
Monday 30 October 2017

T stands for Book-prinT

Hi Everybody!

On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday,
and Sandie, our new teamie is hosting with the great theme of
book print. Hope to see lots of you joining in to give her
a good start off. Tags of all formats are allowed,
and you have 2 weeks to link to us.
Have fun, and hope to see you there!
I made a large tag from recycled black card from an old
calendar, which I stenciled with golden stars. The houses 
and the moon were fussy cut from vintage German book-print.
After sewing it to a golden card for the backing I used ribbon 
and stars as embellishments.

Today is also T stands for Tuesday at Elizabeth's blog, so welcome
to all of the nice ladies of the T gang.
A friend of mine recently bought a selection of
Spekulatius - very delicious spiced cookies which are popular
here especially in the winter season. The pastry is pressed into
moulds to make the lovely figures. Help yourselves!

 My drink is cappuccino again:

When we were in Südpark we had a rest by the lake and the ducks and
geese came zooming in to see if we had anything good in our pockets;

The Egyptian wild geese were the quickest:

These 2 tried to steal bread from a little boy sitting in his buggy:

I'm waiting....

Where is it?

We saw this head nailed to a garage on our way to the restaurant -
tastes are different:

The frog fountain was in the garden of the restaurant where we ate:

And no, I didn't try kissing it....

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Gorgeous tag, love how you used the book print. Fantastic photos, love the frog. P is suffering loudly from man flu, what a fuss men make. Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

  2. The tag is stunning. I love it! The German text on the buildings make me think of the half-timbered buildings. The park is just beautiful. Every week the pictures are so different. Gorgeous colors. The cookies remind me of cookies my auntie used to buy. The cookies were shaped like a Dutch boy and girl and a windmill. I absolutely love the Der Froschkönig. Wouldn't he look great in my garden? Happy T Day!

  3. Dein Tag ist fantastisch und lecker dein cappuccino mit den Figuren zum knabbern dazu, toll und die Fotos vom Süspark so schön wieder!
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Abend!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  4. Wonderful tag! The book print moon and houses looks perfect with the gold flourishes - beautiful 😁. Those cookies looks too good to eat, they are so intricate, well if you insist 😉. Amazing autumnal photos, as always! Wishing you a very Happy T Day my friend! J 😊

    1. By the way I love your new photo header on your blog, those red and scarlet leaves are stunning! J 😊 x

  5. A gorgeous tag Valerie and love those bookprint elements. Great photos too, the cookies sound yummy and love those naughty and rather greedy ducks.
    Fliss xx

  6. Gorgeous tag and beautiful cookies! Spoiled birds, enjoyed your photos today.

  7. Love your tag, Book print is an interesting theme. I will have to search some old books for some inspiring pieces. :) The cookies look amazing. I can buy Biscoff cookies here, which I just love, but they aren't as pretty as yours for sure. And maybe those ducks hoped you would have cookies rather than bread. I know the dogs would rather beg for a cookie than bread, but then dogs will beg for anything, won't they. Happy T day. Hope all is well. Hugs-Erika

  8. Book print sounds a great theme for at Tag Tuesday. Your tag looks fantastic and I love the die cut book print scene you added.
    Those cookies look to good to eat wonderful shapes. I think I would look at them for a while before eating them.
    Super photos, someone had a sense of humour, placing the frog on the bird bath.
    Happy T day wishes Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

  9. A lovely tag. The black and gold go together superbly and so cool that you have used gold thread!
    Those cookies are amazing! Such works of art. Do you happen to know the name of the molds? I am thinking I need some of these for future tea parties! ;)
    Happy Tea day,

  10. Super tag and a great theme to play with at Tag Tuesday! Those are really special cookies and so beautiful to just look at too. A joy to see the sweet ducks and lovely scenery. Happy T day!

  11. Beautiful tag Valerie. Love your stitchwork too, it gives a lovely finish to your tag. Could look at your pictures all day, they are always so serene and calming. Love Mr Frog, thinking what can I do. Enjoy your new day. Hugs Rita xxx. PS I am slowly getting back to my crafting again too. R xxx

  12. Awww that frog looked like he needed a kiss Now that tag is right up my alley... love the book text and the moon and stars.. gorgeous! Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  13. For some reason, your post didn't show up on my blog until after I saw it on the T link. Some days blogger and I have loads of trouble liking each other.

    Your tag is fabulous. I especially love the German text because it has such a unique and beautiful font. Adding the sewing certainly sets it apart.

    Those ducks were really greedy, weren't they? They've been reinforced too many times, I guess. That's why our Canadian geese no longer fly south. Why worry when people will feed them where they are.

    Love the frog fountain. I wonder what Chris will think of it, though. Looks like you enjoyed your cappuccino, too. I really want some of those cookies. I had them once at a friend's house, and the spiciness was perfect.

    Thanks for sharing your art, your photos of the ducks and lake, your photos from the restaurant, and your cappuccino with us for T this Tuesday.

  14. Love your work of art. The ducks are cute and I am always amazed at the different photos you [aNNie]

  15. moin valerie.

    dein tag ist superschön mit den buchseitenhäusern und den goldenen sternen,tolle herbstbilder hast du gemacht,was für traumhafte farben.
    einen schönen feiertag.

    hugs jenny

  16. Beautiful tag! Love the newsprint in the moon and the city line, and the gold accents are divine! HAHA, your post made me giggle today Valerie! Tastes are different, that's for sure!! Love that froggie fountain, mine has the water spurting out of a fish mouth which I thought was kind of cute. Just wondering about those birds, there is one there that I don't recognize. The second photo, do you know what that is? sending hugs :)

  17. I love your newest tag-reminds me of winter or Christmas-very pretty.
    Those cookies are gorgeous-years ago I found a rolling pin with designs on it and used it to make a batch of those cookies-those are allot of work-but very tasty.
    The ducks must all be trained lol looking for food we used to raise exotic birds when we were much younger and we always suggested for people to take along a small bag of cracked corn or seeds to feed instead of the bread
    I loved the frog! Happy T Day Kathy

    1. I used to have a rolling pin with patterns on it but it got lost when I moved house:(

    2. Das Tag ist so schön, klasse die Häuser aus einer Buchseite zu stanzen. Wunderbar auch deine Fotostrecke wieder. Der kleine Vogel mit den grünen Füssen ist putzig, aber auch der Froschkönig auf dem kleinen Brunnen. Du hast immer ein Auge für die kleinen netten Dinge , die nicht Jedem auffallen würden.
      Liebe Grüße

  18. That tag is a thing of beauty.

    Y'all have such wonderful fall color. We're not getting much of that here this year, so I'm appreciative of your lovely photos. I'm not familiar with those birds!

    I think the cookies are too pretty to eat. Well, almost ;) Happy T Tuesday

    1. Hmm, it's a strange feeling biting the heads off those cookies, but they do taste great, and the inhibitions diminish from cookie to cookie!

  19. A lovely and unusual tag, love the book print and the gold, which sets it all off really well. Great photos as well.
    Hugs Wendy

  20. That's a lovely tag, Valerie. I especially like the simple color scheme and the old-fashioned German book print. The white and gold stand out beautifully against the black sky.

    The Spekulatius cookie shapes are amazing! I've never seen such intricate detail before. I don't think I could bear to eat them. I'd seal them and hang them on my Christmas tree ;-)

    The Egyptian wild geese look very different from North American geese. What pretty color markings they have.

    Great autumn colors in some of your photos. I can hardly believe how well you captured the water drops mid-air!

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  21. The tag is beautiful, I love it! The ducks are so cute, waiting, waiting...

  22. Beautiful tag! I love the cookie figures and the frog prince!

  23. Fantastic tag! Love that idea. Happy t day!

  24. Your tag is beautiful. I love the piece of book page you have used with the German lettering. I have an old book (of Märchen)written in the old German Font. So pretty. I keep it to tear up and scrap, but I find myself Reading the stories sometimes...
    The spekulatius look delicious. I love them. I have even brought a mold back from Holland so that I could make them myself at home. I have tried several times but in spite of greasing the mold well, I have never been able to get them out of the mold.
    Thank you for taking me on your walk. The autumn colours are spectacular and i loved seeing all the ducks and geese.
    Happy T-Day,

  25. I forgot to comment on your new header. It's beautiful.

  26. I love your tag!!!!! Those cookies look so delicious! I love the bird photos! So cute! Love the frog fountain too! LOL! Big Hugs and Happy Halloween!

  27. Oh I love your take on the book print challenge! I'd love to join you for those treats! As always, your photographs are amazing. Helene

  28. Maybe I would try to kiss the frog, Valerie! Ha ha! Beautiful photos, my friend. I LOVE the Egyptian geese! Of course, I would not dare to eat the pretty Spekulatius cookies. I would use them as decoration in my house! I also LOVE your beautiful tag. I like very much the theme of book print! Kisses!

  29. Fabulous tag Valerie! I love those Spekulatius cookies although it must be like eating jelly babies- where do you start? Sun Park is such a beautiful place but I wouldn't like being pestered by geese! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  30. Well that froggy sure looks like he needs a kiss ♥ Great photos once again and I love the tag ♥

  31. Great photos Valerie, I love the ducks and cheeky geese! A wonderful tag too!
    Happy Wednesday,
    Alison xx

  32. Your tag is gorgeous - I love the book print moon and houses!! The ribbon and stars at the top of the tag add the perfect finishing touch !

  33. Love the tag. Great idea,I will try to incorporate it in something in the future. Beautiful tags as always!

  34. Just love the tags.
    You cappuccino looks good ... and a wonderful collection of photographs, thank you.

    All the best Jan

  35. I love the tag with the book page recreated into a scene. Awesome!

    The trip to the lake looks like fun. Ducks are so entertaining. :) Thanks for sharing!

  36. Love how you have used Book Print on your tag..fab tag..x

  37. I think this is the frog prince my friend Sherie has been looking for!!
    What a great post!
    That black and gold tag is absolutely gorgeous! I love it!! And those cookies! Oh how I would love to try them! Is there a place I could order some from?
    Your posts are always filled with such goodness Valerie!
    hugs,Jackie xo

    1. I am sure you could find an online order place in the States. Google Spekulatius and have a look!


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