
Thursday 22 June 2017

Hot summer days

Hi Everybody!

It's still extremely hot and humid here, which isn't doing
a lot for my creativity, so I am hoping for some cooler days. 
It's not easy to sleep or work when it's over 30° inside
and a lot more outside!

For Paint Party Friday I have a large (A3) doodled page
made last week. After it was drawn, it looked rather scary,
so I painted it with bright colours, and now it
looks okay - I'm not sure what it is - a bird? a face?

 And some photos taken out and about here:

Down by the stream:

Balloon flowers, planted by the birds, on my balcony:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. eeeeek I've been attacked by the scary doodle monster.....ha, looks rather cute. Love the pics.xx [aNNie]

  2. waue great doodeling and awsome colour choice. love it. great Photos as usual of your out and about...

  3. What a fun piece today Val, the kids love it, too! Wonderful photos as always. Need to take the kids to the doc's today for their jabs, they will love it....Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  4. I can imagine that you look like this fun creature because of that huge heat....keep cool!
    Nice photos!

  5. Sorry it still so hot Valerie must be hard for you.

    Love the piece of artwork and the cool colours. Also you beautiful header.

    Amazing photographs as always and I have the lamp one saved in my Valerie photographs folder. I cans see that appearing on a project for sure. Thank you for sharing the wonders.

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Fabulous doodled piece, the colours are lovely, great photos too.
    xxx Hazel.

  7. I love the colours in your piece, there are eyes for sure! Beautiful summer photos they don't show the heat.

  8. I don't think he's a monster, he looks so cute and fun to me. Its a fantastic doodle page Valerie and super colours.
    The out and about photos looked beautiful.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Three of my favorite colors! And I really love your photos. It looks idyllic. And of course you know I can't resist a heron!

  10. Love your art today Valerie - love the colours and its one of those fun pieces you can enjoy looking and see all sorts of things in it :)
    Great photos of your walk also.
    Gill xx

  11. He looks like a Squiggle Monster to me. I think he's adorable and so cute. I also love the photos by the river, especially that long boat in the last photo. I hope it was cooler there (at the Rhine).

    A friend and I were talking yesterday about what people who didn't have AC might do. I can't imagine living without it. I can get by without heat, but I am NO good when I get hot. I pity you right now.

    1. They just melt away - it's 38° outside and 34 inside just now....

  12. When I first glanced at this, I thought it said, It's hard to sleep at work. Ha ha. I love your piece. He looks perplexed. I feel this way myself on a regular basis. The walk was wondrous. I'm always happy to see one of the horses:) And what a great shot of the fly on the flower. Hope it cools down for you soon. We are STILL getting rain. I'm starting to worry about root rot. YOU have a wondrous day. Hugs,

  13. ausprobiert so zu malen und es ist deine Fantasie was raus kam ohne Beurteilung einfach so dass tut gut Valerie.
    Deine Fotos sind wieder alle interessant und schön wie es bei dir ist!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  14. Oh I love our Wild Thing ! So bright and bold ♥♥ It's hot here too but a cool down is headed our way tomorrow... can't wait! Love the photos especially Mr Heron of course :)

  15. How bold and lovely your painting is! I love your photos, the horse one is especially beautiful. How wonderful that the birds planted flowers for you!

  16. Ohhh Ohhh Ohhh I LOVE this piece of art. It is bold, unique, and captures interest. Love the photos too.

  17. Love your colorful monster !
    And as usual enjoyed your scenes!!!

  18. I like your doodle and the colours you've used.
    Yes, it has been so hot recently, nice to see the water photo's, especially the heron too, ... cooling somehow.

    All the best Jan

  19. no fun for it to be so hot when you don't like it so I hope things cool down a bit for you. I'm enjoying our hot weather. Cool looking doodle art, and really beautiful photos. Happy PPF!

    1. It's just no fun with no air conditioning at home, and the majority of homes here just don't have it!

  20. Hope it cools down for you Valerie. I hate that heat so I can relate to what you are saying. It makes me want to sit like a lump. So I think your page is really you in this wanting to be cool mood. Well not exactly you but your inner thoughts you. How you feel in this heat. I would be the same maybe a bit more grouchy 😀Happy Friday. Hugs erika

  21. That's a magnificent doodle!! and so are the pictures you took.

  22. I like the colour palette of your abstract bird - I can definitely see a bird in there - some sort of strange Jim Henson type creation!!

    Lucky you having a heatwave - the rest of the UK have been too - all apart from the far north of Scotland where it's been grey and miserable. The odd time the sun does come out and it's really hot just to tease us that it is actually there but it inevitably disappears behind the clouds five minutes later!

  23. I don't know whether it's 'animal, vegetable or mineral ' but it IS spectacular! I love the photos! Pleased it's cooler here now although it didn't get as hot here as in London! Chrisx

  24. Fun doodle, and the photos are lovely, despite the heat! It's been such an odd weather year here on Oregon, and singers been off and on a-coming! It's supposed to get hot this weekend, and I have a class upstairs in an old building downtown Saturday AM, hope it's not too hot yet!!
    Happy PPF!

  25. Beautiful art, I especially like the tag, it's fabulous! Lovely photos as well. Take good care xx

  26. love the bright colors in your doodle art and gorgeous photos,too! Happy PPF!

  27. Oh dear poor you...we are to have that kind of heat this weekend too. Not looking forward to it! Trying to hydrate now ahead of it all!! FABULOUS ART!! My kind of artwork... I LOVE IT!! Also adore your sweet sweet unique banner.... great post and wonderful photos too!! Not scary at all!!

    Hugs Giggles

  28. Ah, that was so good how you 'let your hair down' and doodled up that little being!! Love it - and I love all the colours too :D)
    Always great to go roaming around the streets with you too - great sights and happenings. Cheers and Happy PPF and an enjoyable weekend Valerie :D)

  29. Love the doodle page. :) And the photos are wonderful!

  30. Your abstract is really could be placed anywhere the color works and it doesn't what the abstract is either! I just love the colors! Your photography is amazing. Thank you for sharing.

  31. Please take care of yourself and keep cool! We have been getting so much rain! It's yucky! I would like some sun, please!!!
    Love your doodle! So cool and bright!
    Amazing photos!!
    Big Hugs!

  32. Oooh I love your doodle, he's definitely friendly, like some sort of mad chicken! xx

  33. Doodle is from a fantastic imagination. . .love it. The horse and the heron are faves. Wow, the bee. . Pictures are great. Blessings, Janet


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