
Monday 7 August 2017

T stands for Use your scraps

Hi Everybody!

On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday,
Use your scraps.
I have boxes of scraps which are, for me, too good to throw
away, and I am sure I am not alone with my scrap-hoarding instincts.
This is THE opportunity to use some of them, so start de-stashing
and hope to see you linking to us at Tag Tuesday
with your scrappy creations.
I made a largish tag, 9 x 6 1/2", using corrugated cardboard,
tyvek from an envelope, scraps of lace and netting, and a
cut out postcard. The tyvek was painted, and then heated so it bubbled 
and shrunk, which gives a fun form. I assembled all the various bits, 
sewed them onto the card, and then sewed it to the background
paper, which had been hand-painted. I like how this one turned

I am also linking to Creative Artiste, anything goes

The second one has been made with scraps of paper and lace
 collaged onto an old revision card. I added a die cut sentiment. This tag 
is approx 5 x 3 1/2"

I am looking forward to seeing what YOU create!

I found this pretty postcard advertising a flea-market in
a neighbouring town, and as it has a cup on it, it is suitable
for T stands for Tuesday, Elizabeth's weekly drinks party.
I would like to send the card to a new home, so if you would like it,
let me know in the comments. If more than one person should be 
interested, I will pull the names from a hat!

On Saturday I baked waffles to help me cope with a day
of non-stop rain and lots of crafting:

And of course, I never go without my cappuccino:

Yesterday I visited the Kunstpalast, an art museum here.
It was not exactly exciting - half the museum is being reorganised for
 a new exhibition, and most of the other half is being rebuilt
or renovated. There was a small exhibition of paintings
from Andreas Achenbach, a famous painter from Düsseldorf,
whose paintings I like very much:

I always enjoy seeing the architecture of the buildings:

 There are a lot of insurance buildings nearby:

This is one I showed from the other side last week:

 As I walked back to the tram I saw dozens of bikers on Harleys
waiting at the lights, revving up their motors with as much
noise as they could make:

We had a wonderful moon yesterday evening:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. wie wunderschön die scraps geworden sind das Mädchen mit den Schmetterlingsflügel ist so süss!!!
    Neuss da habe ich 5 Jahre gelebt und der Flohmakrt hat mir immer gut gefallen und Düsseldorf die Kunstausstellung in diesem Turm hat tolle interessante Bilder!
    Vollmond wunderschön fotografiert!
    Danke für deine lieben Genesungsworte und heute war ich schon wieder auf dem Fahrrad also 3 Tage drinnen langt ich, tu langsam trotzdem dass alles schnell auch verheilt.
    Ich wünsche dir noch einen schönen Abend!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Ja, der Flohmarkt dort ist toll, ich fahre immer gerne hin. Freut mich das es langsam Bergauf geht!

  2. Wonderful art again, I love both pieces, and both are so different, just fantastic. Great photos from the exhibition, too, and from the museum, the architecture is very impressive. I bet those Harleys made a huge noise. Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

  3. Love your scrap art today♥♥♥ You always make amazing tags! Love all of the beautiful glass in that building. If only I were rich I would have windows that beautiful ♥ I didn't get to see the moon last night as we were cloudy. Lots of clouds but no rain :(

  4. Beautiful tags today and that's a pretty postcard! Your waffles are amazing. Thanks for the Kunstpalast tour. The moon was bright and full last night.

  5. Hi Valerie! I LOVE your photos of the full moon! WOW!!! And your visit to the art museum was awesome, even if half of the building was being renovated! Your tags are so creative and gorgeous. I love how you used your scraps - I am definitely a scrap hoarder. And I would absolutely LOVE to be the new owner of the third tag!!! It's beautiful!

  6. Fabulous art and photos! Happy T-Day!

  7. Oh what gorgeous tags! I would certainly love the teacup card. Your waffles look delicious and thank you for sharing your adventuring!

  8. Amazing tags Valerie and what great things you have in your scrap collectionlove the tea party piece and the waffle and coffee you are sharing. Happy T Day

    The gallery looks like another great place to visie and lose yourself in artisic wonder

    Vic was taking photographs of the moon as well but I haven't seen the yet. Hope they are as good as yours

    Sleep well

    Love Chrissie xx

  9. gorgeous tags, great things you have in your scrap love love. photos great as always.

  10. fabulous photos as always, love your tags too and yes please me add me the hat for the drawing-love that piece.
    Your waffles look delicious!
    Happy T Day Kathy

  11. As always loved the pieces, especially the first one. It looks like a shrine.
    You're always introducing me to wonderful new painters. Isn't the way he uses light amazing?
    And that moon....takes my breath away.
    You have a wondrous one, my friend.

  12. Fabulous pieces all of them! Specially love the piece created from scraps, - it's amazing what can be done with them with some imagination and creativity....

  13. Hach der Buddha ist ja ein Traum so schön mit viel Glitzer umrahmt. Ich liebe Buddhas und deinen hier auch sehr. Das Tag mit dem süßen Schmetterlings-Mädchen und dem vielschichtig collagierten HG ist auch super geworden. Deine Fotos sind, wie immer, sehr schön anzuschauen. Toll der Querschnitt durchs Museum Innen und Außen. Die drei Gemälde sind der Wahnsinn und du hast sie perfekt abgelichtet,die tollen Stimmungen darauf sind gut zu erkennen. Dein dicker Mond ist auch erste Sahne, toll für eine digitale Collage.
    Liebe Grüße

  14. Awesome tags and your sewing is a great way to join the layers.
    I love seeing what was in your scrap boxes when you create wonderful pieces like these.
    Yes I am guilty of hoarding bits, I think I am passed trying to keep it all in one place when i see the mess I work in.
    The inside of the art gallery building looked great with the coloured glass windows.
    Your waffle looked yummy, just the thing to cheer you up on a dull day.
    Happy T day Valerie
    Yvonne xx

  15. Your tags are wonderful! Your scrap box must be full of delights, the little girl with the butterfly wings is so cute :-) . I always enjoy seeing the architecture of the buildings too and those coloured/stained glass windows are stunning! Wow, that's one amazing moon too. Wishing you a Happy T Day! J :-)

  16. Wow, oh wow. I love the idea of digging into my scraps and using them to make a tag or two. Both your tags are wonderful, but both are so very different. So fun to see them both and all the beautiful scraps you used. My scrap bin isn't as lovely as yours, though!

    I really enjoyed the museum photos. In a way, Achenbach reminded me of Turner, but with more realism. His work is wonderful. Of course, I was impressed by the size of that room and the expanse of the windows. Gosh those stained glass windows must have cost a fortune.

    I still say that insurance building looks like a silo. The other buildings look rather 60ish to me, from what little I know about architecture.

    Men and their machines! The louder the better. I was surprised Harleys were so popular outside the U.S.

    My waffles never look like yours. They don't have a happy face! Your cappuccino looks wonderful, and I see you've even given yourself a couple of cookies/biscuits, too. Thanks for sharing your art, your photos, and your waffle and cappuccino with us for T this Tuesday.

  17. Your Buddha card so peaceful. Your scrap tag and flea market postcard go well together. Beautiful stained glass window in the museum. Love the reflecting pool at the insurance building, but what is on the top of the round insurance tower? I want a waffle baker like yours. I love the sound of rolling thunder. On Sundays, a motocycle group with hundreds of members ride by the house on the way to an outing. Very cool moon pictures.

  18. Love your amazing and colourful project. The pictures are fabulous and interesting and oh that moon, what a lovely sight.xx[aNNie]

  19. WOW!! What an excellent moon shot Valerie!!!
    Your scrap tags are Fabulous!! I especially love the Buddha! You are so good with taking bits and bobs and turning them into beautiful creations!
    That museum is Gorgeous!!! What a beautiful piece of architecture! I love all the glass and those stairs! Thanks so much for sharing your journeys and adventures with us- i always enjoy them!
    hug my friend! xoxo

  20. So much excitement in this post. First of all I really like the tags. I need to clear off the scraps on my work table, (never mind the box), so I am looking forward to the latest Tag Tuesday challenge. And yummy waffles. Ones of my favorite sweets. The face you added to them is really fun. :) And Nice postcard. I'd love to be included in the postcard give away. :) Its a super cool postcard. And those paintings are wonderful. What cool museum. And the tall round building had an interesting piece on the top. Is that an observation deck? I don't think I'd like to be up that high on it. Have a wonderful T day. Hugs-Erika

  21. wow,deine buddhaseite ist fabelhaft und dein tag ist klasse,schöne bilder aus deiner welt.
    eine schöne woche.

    hugs jenny

  22. Your scrap art is breathtaking! What you can do with a few odd bits and bobs. I love the buddha tag. I don't knw what tyvek is but I asume is it the misshapen layer under the buddha picture.
    As always, I enjoyed your museum tour. This time the building was the interesting bit. I have seen potos of this building before and I love it. It has a gothic, cathedral-like feel to it. Very majestic. The stained glass Windows are stunning.
    The postcard for the flea market is wonderful. I would like to put my name in the hat for that. You know I collect postcards and this one is rather special.
    The insurance buildings are not particularly beautiful, but I am interested in the use of natural Stone, marbles, granites and the like. The columns are lovely. That round building has ainteresting platform on top. Helipad? Platform for the window cleaning apparatus?
    The moon was fantastic this week, wasn't it. We had a tiny eclipse at 9:30pm, but it was cloudy (unexpectedly) and I didn't take any photos that night.
    Have a good week,
    Happy T-Day,

  23. Wunderschöne Tags hast Du wieder gezaubert, liebe Valerie, Deine Fotos sind wie immer super geworden

  24. Stunning shots of the moon.

    Those waffles look tasty! Especially with that cappuccino. :)

    Beautiful TAGs. I love that you created such interesting pieces using scraps. Yeah!

    Have a great day!

  25. Wonderful post. The card with the tyvek has SO much texture. I'm really happy to be able to join the T gang again. I'm putting my name in for that great postcard.

  26. Love those tags from scraps...the first one is stunning. Lovely photos of the places you've visited.
    Happy T day!

  27. Hi Valerie, So nice to enjoy a nice long visit here this morning. You have certainly been busy and as always I love all your creative designs. These two tags are incredible and the one you found is amazing too. Love the paintings from the museum you visited. You will have to return when all the renovations are complete. It's early here and your baked waffles are calling to me!! Love your town photos and that moon is gorgeous. Have a wonderful week and happy creating!! xo

  28. I didn't even know what Tyvek is, but you can be sure I'll be on the lookout for it from now on. What a cool grungy effect you got by heating it, Valerie. Great stitching as usual. That adds so much to a piece. The second tag is darling. Your art is so varied. I always get some inspiration from you.

    The Kunstpalast art museum architecture is very beautiful - a work of art in itself.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  29. The postcard would certainly work for getting me to go to that flea market :) That waffle is a fancier shape than ours, but in any shape a waffle is always a good plan. What a grand building for an art museum! I love the glass in your photos, and I always appreciate public sculpture and water features. It looks like a nice place to spend some time, maybe especially after the art museum renovation is complete ;)

    Happy T Tuesday!

  30. You must have a wonderful scrap box to make such great tags.
    I'm glad your waffle cheered you up on Saturday and it put a smile on my face today as we've got torrential rain. Wonderful photos and the full moon looks fabulous.
    Avril xx

  31. The buddha tag is fabulous!! I love all the layers of textures you used. I also really like the tag with the sweet little girl. Your full moon photo is breathtaking!

  32. Both cards are wonderfully creative ~ my favorite, though is the Buddha one ~ love the dimensionality of it ~ lovely photography too ~ ^_^

  33. Brilliant pieces Valerie, such rich colours, and what amazing photographs xx

  34. Love those beautiful tags.
    Those waffles look delicious.

    Thanks for all of your photographs, I always enjoy seeing them.

    All the best Jan

  35. Fun tags, I've really missed visiting your blog this summer.
    Thanks for the welcome back.
    Happy T-day

  36. Fabulous tags Valerie! Oooh! There are those waffles again! Great photos and a fabulous shot of the moon! Hugs, Chrisx

  37. Scrap hoarding is fun! I love your buddha and tags Valerie :D)
    What a delicious happy waffle man xx

  38. You always fill your posts with such great stuff Val!!
    Love both your tags! You have amazing creativity! Great use of your scraps! LOL!
    Your post card is beautiful!
    Amazing photos! Gorgeous moon!!
    Big Hugs!

  39. What a fabulous building. I love the stairway and the stained glass. A grand exhibition, I think.

    And both your pieces touch me so and in very different ways. Beautiful work, as always.

  40. A fabulous tag. Lovely textures and colours.
    Thank you for joining in with our August challenge "Anything Mixed Media Goes" at Creative Artiste Mixed Media and good luck x

  41. Beautiful work - love the stitching around the Buddha :) Thanks for joining us at Creative Artiste Mixed Media Challenge Blog :)


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