
Monday 22 May 2017

Coffee, cake and birds

Hi Everybody!

Today is another busy blog Tuesday, so I'd better get started
right away. At TIOT we are starting a new challenge
🐤-Feathered Friends-🐦
As always, you have 2 weeks to link up to us, and projects of all
formats are welcome.
I made two birds from old book paper, gave them wings
made from black tissue and added some feathers
and googly eyes as embellishments. They flew all
over my living room and looked at everything:

I am also linking to 2 crafty critter crazies

Today is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday party, so
here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang.
Help yourselves to food and drink!
Last week I baked 2 large fruit crumbles to take to the clinic
on my last day, one with sour cherries:

and one with mixed, fresh fruits - enjoy! I like to serve them warm,
with vanilla ice and whipped cream:

And coffee is being served, although I do have lots of different
tea-bags on offer!

On Thursday and Friday we had changeable
and stormy weather, but a nice sunrise:

Met this snail on a garden wall:

And I never knew there were poppies in this colour!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Valerie! I love, love, love those birds!!! I must make cute 🐦
    Now I need some of that delicious looking fruit crumble with whipped cream and coffee please...tea a bit later with my second helping while I take another peek at your fantastic photos!!!

    Big Hugs 💝💕💝

  2. Love the birds, so pretty, but the star of the show for me today is the cake. Both cakes look fantastic, yummy! I'll take mine with ice and cream, please, but I'd prefer tea! Lovely photos, too. The poppy is lovely. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Oh your vintage text birdies brought smiles today they are so cute. Love your beautiful florals too.
    Hugs June x

  4. Oh your birds are so adorable! I love them. Your baking looks so yummy. I've never seen poppies in that color either...

  5. Sweet birds you made! Your fruit crumble looks delicious, and purple poppies, wow!

  6. Your little birds are fabulous and how delightful that they flew all over your living room to explore (grin!). The crumbles look delicious, I bet they were very gratefully received - wishing you a very Happy T Day! J :-)

  7. o die Vögel sind ja so süss gebastelt und der Kuchen ist ja lecker der duftet bis zu mir hin!
    Die Schnecke ist so schön und die Blümchen mit Regentropfen haben was beosnderes!
    Ich wünsche dir eine gute Nacht udn träume schön!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  8. Thank ou for the cake. Yummy. They look delish! What are sour cherries?
    I love your little birds. They are sweet and I can imagine them hanging up. `
    The poppies are beautiful. I have seen ppink poppies but around here they are always red. The clematis is beautiful too. What a lovely colour!
    Happy T-day,

  9. adorable birds!! Got my post up but am waiting for the link to TIOT:) Fruit crumble with sour cherries, AND coffee-YES!! Beautiful sunrise as well as flowers. I have only ever seen the red poppies. Happy T day!

  10. What incredible birds. I like how they made themselves at home and flew to various nooks and crannies in your house. They are really adorable.

    To be honest, I have never seen a real poppy, except in pictures, so the pink ones really made me smile. I'm not a fan of snails, but I thought the photo was quite beautiful. Only you could make a snail look good.

    You must have had help getting to the clinic with all the goodies you bestowed upon everyone the last day you were there. Those cakes are delicious looking and I really love how much you shared with the patients and staff. And of course, I would LOVE to join you for coffee.

    Thanks for sharing these darling birds, your lovely photos of plants, the yummy looking cakes, and your coffee with us for T this Tuesday.

    1. I needed help, so a fellow patient collected me and brought me home on that day, and helped me shop for the ingredients the day before!

  11. The snail photo is amazing! I also love the flower photos. There is something about flowers with water or dew on the petals that I think is just so pretty.

    Those birds are awesome. I have a friend looking for something to do with old books and I am going to share this idea with her. So cool! Thanks for sharing. :)

  12. Gloriously amazing birds, flowers, food and amazing snail [aNNie]

  13. I'll have some ice cream on my cup of crumble Valerie. And a cup of tea too. Perfect T day sweet. Boy those birds are just super cute. They look great in the yellow daffodils.Hope you have better weather on T Day than the other day. Hugs-Erika

  14. Love your fantastic and adorable birds, Valerie. All your creations are very ingenious.
    The last photo is really beautiful.
    Hugs, Mar

  15. Love your birds, Valerie! What time is tea? :)

  16. Lovely bird with big eyes.
    Gorgeous sunset.
    Nam, delicious photos!

  17. Love those little birds. And the photos are wondrous as always.
    Put the coffee on, I'll be right over for a piece of that cake.

    Love your new header.

  18. I adore your cheeky little birds - they certainly had a good look around! I love that electric blue clematis and you sky pics are wonderful! I would normally try to resist your treats but sour cherry crumble is too hard to ignore - just a little whipped cream with mine please - can't overdo the sugar too much…err does this count as part of my 5 day? (I think it's supposed to be 10 now but I meet that most days anyway) Happy T Day! Chrisx

    1. 5 slices of cake a day? That sounds like a wonderful rule!

  19. I have missed my visits to your blog :((
    I adore your birds.............I'm not packing any of my craft and paint stuff until the day I have to leave....LOL!
    I didn't know Poppies were in pastel colors!! Those are gorgeous...............of course I LOVE the sun rise!
    Happy T-day

  20. OH! I love your birds! I'll have to make one for my Zensical garden. The crumbles look delicious and with ice cream, too. What a wonderful hostess. I enjoyed a peek at your garden. A very pretty sunrise. Your clematis looks gorgeous. Mine took a hit in a bad weather a couple of Winters ago. Not sure if it will come back this year. Happy T Day

  21. Such lovely birds and fantastic photos - the cakes look delicious!
    Happy T-Day and happy TioT to you!

  22. what lovely birds, love those photos too

  23. Your birds are delightful, Valerie. Googly eyes make me smile every time. And those long pink feathers are great. Your photos of them exploring the living room still have me smiling.

    I'd love a piece of that crumble. Thank you. Yum.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  24. Love your little quirky birds Valerie and they look as if they've settled into their new home. Beautiful photos and the poppy is a beautiful colour. Fruit crumble - yes please and a coffee please.
    Hugs, Avril xx

  25. Your little birds are adorable and more wonderful photography from you. do you ever enter your photos into competitions? I think you would do well. hugs, Teresa

  26. Your little birdies are adorable and they can just fly right on over to my place for a visit ♥ I'll take coffee with my desert please :) I usually have those poppies but I forgot to plant them this spring. They are annuals and I save a couple of pods to replant the next year. I'm looking at the pods in a vase on my desk right this minute. I wonder if it's too late ? Happy T Day my friend ♥

  27. Such pretty things this T day Valerie! I'm running late!! What cute birdies!!! and the coffee and crumbles look delish!! One of each please!! Happy T day!! Hugs! deb

  28. your book page birds are totally delightful! i love them! lovely fruit crumbles, wish i could have a taste. love your snail and flowers too. a lovely post all in all. xo

  29. Your birds are delightful...
    Your crumbles look absolutely DELish-OUS!!!
    And oh such beautiful flowers! That Clematis color is stunning!! and the poppy-ohhh so beautiful-I love Poppies!!
    Thank you for such an enjoyable post!
    and thank you for being my friend! xx

  30. Oh, I love your sweet birds! And the crumble? Yum! I think the clinic will miss you but I'm sure apart from camaraderie and friendship, you won't miss them too much!

  31. Lovely birds,
    Lovely crumble,
    Such lovely photo's.

    All the best Jan

  32. Clever birds and your fruit crumble looks delicious. I am sure everyone not only appreciated it but enjoyed every mouth full!
    Sandy xx

  33. Oh, Valerie, these birds are so fabulous! I especially love the googly eyes and the feathers. Fabulously fun. Thanks so much for playing this month in our challenge at 2 Crafty Critter Crazies. We love being inspired by you. :-D
    NanaConnie DT

  34. I love your birds!! How adorable!!!
    I will have some crumble please!!!!
    Those poppies are beautiful!
    Big Hugs!


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