
Friday 7 April 2017


Hi Everybody!

I'm happy that it's weekend, hope you are, too!

For Paint Party Friday, and More Mixed media, anything goes / 
optional yellow, I have an A3 mixed media piece made
this week at art group:

Spring continues to spring, and I enjoy the sunrise
day by day:

The crow is trying to hide in the tree:

I love seeing moss and plants growing on the 
castle walls:

And the tulips brought spring into my home:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot fo coming by!


  1. Lovely page and photos! Happy weekend! Enjoy! Susi

  2. Lovely post ~ wonderful message in your mixed media and absolutely gorgeous photography ~

    Wishing you a Happy Weekend ~ ^_^

  3. Wonderful page with the tulips and a great message, we really need to act before it's too late. Great photos, too, and your vase of tulips is gorgeous. Hugs, Sarah
    PS we'll probably be away tomorrow, back on Sunday!

  4. Valerie, your mixed media piece not only is gorgeous but has a great message, too!
    Your photos are some of the very best... so stunning!!!

    Happy PPF and Big Hugs!!!

  5. Lovely mixed media for PPF! Beautiful sunrise and photos, it snowed in Toronto this morning, have to go clean off the car!

  6. Beautiful mixed media piece, Valerie! And I wish everyone was intent on helping us keep a clean earth.

  7. Happy colours and images on the wonderful artwork followed by amazing photographs that look very summery. Love the very red tulips

    Hugs Chrissie xx

  8. Lovely and cheerful art and beautiful skies and images.

  9. Its a gorgeous mixed media page Valerie and I really liked those words.
    Your tulips look beautiful, a wonderful colour to brighten any day.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Wunderschön deine Seite ... ja der Respekt vor der Mutter Erde sollte endlich überall da sein!!!!
    Schönes Wochenende wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  11. Beautiful. Respect the earth, oh if only everyone would...
    Beautiful photos too. xx ♥[aNNie]

  12. Such a beautiful piece! That quote is a poerful one - one we all need to follow. Lovely photos as well.

  13. Love your yellow piece! It is so pretty and happy. As always, your photos of your world are always so pretty. Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for the great post/share! Hugs, Rasz

  14. Your photography is beautiful. It looks way more like spring there than it does here in Alberta! Some of the bushes have little tiny leaves beginning to reveal themselves and the grass has just started to turn green.

    I like how you have the eye poking through the flowers looking for spring! Thank you for sharing again!

  15. Die richtigen Worte zu deiner Malerei, sehr schön!
    Traumhafte Fotos auch noch, ein schöner Post.
    Ich habe ein ähnliches Thema in meinem Hauptblock aufgegriffen.
    Vielleicht magst du ja mal schauen :
    liebe Grüße

  16. Danke, ich hab die tolle Journalseite angeschaut!

  17. Lovely tulip art with a great message too! The tulip flowers definitely brighten up the art and real life.

  18. Another beautiful post! I do love and agree with your sentiment on your page!
    Have a beautiful weekend dear friend! xx

  19. Not only do I love tulips, but I love the message too! Such a beautiful piece. I love the colors and the tulips look so gorgeous.

    Also, always fun to see your pictures. Spring is starting here little by little. I expect at the end of this week I will start to see things budding.

    Have a happy weekend!

  20. A lovely journal pages so full of spring with the colours.
    Lovely Spring photos, isn't it nice to see blue skies.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Avril xx

  21. Love your journal page, and of course those gorgeous pics ��

  22. What beautiful art! I'm not usually a huge fan of yellow, but I love your journal page, you have me looking at the color differently. Your tulip photos are gorgeous too.

  23. What a wonderful post! Your journal page is so lovely! I love tulips and the way they change as they open! Hugs, Chrisx

  24. Loving this tulip piece too. The glories of spring:) I agree with Chris-tulips are so cool as they change. You can see that in your photo. Hope its been a wonderful weekend so far. Hugs-Erika

  25. I just love all of your tulips, both in your journal page and your photographs.

    Hope you are having a restful weekend.

    All the best Jan

  26. Thanks for leaving a comment on yesterday's post. I'm going to see if I can come up with something for that More Mixed Media blog. It looks interesting. Needless to say, I am in total awe of your beautiful art piece today. That saying is SO true. I adore it, and it's sort of my motto, too.

    I swear, if I didn't know better, that plant growing up the Castle wall looks like basil. And the moss is gorgeous.

    Hope your day is going better than mine.

  27. Stunning cohesive post with your gorgeous art leading the way to your earthly photos!! Perfect quote too!!

    Hugs Giggles

  28. Those tulips really make me sing! One of my favorite spring flowers (I have a few) but so gorgeous!

  29. I love the eye in your art piece!! Amazing photos! The hiding crow stole my heart! Big Hugs!

  30. Wonderful art Valerie - you always amaze me with your talent.
    I love too how you photograph trees against the sky or in silhouette.
    Gorgeous red tulips!! xx


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