
Sunday 9 April 2017

Sunday This and That

Hi Everybody!
I've just been watching the sun rise up through the
morning mist, and it looks like it will be a
beautiful Sunday, so hope your day will
be good, too.

Yesterday I was awake very early, as always, and had time
for some crafting before I went for my morning walk.
This mixed media tag is meant for  Things with Wings, at
The background is part of a motherboard I made recently,
using the cardboard backing from a sketch pad, which was gessoed,
painted, sprayed and splashed - fun! I used some
three dimensional flower and insect stickers I
recently discovered in one of my many boxes, and put them
round a vintage image (LaBlanche). I added some lace and a
ribbon hanger, and fixed it all to the painted background.

This tag is for Sandie's Go Tag Thursday Challenge, where
the theme is stamps - either postage ones or rubber ones,
so I used both. The background image is from Gecko Galz
and has been mounted onto a piece of mirri-card. I added
a postage stamp, and then used some mail-art stamps. I sewed it 
onto a piece of peeled cardboard which was gessoed and then 
dipped in Utee EP.

These photos were taken on my walk to the Rhine

I love the fresh green of the pollard willows on the meadows:

I always enjoy walking through these tall trees:

The avenue of chestnut trees leads to the Ferry:

This tree at the 'Diakonie' is the loveliest one of all:

In the afternoon I met up with friends in the Altstadt (old town)
but more about that another time.
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, wonderful tags, so pretty, both of them, and I love the rainbow background. Great photos, too. We're still at Mum's, she's not feeling good today! Enjoy your day, hugs, Sarah

  2. Amazing art projects Valerie beauty and ingenuity are a brilliant combination. Inspired me to rescue a flower catalogue that came for Vic as it has some beautiful flower images I could cut out and use on tags.

    The first photograph of the anemones I just had to save as they were my mum's favourite flowers and they always make me think of her when I see them. Happy thoughts not sad. Such wonderful blossoms in the sun. We have lots of sun but it is really cold in the North wind here on the coast.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  3. Magnificent photos of those stunning flowers and trees. How beautiful they are.
    Your art is amazing as always, I just love to 'study' them...xx ♥[aNNie]

  4. Awesome tag Valerie, love everything about it..and you used both stamps too...
    Thank you for joining in with this weeks challenge at Go Tag Thursday.
    Beautiful photos..a bit of sunshine here in the UK and everything looks and trees coming in to bloom..I love this time of the year..x

  5. Love what you've done woth your "Motherboard"(lol) - masterly-
    happy photos as always!
    Good start into the new week for you!

  6. Beautiful tags and LOVE the flowers, lots of blue ones. We are having a couple of days of sunny warm last.

  7. Hi Valerie, it's late afternoon in Somerset (UK) and its a beautiful day with wall to wall sunshine and blue sky... T forecast is for much cold weather from tomorrow, so I’ve been making the best of today.
    Your early morning crafting and walking sounds idyllic to me but not so good if you are having trouble sleeping. I usually wake early if something is troubling me, so I get up and turn to the Internet as there is always something to amuse or delight on friend's blogs.
    I love both tags, and your photos are stunning; the trees and flowers are all so beautiful.
    I hope the new week brings you lots of joy. Hugs Barbara

  8. Valerie, both of these tags are so beautiful!!! The girl in your first tag reminds me of my one granddaughter. You have such a wonderful sense of beauty to the eye when you create your tags and take all of these gorgeous photos!!!

    Happy Sunday and Big Hugs~

  9. Wundervolle Mixed-Media-Kunstwerke, liebe Valerie, und Deine Fotos sind wie immer wunderschön.

    Hab noch einen schönen Sonntag

  10. Gorgeous Tags, I love the first one with the beautiful young girl image and the pretty flowers. The photos from your walk are beautiful, it looked a lovely day.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Oh your art is so beautiful! I love the way you've combined everything. Your photos are lovely too.

  12. Love your tags, especially the first one and how you've done the flowers.

    Talking of flowers, your photographs from your walk are gorgeous, the colours and the different blooms such a joy to see.

    All the best Jan

  13. So many beautiful photos. I kept thinking- that's my favorite, and then I would think the same thing of the next one. :) Love all the flowers and greenery you saw on your morning walk. The tree leaves lit against the sky look so cool!

    Your tags are also beautiful. I love the blues and other colors in the background of the first one. Really pretty! :)

  14. Echte Träumchen deine schönen Tags im Vintage-Look. Gefallen mir alle Beide sehr.
    Die Blütenträumchen auf deinen Fotos sind wieder erstklassig eingefangen,herrlich anzuschaun. Danke fürs Teilen mit uns.
    Liebe Grüße
    Sabine xox

  15. Beautiful tags Valerie, love the vintage girl nestled among the spring flowers.
    Lovely pictures from your walk and that cherry tree looks amazing.
    Avril xx

  16. Beautiful tags Valerie - love the background. The lace was the perfect addition!
    Sandy xx

  17. Great tags and your Spring photos are fantastic as always. That blooming tree is gorgeous.

  18. I left you a comment, but blogger ate it. Maybe it will show up later, but I said something about how I liked the vintage girl with the flowers, but the postage/rubber stamp tag was even better with your sewing.

    The flowers are really colorful and lovely. Everything is so green and beautiful there.

  19. Your tags are gorgeous Valerie, and they must be inspired by so much spring! All those flowers-and postal marks-I love mail art. And all the green-its sooo pretty. You must be enjoying the weather. I would love to take my walk under those leafing out trees. :) Hope your Monday and new week is fantastic. Hugs-Erika

  20. Oh Valerie!! another glorious post! I swear I could smell those red Tulips! They invoked such sweet memories of my childhood, I had to linger there till the memory faded-thank you for that special time!
    Your art is beautiful and I especially Adore that second piece with the stitching and gold ep! brilliant!

  21. Such a delight to read and see your blog.... absolutely beautiful images. And of course love your Tag Tuesday tag - those pansies peeking through are my favourites.

    1. Thanks Wilma, pansies are always such lovely flowers.

  22. Valerie, your art in this post is exquisite. I love the use of the flowers and the images are perfect with them.

    And of course, loving the photos!

  23. Oh my, Val. I love them both but that first one just takes my breath away. So beautiful.

  24. Valerie your art is so beautiful and inspirational. I love seeing it everyday. Your photos sure show how spring is taking hold in your area. Lovely lovely photos. Have a great day.

  25. I love your tags Valerie!! Gorgeous!! And, I really love your photos! WOW! Big Hugs!

  26. I love both of your tags, the sweet innocence of the first and the cheekiness of the second (love the stamps too).
    Such gorgeous flowers and wonderful walking under those tree canopies. You live in a beautiful area. Have a wonderful day :D)

  27. Your tags are awesome! The first one is my favorite - I love the romantic feel - it's so pretty!!!


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