
Monday 1 January 2018

T stands for 2nd on the 2nd and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope the new year started off well for you -
have a great one! I am slowly feeling better, the
antibiotics are kicking in and hopefully
pushing the bronchitis out. It's a new year,
time for a new start.

 We are starting a new challenge at 
Tag Tuesday, and the lovely Wilma is our host.
I am starting the challenge one day earlier this time
to fit the new year.
She has chosen the theme of new beginnings.
I made a sewed, fabric tag.
I am greeting the new year with soft colours and
 tender blooms, looking forward to the promise
of spring-time, new life and new possibilities.
The painted and embossed, chip-board key is
to open the locks on the way:

I am also linking to Simon Monday challenge, something new 

It is also time for Elizabeth's T stands for
Tuesday party, so here a warm welcome to
all of the nice ladies of the T Gang.
My drink is, as always, cappuccino, this time
served in my Nana mug from Duisburg:

This is one of the cakes I made for my birthday, a boiled
fruit cake. The fruit gets boiled - in red wine - and the cake
gets 'disinfected' with cognac or whatever you have 
to hand for a few days before cutting it....
I made the marzipan paste from scratch, but didn't 
put frosting on it as I am not a big fan of it:

And It's also time for Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd, so here
 I am re-showing a post from 2014:

And I would like to say a big thank you to kind blog friends
who sent cards and gifts for Christmas and
my birthday.

Beautiful knitteds and an album from Chrissie,
who also sent yupo paper, which I forgot to

This is a mug warmer!

A wall hanger and a tip-in from Elizabeth:

A birthday and 2 Christmas cards from Chrissie:

A wonderful postcard from Linda:

This fantastic card is from Yvonne:

And this beauty is from Chris:

The gorgeous birthday card is from Yvonne, I just
love the silver, shimmering embossing:

Yvonne also sent a stack of lovely paper napkins,
these 2 were my faves:

And I got a wonderful surprise package from Sue -
stamps and amazingly beautiful cards - the
red, rubber one is a cat:

Woohoo for these marvelous stencils:

2 huge sheets of very special rub-ons:

And it was all packed in music tissue paper, with which I 
will surely have a lot of fun!

Thanks again to all for your generosity!
Another day I will show the birthday pressies I received
from my friends here.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. This is a lovely post, choc-a-bloc with so many wonderful things. The tag is so delicate and beautiful, a good way to start the new year. Your cake looks enviable, I would love a BIG slice, please! You got some wonderful presents from your blogger friends, enjoy! Happy New Year, may it be a healthier one for you. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Happy New Year Valerie - good to hear you are feeling much better.
    What a jam packed post to start off the year with so much to see. Your tag is beautiful and your cake very - very yummy! What a fabulous selection of goodies to have lots of fun with - enjoy!
    have a great day... Gill xx

  3. So pleased you are feeling a lot better. This post was super to read.
    The tag is gorgeous, but I was quite drawn in by the photo of that delicious boozy cake you made. The description to its making was great.
    Enjoy your goodies, I'm sure you will have fun using them.
    New Year wishes for a healthy, happy New Year.
    Yvonne xx
    Happy T day wishes as well.

  4. This post is filled with AMAZING creations!!!
    Thank you for playing along with us over simon says stamp monday challenge!!
    We all hope to see you again soon and we all wish you an AMAZING and CREATIVE 2018!
    Love, Zoey

  5. Happy New Year Valerie. I love your delicate floral tag. And the cards you received were so gorgeous. I especially love the rabbit. Bye for now.

  6. waue great post treats and gifts and lovely tag and so on happy new year to you Valerie from denmark

  7. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Such a wonderful blog post with so much to see. Your tag and sentiment are lovely. I also love the Dream/Dreamer page. Both these items make me think of my daughter as she starts her new adventure. Use all the fantastic bits and bobs you received in good health and creativity. Can't wait to see what you make with them. Happy New Year!

  8. Happy New Year Valerie, glad to read you're starting to feel better.
    A great post today, lovely tag and artwork. A great selection of cards and goodies which I'm sure you will enjoy using.
    Avril xx

  9. What beautiful gift cards! A boiled fruit cake sounds interesting and it looks delicious! Lovely work for the challenges and I am glad you are starting to feel better!

  10. Happy 2018 to you too, Valerie. That tag you created is fabulous and over the top.

    You got a lot of lovely gifts for your birthday and Christmas. It just shows how loved you are by people far and wide.

    I got excited to see your birthday cake. It looked wonderful. I wish I could bake like you. You are a fantastic baker. And of course, your cappuccino must have hit the spot in that beautiful mug.

    I remember that fabulous Second on the 2nd post from before. You really ARE a dreamer, and the head you chose was so YOU. Thanks for sharing both your Second on the 2nd and your T Stands For Tuesday post with us this week.

  11. Oh my gosh, what a treasure trove. I can't begin to pick what I like best. You are much loved.
    Glad you are better. Wishing you a New Year filled with good health and happiness.

  12. Such a lovely post to read and look at.
    Loved seeing all your cards and gifts.

    So pleased you are feeling a little better too.
    My good wishes for 2018.

    All the best Jan

  13. You are sharing some fabulous things here, Valerie! But the best news is that the antibiotics are working! Great fun to see your beautiful art from friends near and far and the wonderful photos of course!

    Happy New Year!

  14. I love your tag Valerie, and those cakes look amazing! I'm glad your antibiotics have started working for you, bronchitis is a real pain! Glad you like your birthday prezzies too. Have a very happy (and healthy) 2018, Sue xx

  15. Wonderful project and great gifts! Happy New Year!!

  16. Love the art and then there is the cake... if it wasn't for the big pond between us I would have joined you for cake and maybe swiped a sheet of that music tissue paper :) Thanks for stopping by for a visit earlier today !
    Happy New Year!!!!

  17. Wow, what a post Valerie. I LOVE your tag-and before I forget, Happy 2018.And I do love seeing your journal page again. Your mug is fantastic, and it is so cold I might even drink some hot coffee right now, though I am not fond of hot coffee. And your cake looks wonderful. Very festive! I do hope your bronchitis is improving-I know what that is all about since I had it myself a couple of weeks ago. I hope you are much better and continue to improve. And wow, what a nice lots of gifts. :) You should send me your snail mail because I don't have it and always feel a little weird asking for it. Take care of yourself my friend and Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  18. I forgot to mention, since I was having trouble with my keyboard, that I am delighted the antibiotics are starting to work on your bronchitis. That's the best news of all. Keep getting better, dear Valerie.

  19. Wow your post is just packed full of everything wonderful. so glad to read you are feeling better-bronchitis can really wear one down.
    I just really enjoyed seeing everything you shared with us-and I loved your cup too Happy T Day and Happy second on the 2nd

  20. I hope you are feeling much better soon! Wow, your happy birthday and Christmas mail is amazing with all the beautiful cards and gifts that you received from your dear friends - they are all so spectacular 😁. Your fabric tag is very pretty and your cake looks yummy! Get well soon and wishing you a happy and creative 2018! Sending you Happy T Day wishes too! J 😊

  21. this post is jam packed with wonderful things-wow! Love your fabric tag for the new year-so pretty. So many lovely cards and gifts you received. Glad you're feeling better and can enjoy your cappuccino and cake. Happy T day and a very happy NEW Year too!

  22. Wonderful gifts and art Valerie!
    A happy and creative 2018 to you!
    Alison xox

  23. What a fabulous post! The tag and your 2nd look are both great! My eyes were drawn to the fruit cake - something I still find difficult to resist! That, with your cappuccino must have been delicious! What a lucky girl you are with all those goodies too!Glad you are feeling better! Hugs,Chrisxx

  24. Wow, so many wonderful art gifts from friends! Lucky you! I love your dreamer art. It has a surreal, cool quality to it. Lovely stuff. And your fruitcake looks amazing! I wish I could eat it, LOL.

    Happy new year and all the best for 2018!

  25. That fruitcake looks luscious. Love the marzipan.
    Hope you are feeling better and that your day is filled with sparkle.

  26. I love the colors in that cup, and the cake... the cake looks _delicious_!

  27. Glad you're finally getting over the bronchitis, Valerie. Lovely tag and I love the new theme for Tag Tuesday, so I hope to join in. Time will tell.

    Belated Happy Birthday! Your cake looks quite intoxicating – lol. This is another new recipe to me. The album from Chrissie is delightful. I’d love to flip through it and see all the special little details. The reindeer mug warmer is a hoot!

    I’ve seen the term “tip in” a few times among the T-ladies’ blogs, but just didn’t get it. So I searched the web. Wow – there will be tip ins in my future!

    What a fabulous gallery of handmade cards for your birthday and Christmas!

    This post just blew me away ~~~~~~~~~~ :D

    Happy New Year and Happy T-Day. Hugs, Eileen

  28. Valerie .. I hardly know what to comment on as i cannot possibly comment on it all But i'am glad to know you are feeling better... Hubby is too... And your tag is just gorgeous... LOVE the colors... Don't think i'd care for your cake... Not a booze cake fan lol ... But i'm so glad it looks like you've had a wonderful Birthday... How in the world do all the T partyiers get everybody's addresses?? And know when everyone's birthday is??? I'd love to participate ... Like Eileen i need to look up and see just what a 'tip in ' is... A very Happy New Year to you!! And Happy T day ~ Hugs! deb

  29. I am so glad to know you are feeling better. Your art touches people and that is what I see every time I come to your blog.

  30. Lovely take on the challenge and marvelous post full of inspiration! Happy New Year!

  31. Your fabric tag is so cheery despite the snow and cold weather. I love the texture. And what beautiful gifts you received from friends.
    Happy New Year Valerie,

  32. Happy New Year! Loved this post!

  33. omgoodness Valerie! I am so very glad to her you are on the mend! Glad they put you on antibiotics to kick that nasty stuff out, bronchitis is NO fun!
    A super post filled with some beautiful gifts from your friends! Lucky you!
    Hoping you feel better and better each day and sending healing thoughts your way!

  34. Such a great post Valerie!! I'm happy you are feeling better! Please keep taking care of you!!
    Love your 2018 tag! So pretty! I love that fruit cake you made for your birthday! Looks so yummy! And, lucky you, with all the special gifts you got! You are worth it!!
    Happy New Year!! Wishing you many blessings! Big Hugs!

  35. i love the way your tag illuminates on your sweet intentions for the new year! and i love all the goodies you've posted -- a fine yield! a happy and prosperous new year to you! xo

  36. Fabulous tag, and what lovely cards and presents. Pleased you are feeling better. Happy New Year, and thank you for the card.

  37. Wow! As always, your posts are a visual feast and I enjoyed this so much! I loved the originality of your project and how you incorporated fabric so cleverly. I'm also glad that you're on the mend! Can't wait to see what else you inspire us with here at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!


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