
Saturday 17 March 2018

Happy St Patrick's Day

Hi Everybody!

After asking yesterday on my blog if it's winter or spring, we got an answer today - it's snowing again! Spring has deserted us, and everything is white....
Thanks to all who commiserated with my computer problems yesterday. Things seem to be back more or less to normal, although it is still reacting more slowly than usual. I think my computer and I are both showing signs of old age, but as there's no possibility of getting either of us replaced just now, we'll just have to learn to live with it!

I would like to wish all who celebrate it  a happy St Patrick's Day
(images from Gecko Galz):

I have another tag for Joan's challenge at Tag Tuesday, Easter or Spring:

 And as I need some colour other than white I made a hybrid journal page using a photo from Pexels:

 I am fed up with snow photos, so these were taken this day one year ago:

Have a nice day, keep warm,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful tag and journal page my friend xx

  2. Liebe Valerie
    wie wunderschön deine Bilder sind, ich bin begeistert egal welches es ist so
    toll ausgesucht und zusammen gesetzt!
    Deine Heimat du hast ein shcönes Wetter gehabt!Bei mir schneit es immer wieder und stürmt und mal die Sonne lacht dabei!
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  3. Beautiful and colourful post. lOve that tree.
    You have snow and our autumn has reversed back to summer...spent the day in the pool...weird.xx 💖 [Aussie aNNie's Blog]

    1. And I would like to spend the day in a hot bath!

  4. Lovely art today as always, I love the heart shaped tree, and I'm glad you showed some blue-sky photos today, we have the same snow here....And I need to get the shopping today, so no chance of just staying home, grrr! Well, the kids will surely love it. Any chance to throw snow balls is a good day for them! Stay warm. hugs, Sarah

  5. Hello dear Valerie!
    Such a gorgeous Easter-Spring Tag,and a wonderful hybrid journal page you made!!
    Love the little birds and the red heart tree!!
    Superb pictures and beautiful architecture of the buildings in your city!
    I’s snowing in the Netherlands too!My daughter send me photos from the snowy Hague!
    And I’m visiting her in the end of March!! Hopping for Spring days when I arrive!!
    Wishing you a lovely and warm weekend!Hugs!

  6. I love all the colorful photos!

  7. Love the St Paddy card! Your usual heart-warming, toe freezing photographs thanks for sharing

  8. Have a Happy Day and keep warm with all the snow around Europe.

    I enjoyed your post and seeing your photographs, thanks.

    All the best Jan

  9. Wonderful everything today and so pleased to see a St Patrick's Day piece. My grand mother was Irish and I think I have a lot of her in me. Ireland have won the over all rugby and today they play to see if they have won all their matches-knitting at the ready to watch that on television.

    Love all the bright colours and pleased to see them as we have snow as well. Just walked into town along the seafront and it was horrendous against the wind and snow-better than the pouring rain though.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. Your St. Patrick's Day piece made me laugh. With all the snow outside your windows and mine, this is indeed, blarny. :-D And I like your reminder to be grateful. I'm glad I could virtually walk through your town and feel like it is spring.

    Slow computer could be due to a virus or malware. Also the cache needs to be cleaned to remove temporary files no longer needed. I use a couple of free programs.

    Ccleaner to remove all the junk. There are free and paid versions so be sure you select the free:

    Malwarebytes to remove malware. Anti-virus programs do no remove malware. Malwarebytes also has a free version.

    You should also run your anti-virus program.

    Here's to a better weekend and no more snow!

    1. That was the first thing I did. I have a very good anti virus protection, and there is nothing bad on the computer. I think it really is old age....

  11. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you, too. You have some lovely art today.

  12. This winter is crazy, isn't it? I love the tag and the heart tree. Too bad trees don't grow like that! :) Happy St. Patrick's Day to you and I hope your snow melts fast and the colors of spring come back! Hugs-Erika

  13. Wonderful art and photos - loved seeing them all!!! We will be having a few "warm" days (40's) with temps in the 20's at night and then back to snow and cold. Spring is hiding this year!
    Happy St. Patrick's Day.

  14. Happy StPatrick's Day! The tags are beautiful. We need those sunny photos here too, spring is delayed. But it can't be for much longer can it?

  15. Currently snowing here again as I type. Love your tag's and the quote *I am grateful for today* makes me think I should not even mention about the weather and lack of sunshine. Bring on those sunny photographs Valerie they bring lots of warm smiles.
    Happy St. Patrick's day to all that celebrate wishing you a wonderful weekend.
    Creative Wishes Tracey xx

  16. Love your tag, and colourful pages. We have snow as well.
    Hugs Wendy xx

  17. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Fun tags! Love the journal pages. Wow! The colors are gorgeous.

    Such pretty pictures from a year ago. Let's hope spring is right around the corner. :)

  18. Happy St Patrick's Day! Love your beautiful page and tag! The hybrid journal page is stunnig. Lovely art, Valerie!
    This year, Spring does not arrive.
    Hugs, Mar

  19. Beautiful tag and I love your whimsical, heart-shaped tree. We have had snow on and off over the last couple of weeks, along with a nasty flu bug. But these things will pass and spring will most definitely come. How welcome she will be!

  20. Wonderful architectural features captured in your photos! The winter has to end soon, just maybe not quite as soon as we would like. Happy St Patty's!

  21. Happy St. Patrick's day to you and lovely tags, one and all. Looks like you have beautiful blue skies now! Love the photos. We're having blue skies, too -- even though it's still cold. They do make it seem warmer (even if it's not!)

  22. Fabulous post, love the first very much with the vintage children..and the rest ofcause ;O)

  23. I am certainly looking forward to seeing the end of the snow! We went for a walk to get a newspaper today and the snow began to fall again! It was bitterly cold too! Your art and those photos cheered me up! Hugs,Chrisx

  24. Your Tag is sweet and I love the journal page ♥ I can so relate to our computer issues :( I've switched from Google to Firefox and for now I can get on but it's much slower than it should be... like you said about's old and should be replaced.

    1. I think I have got it working as well as possible now!

  25. I love your art pages today the red heart tree looks fantastic. Sorry I am late calling in, we have been away for a couple of days and had like most folk a share of the snow.
    Sorry the computer is poorly, fingers crossed it keeps going.
    Yvonne xx

    1. I'm always happy when you visit, but sometimes a time out is good, too! Glad you got home safely.

  26. Love the pretty st.patty's page and the spring tag.But my favorite is your hybrid journal page. The heart shaped tree is awesome!

  27. Wonderful St. Patrick's Day art Valerie! Xx

  28. Sorry about the snow! You made me laugh about your computer! LOL! Hope you had a great St. Patrick's Day! Love your art pieces! That heart tree is beautiful! Love your photos!! Can't imagine that was last year! Big Hugs!

  29. Oh you made me LOL when i read you were fed up with the snow and showed photos from last year! heehee I giggled so loud I woke up Chum! heeheee
    Happy St.Paddy's to you as well my dear friend, and thank you for that lovely card! It really made my morning!

    I just love that hybrid piece- simply gorgeous Valerie!
    Don't give up, spring will has to!
    hugs & love,Jackie


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