
Sunday 21 May 2017

Sunny Sunday

Hi Everybody!
Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Today I am sharing the rest of the lino prints I
made last week. Once again they are A3 size. This one was part of 
a series I made some years back with the theme of masks:

For Go Tag Thursday, tape measure, ruler, I made a tag
and was able to use up a sheet of designer paper which
I have had for more than 10 years. I am also linking to Tag Tuesday, 
where our theme is anything goes:

And now we are going back to the gasometer in Oberhausen.  In the 100 meters high space you can view the world as normally only astronauts get to see it.
There is a huge 'globe', 20 meters in diameter, onto which pictures of the world
showing various seasons, day and night etc are beamed. The pictures are shown with 58 million pixels, which gives an incredible detail. The video shows how it was made. The text is in German, but it is worth looking at just for the pictures:

There is an arena with seating all round, and you just grab a
huge bean bag, lay back, and watch the world turning:

We then took the lift to the very top of the gasometer and
enjoyed the view outside. For me, the best views were through
the glass walls of the lift taken on the way back down:

All in all, a wonderful experience. More pictures to come tomorrow.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Fantastic prints again Valerie so good that you have these things. I had to get rid of a lot of this sort of thing when we downsized years ago. Not sure I would know where to start now to make them.

    Beautiful tag with a great quote.

    More from the wonderful Gasometer. I am sure you ran out of time there before you ran out of things of interest.

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Hi Val, love the prints, well done on making so many, and love the photos from the gasometer. We will be in Bochum for a week in June, so I hope I can visit there, the kids would love it, too. Great tag, too, like your take on measuring! Have a nice day, we're having a quiet one here, P is out for the day :) Hugs, Sarah

  3. Oh this is beautiful!

    Thank you for your wonderful comment on my earlier post :)

    Maybe you’d like to check out my new post: It’s Raining Mint With Sequins Jacket!

    Follow me on Google Plus


  4. Fabulous prints, tags and photos of the exhibition!
    Happy Sunday! Susi

  5. What a fantastic place the gasometer is. Beautiful linocuts and tag too.

  6. Love this set "masks" of your lino prints, too, Valerie! They are so cool!
    Your tag is just gorgeous!!! I love how you use corrugated cardboard and and that 10 year old designer paper is fabulous with your stitching!!!
    Those Gasometer photos are exquisite!!!

    Big Hugs

  7. The TAG you made is beautiful. The background paper is perfect and I love the quote.

    The series pictures are so interesting!

    I love that you got to see what Earth is like from an astronaut's point of view. So cool and it must have felt so peaceful. :)

  8. Wow those photos and video are amazing. 👍 I would love to visit this place. And it is amazing how some of the stash supplies are so old. I have a bunch too. But I never thought in terms of actual years. You sure made a great tag and I love the prints. We were singing a song from the lion king this morning and your prints made me think of that. Enjoy the end of your weekend. Our clouds are slowly coming in. They say rain tomorrow. Hugs erika

  9. Very cool prints and gorgeous tag. It was nice to get a glimpse of your back yard through the window. I feel almost as though we had a real visit.

  10. Hello Valerie, you might think I’m crazy but the prints remind me of Aslan from The Chronicles of Narnia. The neck area reminds me of a lion’s mane, and the eyes are a little feline. I do hope that’s not offensive, it was just the first thing I thought of when I came over to your blog. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe has long been a favourite book of mine, which might go some way to explain my thinking.
    Your new tag is beautiful, and I really enjoyed the video, thank you.
    Thank you also for the comment on my blog, it was very clever of you to recognise Dresden on the postcard. I didn’t even consider it might be a place. Hugs Barbara

    1. Yes, it reminds me of Aslan, too. Narnia has accompanied me since my childhood. The masks were all beings which were neither human nor animal, so your comment hit the nail on the head. Thanks!

  11. PS. I've changed my post (re the postcard) and added a link to your blog, hope that is OK. Barbara

  12. Your lithos turned out beautifully. Thank you again for sharing your photos. This earth part is amazing.

  13. What wonderful prints and I love the time one as well! The photos are lovely too.

  14. Eindrucksvoller Maskendruck und das Tag ist auch wieder schön gemacht.
    Deien Fotos von der Erde sind super geworden, das sieht verlockend aus, was du uns zeigst. Das würde ich auch gerne sehen. Wie lange ist die Ausstellung noch?
    Liebe Grüße
    Sabine xox

  15. Once again, I am in awe of the lino prints. They are wonderful and so thoughtful of you to pass them out to patients and staff.

    I can't believe it. I've still got some of that same paper. It was given to me, so I had no idea how old it was, but I know I've had it at least 8 years and never used it. I certainly like how you used it, though.

    I was in awe of the world as seen from the "floor." What a fabulous exhibit. Much better than ANY exhibit I saw at Cosmosphere. And of course, I love the photos from the lift as you returned to the main floor. Your trip to the Gasometer must have been wonderful. This was especially beautiful today.

  16. Fabulous photos and art work. I have that backing paper somewhere with the tape on. You do seem to have some fantastic places to visit over there.
    Hugs Wendy xx

  17. those lino cuts are fabulous Valerie xxx I love you card too and those photographs are just stunning.............totally fabulous post xxx

    Sending my best wishes
    Annie xx

  18. Loved everything in your post today! The quote on your tag is so true - love the vintage feel of the tag too!

  19. Were these prints shared with staff and patients too?
    The tag is very clever:)
    Watching the world go by on a bean bag......wondrous.

  20. A brilliant post Valerie, lots of lovely art and those photographs are amazing! Have a wonderful week xx

  21. Your prints are fabulous, Valerie. I think I like this design even more than the other, which I liked a lot. And I love the variety of colors you used. That spring green just pops! It may be a mask but it reminds me of a very powerful lion's face!

  22. Marvelous prints, such a strong presence this lion. wonderful. xox

  23. Fab Tag Valarie..I had to smile because I have some of that paper too and I must have had mine for the same length of time too,lol.
    Thank you for joining us at Go Tag Thursday...x

    1. Several people seem to have the paper, nobody has used it, too funny!

  24. I love your prints! Your tag sums it up so well! I also have some of that paper! I would love to lay on a bean bag and watch that fabulous globe - Wow! Hugs, Chrisx

  25. Das tag gefällt mir sehr gut.
    die Masken sehen toll aus.

  26. Wow! What a cool movie! I bet to see this in person was something else!!
    Valerie, I just love your tag!Yes, time is measured in moments, you are so right my friend!
    love& hugs,Jackie

  27. Time is measured in moments ...
    I like these words.

    And wow, watching the world go by, while sitting on a bean bag.
    Now that is different, great photo's.

    All the best Jan

  28. Hi My friend! Trying to catch up in blog land today!
    I love your prints and your tag is excellent!!!
    That place you went to, to watch the "world", is amazing! WOW!! Thank you for showing the video, of how it was made!! I wish I could see this!!
    Big Hugs!!


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