
Sunday 29 October 2017

Last efforts

Hi Everybody!

The month is coming to a close, and I have 2 more pieces
I would like to link before the next challenge cycles begin.
The first piece is for my challenge at Tag Tuesday, 
autumn or Halloween. The three sweet little witches are
an image from Gecko Galz, printed onto canvas,
which was fringed and then sewn onto 2 coordinating
backing papers. The owl strip was punched out:

The second piece is for Elke's lovely challenge at
Art Journal Journey, 'Landscapes of the soul'.
Last week I cut a large face stamp. It took several days as the cutting 
hurts my hands so I couldn't do too much at one sitting. 
The A3 background here was brayered with some left over
autumn colours, and the stamp was used to 'ghost' stamp the page - 
it wasn't re-inked after using it on another page, so this is the faded,
second or 'ghost' print. I added more colour using Calligraphy
permanent markers from Lehmann and Weber. The birds were 

This is the stamp:

Some photos showing the very changeable weather
we had this week:

I was alone at the ice parlour drinking my coffee:

The evening sun lighting up the remaining leaves against
the dark clouds:

Lots of colourful leaves:

And a mix of sun, wind and clouds all week:

Here's wishing you all a good start in the new week!
Take care, and thanks for coming by!


  1. Another wonderful post. Love the face you created, and the gorgeous journal page. The photos are great - love the umbrella and boots! My sister is coming with Mum this afternoon, that should be fun! Have a quiet day, get some rest, hugs, Sarah

  2. Your face stamp is fabulous and art created with it amazing, and I'm sorry to read that you are having trouble with your hands. Also the printing on canvas is interesting, I have no idea how you did that. Your photographs are gorgeous. The top tag in previous post is gorgeous as well, love it. Cheers xx

  3. Love the witches tag, printing on canvas adds a great texture. Your home made stamp is fabulous Valerie and it made a great piece of art. Lovely Autumnal photos with some lovely sky shots with the silhouette trees.
    Avril xx

  4. The witch tag is very sweet. The face page is pensive and uplifting. Beautiful photographs. I especially love the sky photos. Just glorious. Have a spectacular day!

  5. Stunning work Valerie, I like the effect of the permanent markers too. Beautiful photos, love the leaves lit up by the evening sun.

  6. Wow Valerie. What a great post. Nice new header(love the little crow) and the tag. Those witches are pretty cute! Love how you printed it on cloth. Great effect. And your stamp is amazing. You could sell that face. :) It is sooooo cool.And your photos really catch your weather. Those sun coming out photos are nice. Hope your Sunday is sunnier and brighter. Hugs-Erika

  7. How delightful those sweet witches are!

    Oh Valerie! that stamp is the best!! I really need to learn to carve- you have inspired me so!
    Jackie xo

  8. wie wunderschön die Post eine ist von dir mit den tag eien tolle Arbeit darauf zu sehen und das Journal mit dem Stamp den du toll geschnitzt hast herrlich an zusehen mit dem Spruch! Einfach wunderschön ich danke dir wieder das mit machen bei AJJ dem Thema Seelenlandschaften!
    Wie schön deine Himmelfotos und all die anderen.
    Schönen Sonntagnachmaittag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  9. Wow Valerie, your own carved stamp is absolutely awesome. It looks fantastic, I had to go get my ruler and convert it to inches [ about 10 inches] I still think in these old measures. Its a great size and I'm sure you will have fun using and showing her to us in your art creations. This page looked FAB.
    I loved the tag as well with the witches printed onto the material.
    Super photo, we have sun today, I want to whisper that as its ages since it showed up here.
    Yvonne xx

    1. We had Sun here today, too, so we'd better keep it quiet!

  10. I love your three witches. Beautiful texture and I love the monochromatic feel. Boy, I can see why your hands hurt -- that is a ton of carving!

  11. Die drei Hexchen sind drollig, schönes Tag. Dein selbst gemachter Stempel und die Journalseite damit finde ich prima. Hoffe deinen Händen geht es wieder besser.Deine Naturfotos sind wieder traumhaft schön geworden.
    Liebe Grüße

  12. Wow! I love your face stamp! It's fabulous! Beautiful leaves and skies too!
    Happy Sunday!
    Alison xx

  13. Good morning!! What a nice walk I had with you, thanks!
    Very fun witches and your stamp is really amazing art!!

  14. Love the little witches and that's a great stamp you carved out!!!! Love it!!!! Your fall colors are beautiful . We finally had a freeze here so the garden is done all but the clean up. I do have a lot of tomatoes setting on the kitchen table waiting to be processed so I need to force myself out of this chair and get busy . MAYBE :)

  15. Beautifully done on the pieces! The witches are so cute. The stamp is gorgeous! The sky photos are stunning as always. :)

  16. Beautiful artwork Valerie and your hand carved stamp is fabulous. Hope your hands aren't suffering too much! Wonderful photos as always.
    Fliss xx

  17. Wonderful art pieces, those little girls with their witches hats are adorable 😁. Such dramatic photos too and beautiful coloured leaves - amazing! It's been sunny here so we've been out walking and meeting up with friends, I've just got to catch up on everyone's posts now ... lol 😁. Hope you've had a lovely weekend and wishing you a great new week! J 😊

  18. What a wonderful projects!!!!

  19. Two beautiful cards, Valerie. I love the sweet witches and the pretty stamp of the second one. I love your photos, too. Crazy weather but I am in love with the autumn colours. Kisses, my friend.

  20. Oooh I love your little witches and the stamp piece is very powerful. What gorgeous photos of sky as well.

  21. Loving the witches on the canvas back and those beautiful owls! How cool that you cut out your own face stamp! I have never been brave enough to try but now I want too. Such an awesome page!

  22. wow printing on canvas! i don't know how you do that but it came out wonderfully. gorgeous tag and such texture. also i am in LOVE with your journal page. you created a fantastic stamp and the page you made is powerful and strong. nice! have a great week. xo

    1. You cut the canvas to the exact size of normal printing paper, put it into the printer, and it prints!

  23. Hi Valerie, I love your new blog header. It's just perfect for the time of year. I also love your little witches and the stamp piece as well.
    Your photographs are all gorgeous; I love how you’ve got the dark sky and sunshine. Stunning post as always, have a great week. Hugs Barbara

  24. Gorgeous new autumn blog header here, wow. Love your fabulous work of art too.xx [aNNie]

  25. I stopped by earlier, but it was just as I was leaving a comment, I found the rechargeable batteries were dead in my keyboard. Two things caught my eye. First, printing on fabric was fabulous, and the witches turned out great. Second, the hand carved stamp was out of this world. Most impressive.

  26. Good morning your fall photos are just gorgeous. the outdoor cafe looks large what a nice setting for a cup of coffee.
    your art is always amazing-loved they both
    Have a good week hugs Kathy

  27. Both of these are fantastic. Wonderful photos too. Have a great day.

  28. beautiful tag. and love your many photos. special the duck loveee Ducks

  29. I love both your art pieces, but the courage one really touched my soul! Thank you for your art! Thank you for you!! Love the photos!! WOW!!!!! Please take care of your hands, when doing your art! Big Hugs!

  30. Wow! Your tag is fabulous but even more wonderful is the carved stamp and the beautiful page you created! Once again beautiful photos Valerie! Hugs, Chrisx

  31. Super art work.
    Super photo's too. I particularly like the one with the umbrella and boots, it just make a great photo.

    All the best Jan


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