
Thursday 15 March 2018

Winter or spring?

Hi Everybody!

Just a quicker than usual post today, I am having big computer problems, and hope that I will be able to get them sorted myself....I will perhaps be leaving shorter than usual comments on your blogs, too.

For Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin I have 2 pieces to share. The first is a mixed media piece, which I am also linking to Simon Monday Challenge  and to Simon Wednesday challenge

The second piece is a hybrid one - we are all so longing for spring! I used a photo found on Pexels for this one:

I slept badly last night, too many computer problems in my head, and my early start this morning was rewarded with these wonderful morning skies:

My first mini daffodil is blooming:

The crows were up early, too:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Both pieces are wonderful. Just now spring and winter are fighting with each other. I love the boots with the tulips in the second one. Beautiful photos, too. Hope your computer is soon back to normal. Have a restful afternoon, hugs, Sarah

  2. Hello dear Valerie!
    Hope you will solve your problems with your computer soon!
    Love your mixed media page and your hybrid piece!
    Beautiful colors and lovely Spring image!
    Amazing pictures with gorgeous skies and birds!
    Wishing a lovely afternoon!Hugs!

  3. What fabulous colors. There's something about blue and that orangey red that makes me smile.

    Hope all settles with the computer soon. Very frustrating.

  4. Valerie thanks for stopping by my kitty post... 22 yearsS!! Well i guess i can hope for Jinx to be around for a while yet.. Don't know what i'd do without him... I hope your computer problems get solved soon.. They can really drive you crazy.. Love your hybrid piece.. Tulips.. boots and snow with the lovely wish frame around it. Just beautiful! Hugs! deb

  5. Wondrous pieces. Wondrous pictures. SO sorry about your computer issues. How frustrating. Hope you get them rectified quickly.

  6. Lovely spring page. It snowed here yesterday and all of a sudden it's 9C today. Your photos are beautiful. So sorry about your computer problems, hopefully you can sleep better tonight.

  7. Hallo liebe Valerie, hoffe du bekommst deine PC-Probleme in den Griff, ist immer ärgerlich. Deine Frühlingsseite gefällt mir wieder sehr, besonders das lustige Lämmchen. Auch das digitale Bild ist schön geworden. Die Morgenfotos sind wieder sensationell, ein tolles Schauspiel welches sich dem Frühaufsteher da bietet.
    Zum Wochenende ist nochmal Schnee gemeldet und Minusgrade. Mein Mann meinte die Prognosen sagen, daß wir vor Ende April kein warmes Wetter kriegen. Igitt das kann ja heiter werden. Da können wir uns nur warme Gedanken machen und den Frühling gestalterisch herbeizaubern.
    Liebe Grüße und schönes Wochenende.

  8. Two awesome journal pages, I had a smile when I saw the tulips in the boot standing in the snow, that is a really clever design.
    Super photos of the morning skies.
    I hope you are making progress with your computer problems, they mean so much to us all for keeping in touch with friends these days.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Two great pages Valerie, loved seeing the tulips in the snow.
    Fabulous photos of the early sunrise, but I hope you get your computer sorted as there's nothing worse than waking in the middle of the night and the thoughts start whirring in!.
    Avril xx

  10. Awesome photos, I really enjoyed the, Hope your computer gets fixed easily-no fun at all. and I always love your art
    Happy weekend

  11. What a fun mixed media piece. A sheep and a head makes for a interesting subject matter. But it definitely makes me think of spring.
    Hope that your computer stops being ornery and starts behaving. They can be so suborn at times.

  12. Fabulous and colourful my friend, love your post as always...xx 💖 [Aussie aNNie's Blog]

  13. So sorry you are have PC problems. Hope you get it all worked out soon. This is a very interesting piece of art. Your photos are excellent as always.

  14. That song that includes the words "all the voices in her head" came to mind when I saw your tulips. Instead, I thought "all the flowers in her head." This is a fabulous piece.

    WoW, you did a great job altering that Pexels image. It is fabulous. I wish I had your digital skills.

    I can truly relate to your computer woes. My internet is still flaky and my keyboard continues to work about half the time. I hope you are able to repair your computer on your own. I wish Scott lived closer to you. He is a genius when it comes to MY computer woes. Hope you get some decent sleep tonight and have your computer fixed, too.

  15. Beautiful art! Love the hope of spring...we had some 17 to 19 degrees with sun this week. Then back down to 1C. Love your mysterious photostos too! All the best with your computer!

  16. That first piece made me smile, I just love the enthusiastic sheep. Good luck fixing the computer.

  17. I feel spring in this post!!
    I love the little lamb piece Valerie- it made me smile!
    Sorry you are having issues with your computer, try not to loose anymore sleep over it- we will all be here when you return!
    sending love & hugs,Jackie xx

  18. Today it feels like spring here but the weather has been so up and down this winter. The lamb piece is wonderful along with the delightful quote. Beautiful morning skies in your photos.

  19. A wonderful hopeful quote on this piece. Tulips seems to crop up everywhere (except Florida) at this time of year and they are perfect for your collage. Happy PPF

  20. Lovely photos, as always, Valerie. :)

  21. Sorry to hear you haven't kicked those computer problems yet.

    I love your artwork, as always. Yet another snowstorm may be heading for the NE U.S., so that wishful image of tulips against a backdrop of snow is very appropriate for them. It's supposed to be 75 degrees here tomorrow, so I think we may have seen the last of winter here. I hope.

    I'm not sure why, but I've always loved silhouette type photos. Very atmospheric.

    Have a lovely weekend, Valerie, and good luck with that computer.

  22. Hope you get the computer problems fixed, that's always a pain. Beautiful nature photos, I'm rarely up that early, lol Loved the mixed media piece!

  23. Oh that smile on the sheep is adorable! So cute and happy! Hope your computer issues are over quickly :)

  24. good luck with your computer issues Valerie. It can be quite frustrating...
    fun collage art. My fave is the Spring boots with the tulips:) Gorgeous photos too!

  25. Thanks for sharing your sky and daffodil. Enjoyed your collage. Luv the Neruda quote. Hope your computer woes are over soon.

    Happy PPF


  26. Creative and happy collage work ~ Delightful photography!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  27. Your Easter/Spring pieces are wonderful! Also loved your beautiful photos!

  28. Wonderful pieces! That sheep is so cute, and how I long for spring to come too ... Hope your computer issues will be solved soon! It can be really annoying. Happy PPF!

  29. Lovely piece, quote and photos! Spring has definitely sprung where we are! Happy PPF!

  30. Aww I love your sheep Valerie, they always think they have such kind faces (I don't know if they are really lol) What a gorgeous sunrise, almost worth being awake that early for! I hope you get your computer fixed, can't live with or without them xx

  31. Sorry about your computer problems, hope you can get them fixed ok.
    Loved seeing your photographs, what a gorgeous sunrise.

    All the best Jan

  32. I'm finally having a chance to stop by blogs. It's been a busy day. Your sunrise photos are stunning-and I am feeling like the roses in the boots is my world. :) But most fascinating and fantastic that is the head today. The cute little lamb, the tulips and the quote all work together very well! Hope the computer problems get fixed fast. :) Hugs-Erika

  33. wow,wunderschöne spring seiten und zolle sonnenbilder.
    ein schönes we.

    hugs jenny

  34. Love your tag and your hybrid piece. I've been wishing really, really hard that Winter and snow were over. Doesn't seem like that will happen this week as another storm is on the horizon. Your early morning pictures are beautiful and I love the mini daff peeking over the pot. At least a little bit of Spring has bloomed at your house. Hope you get the computer problems solved quickly.

  35. I hope you get your computer problems resolved soon! Thanks for taking the time to share this week. I love your moody photos, especially the trees. Your collage is lovely. Nice quote. I have not read that one. He's one of my favorite poets.!!
    ~~ Irene

  36. So glad you had such a beautiful morning after your bad night's sleep.

    Sorry about your computer problems! Hope things get better.

    Love your collage- and I do not want to keep spring from coming at all. I want to hurry it along! :)

  37. I hope your computer problems are all fixed!
    Love both your art pieces! Beautiful!!! Spring will be here soon! I hope! LOL!
    Loving your morning photos and the crow photo!
    Big Hugs!

  38. Computer problems are the pits! But what lovely pieces you've shared with us and I adore your photos as always. Here in Oregon in the Willamette Valley, the grass is emerald green and the trees are blossoming in pink and white. Daffodils and tulips are springing from the ground--spring has finally come. I am having a hard time imagining snow on the ground! I LOVED your picture of the tulips and boots in the snow. :D

  39. A very thought provoking piece to begin with Valerie! Love it! I also love the way you framed your fun photograph! Sorry to hear of your computer problems! Those sunrise scenes were a great reward for your early morning rise! Hugs,Chrisx

  40. Gorgeous journalling with such beautiful, vibrant colours which really pop! Thank you so much for sharing and for playing along with us over on the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog... x

  41. Gorgeous project Valerie! It's so cute and colourful & your photos are beautiful too.
    Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge
    Mandy xx

  42. Love your project! I also love your photos! Thumbs to on a great post.


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