
Sunday 6 August 2017

The wild swans at Coole

Hi Everybody!
Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

For Jo's 'Poetry in Motion' challenge at Art Journal Journey
I have a digital piece using elements from Serif, Mischief Circus and me.
The photo of William Butler Yeats is courtesy of
One of the poems that impressed me at school was this one from Yeats, 
an Irish airman foresees his death, from the collection
'The Wild Swans at Coole'. He had a wonderful way of expressing
himself, and could conjure up an idea using a minimum of 
simple  but effective words.

Some photos from my walks this past week or so,
and some beautiful skies:

Had a coffee at the 'Old Ferry' this week - the ferry and the
restaurant date back to the beginning of the 14th century,
but the coffee is always fresh!

Some trees have already lost a lot of leaves:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love your artwork. The poem goes perfectly with it or it goes perfectly with the poem. :)

    Your photos are beautiful. The colors in the sky- purplish- are so pretty. I especially love the windows with the reflections because it gives them such an interesting look. It looks like the seasons are in the beginning stages of change. I need summer for a while longer. :)

    Happy day!

  2. This is a gorgeous piece, Val - you have the ability to create the right mood and atmosphere in your pages, and that is a talent. We all swooned over Keats and Shelley at school, too! Lovely photos, as always. Darkness is falling more quickly these days, I think Autumn is starting to pull us in. Have a nice afternoon, hugs, Sarah

  3. A bit dark, a bit foreboding, a bit foretelling, this AJJ entry is fabulous.

    Loved the photos, especially the flower boxes on the "fence" around the Old Ferry Restaurant. Loved that the coffee was fresh (grin).

    I want to visit that shop with the fresh roses and mugs. It looks fabulous. Hope your day is going well.

  4. A beautiful poem you featured from Yeats! Your photos are gorgeous today too!

  5. I just have to say you have one creative mind.

  6. Love the art and it's poem...they are so meant for each other. Beautiful photos from your world again.

  7. beautiful artwork with poem that is great!!!!
    The photos are wonderful! auf englisch ganz vergessen *zwinker*
    Schönen Abend deine Arbeit ist cool echt!!!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  8. What a poignant and touching poem and digital collage page for Art Journal Journey! Your artwork depicts the poem perfectly,it is so beautiful and moving. I was captured by the picture of Yates and all the old time memorabilia you used - wonderful! Your photos are fabulous too, the reflections of the sky in the shop windows and shadows of the lamps are amazing 😁. Happy Sunday and wishing you a great start to the week! J 😊

  9. eine schöne seite und wahre worte,tolle bilder hast du gemacht,ich würde jetzt gern im cafe sitzen,das wetter ist hier sehr schön.
    einen schönen abend.

    hugs jenny

  10. Just beautiful!Thank you for joining AJJ!

  11. Just beautiful!Thank you for joining AJJ!

  12. Deep and meaningful open with faces that draw you in and want to know more. Never seen this poem before but will read it again after I mention the amazing photographs. Everything I like best. The lamps, the windows with reflections and how about all the Hawthorne berries-amazing

    Sleep well

    Love Chrissie xx

  13. Wonderful collaging of images with the poem. Beautiful photos and I love the reflections in the shop windows.
    Avril xx

  14. Eine berührend schöne Sprache hatte dieser Mr. Yeats. Sein Bildnis mit dem verträumten und etwas traurigen Blick paßt perfekt dazu. Wunderschön diese Collage mit all den schönen Vintage Details, gefällt mir sehr. Auch deine stimmigen Fotos sind wieder sehenswert.
    Liebe Grüße und schönen Abend.

  15. Aaargh you've done it to me again! I come across to your blog then go off for 20 minutes reading about W B Yeats lol. This is a wonderful piece Valerie, gorgeous images and I love this poem. Have a fun week, Sue xx

  16. What a wonderful piece and compelling words. Your photos are so beautiful too.

  17. Wow, an amazing and thought provoking page, it looks fabulous.
    Loved the photos, the leaves falling makes me sad that summer is nearly over, but I can see some our trees here beginning to change colour. The seasons seem to be changing quicker these days.
    Yvonne xx

  18. Really liked your art piece and especially reading Yeats words.

    Once again your photographs are all a joy.
    A fabulous mix, but I especially like the reflections in the shop windows.

    All the best Jan

  19. a truly impressive journal page! and such glorious skies you've captured in your lens! well done. happy week! xo

  20. Your photographs are an absolute joy and just the thing on a grey and rather cold Monday morning, thank you.
    I loved your artwork and the words by W.B. Yeats.

  21. The poem and your page blend so well together. I so enjoy going on walks with you. I love looking about. The quaint old buildings, shadows. My favorite photo is the silhouette of the bird on a branch.

  22. That's a gorgeous and romantic page today Valerie. You are really inspired I can tell. It could be a book cover. A couple of your photos remind me of your page-all the reflections and images peeking through. Happy new week. Hugs-Erika

  23. Oh how sad that poem is-but your artwork with it displays it beautifully!
    Great photos and I especially love the silhouette of the bird on the branch- I imagine you will be using this one in your art!
    Glad to hear the coffee is always fresh- 14thcentury?? Wow! Don't think the coffee would have too much flavor left from then-huh? heeheee

  24. Your artwork and the poem is very powerful and beautiful!
    Love all the photos! Glad you enjoyed your coffee! Leaves are starting to drop around here too!
    Big Hugs!

  25. What a great page , although so sad! Lovely photos and so pleased that the coffee is fresh at the Old Ferry - it looks a great spot! Hugs, Chrisx

  26. As always, your words are just perfect with the images. Beautiful.


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