds to the overall effect.

    The photos of the church are incredible Neviges has gone right to the top of my bucket list!!! What an incredible place, - even the art on the wall looks amazing as do the windows. Off to follow the link to find out more...

  12. I am back again, just wondering, do you know was Gottfried Bohm's work inspired by the architecture of Rudolf Steiner? If you don't know him google Goetheanum...

    1. I used to teach at a school named after Rudolf Steiner!

  13. Its a very beautiful Peace tag Valerie a perfect way to pay tribute to the events of 9/11.
    Wow to the photos of your visit to the church. Yes I have to say I prefer older styles to modern, but this one looks amazing. It has a geometric look, straight lines, beautiful stained glass windows. the architect has created a magnificent building.
    Your meal with your friend looks delicious and so did your frozen yogurt dessert.
    Happy T day wishes Valerie.
    Yvonne xx
    p.s. Thank you for the lovely email surprise you sent me today, I hope my reply got to you okay. x

  14. What a thoughtful theme Wilma chose for Tag Tuesday. Your tag is perfect, Valerie. It's so nice to feel worldwide solidarity with the US over that horrible day.

    We US expats in Mexico were worried about how we would be greeted the days after. The people were incredibly kind and gracious. Some making efforts to greet us in English (where normally we try to use their language). Others offered condolences or gave us a hug.

    I don't think I would like to pray in the Mariendom Church in Neviges. The building is overwhelming and - as you said - very dark.

    Your Chinese food makes my mouth water. I LOVE CHinese food! Yum to the frozen yogurt too.

    Happy T-day! Eileen

  15. Your tag is gorgeous - love the blue background with the white accents!!

  16. Wow- that is a church unlike any I have seen. So many interesting features!

    Your tag is lovely. Beautiful message in honor of September 11th.

  17. Your tag is incredible. I love how you chose to honor 9/11. It is a beautiful remembrance, too.

    I was in AWE of that church. I was amazed at how large and spacious it was inside. The candles really set the building off and the incredible wooden pews contrasted nicely with the walls and windows. This was a jaw dropping church and your photos are incredible. What a joy this must have been to see in person.

    Your stir fry looks wonderful. I love, love Chinese food.Laughed at the mug your coffee came in, though. Thank you for sharing the church photos, your 9/11 tag, and your stir fry, coffee and water with us for T this Tuesday.

  18. oh my- that church is SO beautiful!!! Lovely theme and tag Valerie. Your meal looks so good- I'm making a chicken sir fry for dinner tomorrow:) Happy T day!

  19. oohh die kirche ist ja schön,wir haben hier auch eine kirche wo ich wohne,die ist auch so schön gemacht.
    toll finde ich dein tag,frieden ist so wichtig.
    dein essen sieht soo lecker aus und ich bekomme gleich wieder appetit,wir haben uns gestern vom indischen restaurant chicken curry scharf bestellt,yummy,das war auch soo lecker,ich könnte es ständig essen.
    dein obstjoghurt würde ich auch gerne mal probieren,da ich das obst noch nicht kenne,cafe gibt es bei mir den ganzen tag bis spät in die nacht,ich bin eine cafetante *LOL*genau wie du auch.
    danke für diesen tollen post heute,ich hab die bilder sehr genossen.
    einen schönen tag,liebe valerie.

    hugs jenny

  20. Beautiful and peaceful post, love the gorgeous tag, divine church and yum food, you have a wonderful life and enjoy.xxxxx

  21. Fantastic tag. The white really pops on the blue. ANd your meal looks so yummy. Good thing I am not hungry now. And that is an interesting church. very futuristic. But I do like the stained glass.I am glad you shared it because it is so different. Have a super T day. Hugs-Erika

  22. What an interesting church Valerie. The stained glass is just remarkable and the stark interior really has some loveliness to it, it kind of draws me in. TY for sharing!

    Your tag is beautiful and a perfect gesture for this day.Yes, may we always remember the lives/souls lost that day and all of those who were left to carry on. may history never repeat itself, anywhere in this world.

    Sending love & hugs,Jackie xx

  23. Wow the church is so unique and awe inspiring.
    Your tag is a lovely tribute to 9 11
    Your stir fry meal looks delicious-Happy T

  24. Your tag is the perfect tribute on such a poignant day - beautiful! Your lunch looks lovely and the yoghurt looks delicious too, so nice of your friend 😁. Wow, the church is amazing, so different from any I have seen before and I love the windows - stunning! Wishing you a very happy T Day! J 😊 x

  25. Your tag is beautiful and I love the thought behind it. I met my white dove, Treasure, 17 years ago tomorrow, the day after the attacks. She was like an answer to prayer for the peace of my city. Now, due to serious lung condition, I have to find her a new home. It is a sad day in many respects.

  26. Love your Peace tag. Your lunch looks good, too. I wish we had frozen yogurt shops aroun here. It seems 20years ago it wS the big thing, but no shops here, now. Happy Tea Day!

  27. Your tag is beautiful Valerie, and a very fitting tribute to such a terrible day. This church looks amazing - very non traditional, but the stained glass looks lovely. Have a very happy week, Sue xx

  28. Your blue peace tag is beautiful. It’s such an appropriate theme. Very well chosen.
    The stir fry looks very yummy, and I love yoghurt ice cream so my mouth is watering!
    That church is a-ma-zing! The darkness adds to the experience. The stain glass windows are so beautiful. I am very impressed. I didn’t think I’d like it so much.
    Happy T Day,

  29. That first statue is amazing.
    Still loving your piece for peace;)

  30. While I tend not to like modern churches all that much, I do appreciate good architecture and the church is quite stunning with the angles, glass, textures. Really quite beautiful. Love your peace page.

  31. What a beautiful tag Valerie. Love the blue especially and the dove really stands out against it. Your food and drink make me hungry..And your tour through the church was gorgeous.. The windows are beautiful and really stand out because the church is so dark.. Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  32. I love the blue and white contrast. Beautiful tag, Valerie. What an amazing church. Between the stained glass and the architecture it is one very special church.
    Happy Tea Day,

  33. Simply beautiful tag! That church is unlike anything I've ever seen. So modern yet having a reverent feel.
    Happy T day!

  34. I sure wish there could be Peace everywhere, and this art is such a wonderful reminder of what can be one day. Such a phenomenal and beautiful church. That stained glass is truly unique too! Hugs...RO

  35. Stir-fried veggies with chicken... yum!

    The Church looks wonderful and I love the stained glass windows.

    All the best Jan

  36. Beautiful Valerie - everything in this post! Your tag is stunning in its simplicity and drama - very effective in conveying its message . Thank you

  37. I wasn't sure if my message left yesterday had loaded in as the internet just kept churning, it obviously hadn't so glad I came back to check. It's a beautiful simplistic tag Valerie, there needs be nothing else as it speaks volumes.
    The church looks a very divine place, it may not have all the fancy architecture we associate with a church but it sure has a soul. I love how the light spans out from those quirky windows and bounces off the walls. Amazing structure.
    Thank you for sharing this monumental building with us.
    Creative Hugs Tracey xx

  38. I love your tag for peace! Truly beautiful!
    That church is amazing! Wow! I would love to visit it! Thank you for sharing these amazing photos!
    big Hugs!

  39. I forgot to say, the food looks so good!

  40. Great tag, Valery. The white dove is beautiful!
    The photos of the church are FABULOUS. Thank you so much for sharing with us. Greek Orthodox churches are completely different inside and outside.
    Hugs, my friend.

  41. Those windows are stunning Valerie, and I love your artwork!

  42. Oh that peace tag is amazingly beautiful and I love the photos too!

  43. Love the tag and a perfect start this fabulous guide to the church! A place I would love to visit! Hugs (and a very belated Happy T day!Chrisx


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