
Wednesday 3 January 2018

Something new

Hi Everybody!

Today I got woken up by thunder and lightning, and a
hefty storm that was passing over. In the meantime it
has quietened down, and I'm hoping it will stay that way....

I found a file with some journal pages which I started
between 2010 and 2012, and am busy finishing them
off, one for one. It's a slow work, as I don't have much 
energy just now, but it will come back!
This A3 mixed media collage has been worked in
acrylics, and embellished with gold and white
 pens and a black fine liner. The wings on the head
are surely ready to fl to new opportunities, and the tree
trunk looks like a snake - lots of mysteries to
solve there!
I used punchinella for the BG patterning and a 
diamond stamp from LaBlanche. Mr Umbrella Man
is setting out for  new year of adventures....Some other
shady figures are appearing in the BG, let's see what
they turn out to be.
I am linking to Simon Monday Challenge
something new, and to Paint Party Friday

We have had some very mild and rather wet weather,
and there are flowers blooming on my balcony, which is 
really unheard of at the beginning of January:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. wow Valerie your jouranl page is amazing love the colours,well done my friend and love your nature pics xx

  2. The journal page is out of this world--so beautiful Valerie.

    How lovely to have flowers at this time of year it is the beauty of having a balcony I reckon.

    Hope your energy soon returns

    Hugs Chrissie xx

  3. Hi Valerie. Such a fabulous piece and wonderful photos as always! Just wanted to say Happy New Year!! I hope you and yours had a wonderful holiday! Thank you so much for all of your support and inspiration in 2017. May 2018 be a year of crafting, friendship and good health!! sending hugs :)

  4. I love this page, there is so much to see and enjoy, and so many symbols. Love the tree of life and the Hebrew lettering. Great colours, too. How nice to see the things on your balcony still blooming, that really is a treat in January! Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

  5. Good morning!
    Valerie, this page is very cool! I love the layout and design of it and the palette just pulls me in- it is beautiful! Looking forward to Mr.Umbrella mans adventures this year! heehee
    Jackie xo

  6. Wow-flowers! We are sooooo cold I can't image any plants even being green here (except pine trees of course). They look so pretty. I am really quite jealous I must say! And I love seeing Mr. Umbrella Man and your latest art! Nice colors and very cool shadowy figures. I wonder what Mr. Umbrella Man is thinking about-especially with that hawk on the right. Enjoy your blooms. Hugs-Erika

  7. A fabulous journal page Valerie and I'm pleased your feeling a bit better.
    Lovely spring flowers on your balcony, I'm sure they brighten even a grey day.
    Avril xx

  8. Oh Wow your art is always so amazing to me-this piece I really really love the colors and everything about it-
    How awesome to have some plants growing-so refreshing-take care of yourself hugs Kathy

  9. Wow, the level of creativity in your journal page is over the top! I truly love it. The color palette is very soothing, and the composition is pleasing. Lots of diverse images, but they work well together. Great job!

    HAPPY NEW YEAR! May your creative juices continue to flow and astound. :)

  10. waue great colourful page love it ;O))

  11. An amazing page! WOW! So many amazing patterns and color variations. Exquisite design. Hugs, Autumn

  12. Oh, what a treat to see your January blooms! I don't think anything will ever bloom again here. Cold and snowing, I wear mittens to type. That gives me hope.

    I love your page. I really had forgotten about punchinella! Looks great there!

    1. Hope it soon warms up for you. I "discovered" the punchinella when I was clearing out a cupboard.

  13. Valerie, I love how you added the man with the umbrella following the storm! Gorgeous pages - those colors are awesome together. Love the woman's image, especially her eye. Hope you get your energy back soon! Thanks for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge and best wishes for the new year! hugs, Maura

  14. A super page, and beautiful photos Valerie! xx

  15. Hach diese Seite ist ein echtes Sahnestückchen und gefällt mir sooo gut. Nicht nur die schönen Farben, sondern auch die vielfältigen Muster und Motive und ihre Anordnung mag ich sehr. Alles sehr harmonisch. Könnt ich klauen. ;)
    Auch die Fotos wieder klasse.
    Frohes, gesundes und kreatives neues Jahr wünsche ich dir.
    Liebe Grüße

  16. Its a fabulous page and Mr U looks very dapper as always. I loved the tree of life as well.
    We have your storm here today as well, the winds are terrible, a lot of damage.
    The flowers on your balcony look so pretty and springlike.
    Hope you are not over doing things as you recover.
    Yvonne xx

  17. Beautiful page and the flowers look amazing, but in January?

  18. You get the best photos!
    Your balcony garden is very pretty. Mine are frozen. Its been cold here. Brrrr.
    Your piece is very sensuous and mysterious. Love it.
    Hope your day is filled with sparkle and energy.

  19. what an amazing journal page , its wonderful, you have such a gift for creating. I would love a thunderstorm right about now, we are so buried in snow but mostly because I love a thunderstorm, I truly do. Beautiful photos as well, I enjoy to see where you live,

  20. New look, new year, new art. I adore the reworked piece and am glad you had the energy to share it. I know how draining that can be. Your art always inspires me, but the flowers on your balcony really impressed me. It's amazing how my world and yours are so very different right now.

    I was offline all day because I couldn't seem to get anything to load. I am finally able to do so, and now I'm here first thing to see this beauty.

  21. An amazing journal page and lovely photos.
    xxx Hazel

  22. Oh wow! The colours on those journal pages are so delicious and vibrant! Really pretty! So strange with the weather and blooming flowers at this time of the year. What a nice treat :)

  23. Your balcony looks so colorful and cheery.
    Have a day filled with energy and sparkle.

  24. Wow, what an incredible page, full of symbolic imagery and such stunning colours! Wonderful to have flowers on your balcony at this time of year, though a bit worrying as it could be yet another sign of global warming or at least climate changes that seem to be happening everywhere... Anyway enjoy them and hopefully your energy will come back soon!

  25. was für ein wunderschönes und fantasievolles Bild!
    Wie schön dass die Pflanzen wachsen schon, herrlich die Fotos!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  26. What a great find. It is always nice to come across older art.

  27. I love the colors and texture of your page. Is Mr. Umbrella man dreaming of a special someone? Or just Mother Nature or Springtime? Oh, wait, that's my dream. Wonderful to see flowers and in January, too! I am buried under a foot of snow. Flowers and Springtime seem like decades away. Make sure you rest and don't push yourself too hard. Glad you're feeling better.

  28. This piece is incredible! The face and the leaves detail is so cool! I love that you are finishing up old pages. Can't wait to see them all. Hope you are able to get your strength back soon.

  29. I love the colours in your art piece! So beautiful!
    You are having rain and your flowers are blooming?? Wow!! Enjoy!
    Big Hugs and Keep looking after yourself!

  30. A stunning journal page Valerie, so bright and vibrant and glad you finished this one off!
    Your flowers are gorgeous and we have roses in our garden due to the mild weather of the moment.
    Have a great day and a lovely weekend.
    Fliss xx

  31. Gorgeous colours in your journal page

  32. gorgeous painting Valerie! Love seeing the blooms too. Wish we were having rain and thunderstorms instead of bitter cold and heavy winds. Happy PPF!

  33. I love storms as long as no one gets hurt and you don't lose power! Lovely pictures to look at!

  34. Wow! I love the artwork you shared today. The colors and textures go so perfectly together and I love the style.

    Can't believe you have flowers blooming! It has been a record cold here the past two weeks. I am ready for our normal winter weather, which is still cold- but not nearly as brutal as these below zero temperatures. Hard to get motivated to do much with the wind howling and snow blowing around.

    Hope you are feeling better!

  35. Just beautiful! I LOVE the colors!

  36. Really amazing journal page with all the layers and I love the color! Happy PPF!

  37. wow,das bild ist einfach umferfend schön,schöne muster und figuren,ganz,ganz toll!
    ich hab mich gleich inspieiert gefühlt,ich liebe solche bilder sehr.
    ein schönes we.

    hugs jenny

  38. wow this is gorgeous. I love these colors and all of the layers.

  39. well for someone who does not have very much energy, you have done amazing work, the colors, the feel of the whole piece, just wow. I love it when you show pictures, we cant even see anything green here, ha ha

  40. Your balcony flowers do look very nice ... our spring bulbs are beginning to shoot up nicely...

    All the best Jan

  41. My goal has been to finish old pieces too! I really like your dynamic page. It is so full of interesting colours, texture and movement!

  42. Fabulous page! Love those quirky additions! How lovely to see signs of Spring on your balcony! Take care! Hugs,Chrisxx


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