
Wednesday 19 April 2017

Birds and more

Hi Everybody!

Today I have a large, mixed-media bird tag to share with you.
The background is peeled, painted and embossed corrugated card, 
onto which I added a smaller tag cut from a mother board
made from recycled cardboard, textured with crinkled
tissue paper, painted and highlighted with Viva Decor bronze.
The bird is made from recycled book paper pasted onto card,
the feathers are tiny strips of paper. The nest had been
made from recycled Christmas deco-fibres, natural materials
and a glass twig. The three tags were sewn together.

I am linking to Creative Artiste Mixed Media challenge blog -
anything goes, and to Go Tag Thursday, Easter/Spring

Yesterday we went on an outing to the zoo in Krefeld. 

There are lots of
statues all through the park, so here are some of those I liked:

Today I am showing some of the birds:

I will show the other photos in a another post.
Have a great day, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely card and great photos.

  2. Gorgeous sewn tag and the zoo statues are creative.

  3. Wonderful, wonderful tag, love the bird and all the layers, really beautiful. Great photos, too, I can imagine that you enjoyed yourself there! Hugs, Sarah

  4. A mastertag - just gorgeous and brilliant zoo photos!
    Happy Wednesday! Susi

  5. LOVE the bird collage. Very creative and such a great use of different mediums! I'm especially inspire by the newsprint.

  6. Enchanting is the perfect word for that tag:)
    The fowl pictures are wondrous.
    Have a good one.

  7. Well, as you know, I'm a sucker for birds, so of course I'm pre-disposed to liking this but I really do like it LOTS! Very clever use of the book text for the bird's feathers. Gives it loads of texture and visual interest. And the rest of your bird pix make me smile! Happy week!

  8. Your incredible tag puts the one I'm working on to shame. Your bird with its lovely German text feathers is incredible, and the recycled items are just out of this world. Although great minds think alike, mine pales in comparison to your beauty. This is incredible and lifts recycling to new heights.

    I LOVE the birds. I think flamingos are my favorite. All of the statues are so unique and different. I think my favorite is Eye Witness. It's so, so clever.

    So glad you took us to this zoo. It's amazing.

  9. Your tag is stunning Valerie and so are you photographs of the zoo. Such wonderful sculptures there as well as the animals. I haven't been to a big zoo for years though we do have a small on in our park.

    Thank you for sharing

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. Love LOVE your bird tag Valerie - that's so clever the way you have used the strips of pages for its feathers.. another fantastic tag - I really must join in with this.
    What a great day out at the zoo - those statues are really cool and of course I always love seeing your bird photos.
    Hope you had a good day - I have tried out the spice bars Dave made - he used Ginger preserve and chocolate drops this time.. I sent a carrier pigeon with a package of them tied to his back and he has a map of Germany to deliver some to you - hopefully he won't get hungry on the way and eat them :)
    Gill xx

    1. I soooooooooooooo hope they get here in one piece and that the greedy pigeons don't get them!

  11. There will be one word in my comments that will keep repeating quite regularly.

    That word is lovely ...

    Lovely tags
    Lovely photographs
    Lovely statues
    Lovely birds
    Lovely post

    The weather looks lovely too!

    Enjoy the rest of the week

    All the best Jan

  12. Herrlich fantasievoll gestaltetes Tag liebe Valerie. Der Vogel aus dem mit schöner alter Schrift bedrucktem Papier gefällt mir besonders. Die Skulpturensammlung sieht klasse aus, sowie die Vogelfotos auch. Du hattest schönes Wetter dort und optimale Fotobedingungen. In Krefeld waren wir vor einer Ewigkeit mit unseren kleinen Kindern mal. Da hat sich seitdem sicher viel verändert.
    Big Hugs

  13. Great job on the tag and it truly is ENCHANTED ❣ Love all of the statues and the bird photos are fantastic💜💛💚💙❤💖 So glad you had a good day and can't wait to see more photos from your outing 😊

  14. Your tag with your magical German birdie is wunderbar liebe Valerie ♥
    Such handsome birds...I hope they have plenty of room to move around and feel free. Great statues ... looks like you had a lovely day for your visit.
    Happy Springtime oxo

  15. Oh how I love your tag, it is magical and beautiful. That bird is amazing! I love your photographs as well, especially the bird ones...

  16. How wonderful to recycle products into something so beautiful. Your tag is gorgeous and I enjoyed the photos of your trip!Thank you for joining us at the Creative Artiste Mixed Media, Anything Goes, #25 April Challenge. Good luck! Love Denyse (DT)

  17. I love how you created the fantastic bird for your tag, it looks wonderful and has beautiful layers.
    The photos of the statues looked super, were they all made by different artists?
    Loved the bird photos as well especially the flamingos.
    Yvonne xx

    1. The sculptures are by a group of young African artists, mostly from the Shona Tribe, and there are 150 0f them at the zoo.

  18. der Zoobesuch hat sich gelohnt so vieles gesehen und dein tagbild ist so schön gerade mit den Leseseiten es so auszufüllen ist ja grossartig gemacht. Wunderschön kann ich nur sagen!!!!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  19. Adore your sweet chickadee of words. I've seen those artists at an exhibition in Chicago, they are amazing, I think it's the same group. xox

  20. Your tag is beautiful! Thank you for the zoo pics - looks like a good place to visit! Hugs, Chrisx

  21. Fascinating piece of Art, the colours and textures look amazing, but I love the bird. As always Valerie your pictures are always stunning. Hugs Rita xxx

  22. Looks great
    Thanks for sharing at Creative Artiste Challenges x

  23. Such a creative the wings on your bird and its nest..
    Thank you so much for playing again in this weeks challenge at Go Tag Thursday...x

  24. wow,dein tag ist traumhaft gemacht und deine bilder sind wunderschön,besonders die flamingos.
    schöne rest woche für dich.

    hugs jenny

  25. This is really cool how you created that bird on your tag. It reminded me of the chickadees we have here. Not sure you have them in Germany or not. And it looks like you had an exciting day out. I just love those statues too. They are really artsy and very stylish too. I'm glad you shared. :) happy Day. Hugs-Erika

  26. Valerie,
    Your tag is outstanding!! Not sure which I love most about it, the organic-ness of it or how clever your bird is! Simply charming and one of my fvs!
    Wow, your bird photos are beautiful this morning! Love those flamingos!
    Have a beautiful day my friend

  27. The flamingos and peacock are such a lovely contrast.
    Have a relaxing evening.

  28. Wow, wow and triple wow! Your tag is out of this world fabulous - wonderful and has become my new favorite! I am in love with your bird and might try to copy you if that is okay. More and more I find I really like collage.
    Bravo Valerie!
    Sandy xx

  29. Your bird card is exceptional! Love it. Fun at the zoo. Looks like a wonderful day out (including the weather). Great statues. Such talent. hugs, Donna

  30. Beautiful mixed media Tag Valerie - I love absolutely everything in it, the nest is gorgeous as well as the clever way you've constructed the bird.
    Thank you too for taking us to the Zoo - all those statues (I particularly loved the Sisters... coincidentally, one of my Sisters had come for a visit on the day you published this post and it was so lovely to catch up with her).
    Those flamingoes are wonderful.. a delight all round to look through your photos. Cheers now :D)

  31. Liebe Valerie, Deine Posts sind, wie immer ein Augenschmaus. Deine Tags sind wundervoll gestaltet und Deine Fotos versetzen mich in eine andere Welt.

    Ganz große Klasse.

    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende und bedanke mich für Deinen lieben Kommentar auf meinem Blog.

    Happy PPF

  32. I would be framing all your tags! They are gorgeous!!
    I love all the statues at the zoo! Beautiful!
    Big Hugs!


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