
Friday 23 February 2018

Friday this and that

Hi Everybody!

It's another extremely cold and frosty day today, and we have Siberian winds blowing even more cold in our direction, so the next days will continue to be frosty. The sun is shining, which makes for a good atmosphere in spite of the cold. And the spring flowers are starting to spring in spite of the icy temps.

Today I am sharing another A3 doodle made when I was at my group, I can chat with the others while doodling. The verse I have written around the tree is from Ogden Nash. I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin

This is an older piece I found in one of my many files, it just reminded me of spring,  for  which I am so longing.

It's lovely to see the sun rising over the frosty fields each morning:

We have blue skies:

The banks in the castle grounds are covered with snowdrops, crocuses and sprouting daffodils:

And I just love the name of this ship:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I do so love your doodle tree. I love to doodle everywhere and anywhere. It keeps me sane.
    Happy PPF

    1. This is true, it keeps sane and improves the concentration.

  2. Your doodle tree is so fun. Love the fairies as I'm longing for warmer weather, too. So nice to see green grass and pretty flowers. That won't happen for another couple of months here. It snowed last night so enjoy the sunshine for me

  3. Hi Val, love your beautiful doodle tree. I couldn't do that and talk at the same time, that's for sure. Love the dancing nymphs, too.It's really cold here as well. We are off to my sister now, I 'll be back tomorrow evening. Hugs, Sarah

  4. It is a wonderful doodle tree, did you set off with a tree in mind or did it just evolve. The result looks fantastic and you have added a great quote.
    The other page looks beautiful and has a lovely spring feeling. I think we are all wishing that winter was on its way and spring would be here.
    Lovely photos Valerie and the name of the boat made me smile.
    Yvonne xx

    1. I wanted to do a tree but didn't know how it would end up.

  5. Beautiful art, inspiring poetry and gorgeous pictures, a veritable feast for the eyes!

  6. Your doodle is amazing. I like your spring piece, surprised to hear of the cold I thought spring was well underway there.

  7. What fun pieces! Both so happy! And look at those spring flowers. Oh, it's coming for you, isn't it?!

  8. Hello dear Valerie!
    Your doodle tree is so beautiful!
    And your Spring piece so preety and joyful!
    Wonderful pictures of the castle ,the gorgeous sunrise and the Spring blooms!
    Wishing you a lovely weekend!Hugs!

  9. The weather has been so volatile with cold and warmth this winter worldwide, it seems. Hoping for spring soon too. I love the Ogden Nash poetry and you have done wonders using it for your artwork this week.

  10. I love trees and doodling, so I love your artwork.
    Although spring looks like it's coming to call... it's freezing here today too and apparently next week is going to be much colder! Brrr!
    Happy PPF to you :D (stay cosy)

    1. I'm not looking forward to it at all, looks like Europe will be freezing.

  11. i think most of us in the Northern Hemisphere are longing for Spring...
    fun doodle tree. Love your joyful fairies! Your lovely photos are showing some signs that spring can't be far behind :)

  12. Doodle tree and Castles! Doesn't get any better!

  13. Wonderful post! It sounds like we are experiencing the same weather here, it makes for lovely walks and photos but the winds are so very cold 😉. Your tree looks so pretty with that pop of green and I love the beautiful art with those magical fairies and colours, it reminds me of spring too! Happy Friday and have a great weekend! J 😊

  14. Valerie, I love trees and your "doodle tree" is wonderful!!!
    Your dancng ladies are beautiful!
    I always love your pretty!!!
    Spring will arrive soon~

    Happy PPF ❤💮❤

  15. My favourite of course is your Zentangle tree. Happy PPF and thanks for dropping in at my blog today

    much love...

  16. Wow! Wonderful Zen doodle creation and Spring like dancers ~ so beautiful and lovely photography!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. What lovely pieces Valerie, your tree is amazing! I'm envious of your sunshine, it's just grey and so cold here! Have a fun weekend, Sue xx

  18. your doodles are masterpieces!! beautiful photos as well and I agree, cool boat name!

  19. Your doodle tree is fabulous Valerie, I bet it looks even more magnificent in your A3 journal. Your nymph silhouettes would fair well dancing around it!!
    Your days are looking so much bright than our dull grey ones here. Wishing you a bright and sunny weekend Tracey xx

  20. Oh how I love your doodle tree, I think it's magnificent. The spring figures are also lovely and your photos are so full of beauty...

  21. You might have frosty temperatures but it is looks so beautiful! Like a real spring should. And your dancing fairies and fun doodled tree are full of the same joy too. I always enjoy stopping by and seeing your art and where your walks take you valerie. Happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

  22. Very artistic and beautiful post. Your spring flowers are gorgeous and it's a beautiful way for me to start the day.xx💖 [aNNie' blog]

  23. What a fun tree drawing! I love the doodle style and the splash of green you added! Your fairy piece is magical! Beautiful photos, looks like spring is on the way where you are! hugs :)

  24. Thank you for sharing your beautiful art and photos Valerie, I love the tree!
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend,
    Alison xx

  25. I love your doodled tree and the quote too! The Spring page you found and your beautiful photos must surely give us hope for Spring to arrive after this cold spell! There is a biting wind here today! Have a great and cosy weekend! Chrisx

    1. Same here. It was so bad by the Rhine that I couldn't get away quickly enough.

  26. Your doodling is amazing-I love your tree.
    wow there is allot of green by you despite the cold temps. we have warmed up here a bit but getting so much rain-more then the ground can absorb right now-so there will be lots of flooding in my area.
    always enjoy your lovely photos Happy weekend Kathy

  27. Valerie your doodle tree is awesome!! I love this design!! Your artwork is beautiful- so happy you shared these! Brrrrr that frost sure is not appealing! Almost as bad as our snow! heehee

  28. Love your doodle and the painting you found that reminds you of spring. I am longing for spring too. I got a taste of it two days last week- but now it is cold again. Looks like spring is popping up all over the place over there! :)

    Have a great weekend!

  29. Love that doodle tree. The green you've used is super. That painting you found is wonderful, reminds me of fairies dancing around at the bottom of the garden.

  30. Ohhhh I love this tree. So whimsical and fun. Your dancers are fabulous as well. The movement is great.

  31. Love your doodle tree! Lovely work as always. Great photos as well. Looking forward to spring too.

  32. wie schön der doodle Baum und das tanzende Fantasiebild!
    Die Fotos von den Frühlingsblumen ach herrlich in der Sonne!!!
    Ich bin mal gespannt wie es wird mit der Kälte!
    Schönes Wochenende wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  33. This tree doodle art is so wonderful, Valerie. I love seeing all the little details that make up the leaves. In your Spring photos, it is so nice to see all the little blooms.

  34. Lovely tree. I love the greens and doodles. Your dancing piece reminds me of spring as well. The background has a very magical quality.
    Happy weekend,

  35. Doodles with a message. I love it.
    Spring is indeed on the way.

  36. How in the world did I miss this post? I can't believe I did that. I am glad I'm not the only late visitor. I adore both your pages you shared, because they are both so different. I also loved seeing the snowdrops, which we don't get here. Thanks for sharing and I'm SO SORRY I missed this post.

  37. I hope you're keeping warm! I love the name of that ship too! LOL!
    Gorgeous pieces of art! Very pretty! Makes me think of Spring too!
    Your photos are so beautiful!! Big Hugs!

  38. I love your doodled tree and your second piece reminds me of spring too, both are beautiful. After all the snow we’ve had today spring still seems a long time away,
    xxx Hazel.


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