
Saturday 11 March 2017


Hi Everybody!

Today the sun is shining, and I enjoyed a nice
walk along the Rhine. It's still quite chilly, but when
the sun shines it just feels better! Thanks to those who wrote 
and asked if I was okay when I didn't post - I am just
very tired when I get back from the clinic each afternoon
and can't post everyday, but no cause for alarm!

For Go tag Thursday, men or boys, I have a 10" tag. I found a piece 
of DP with town motives which I sewed onto a manila tag and a
peeled cardboard backing. I dipped the edges into Frantage aged
gold EP. The 'sandwich man' stamp was from a company which
no longer exists. I used to love seeing the Sandwich men walking up 
and down the main shopping streets when I was a kid, but it was
probably a tedious job for low pay. Mr UM has been cut from
an old almanac cover, and is bearing adverts out of sympathy for 
the Sandwich man.

I am also linking to More mixed media, anything goes

I walked along the stream, and everything is slowly turning green:

The ducks were enjoying the sun, too:

 The Rhine is full after all the rain of the past weeks:

Great name:

This wood pigeon is already busy:

Beautiful spring flowers all around the castle ruins:

 Mr Music was playing happily as always:

Some different gulls were out today:

 Our little town looks like spring:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks for coming by:


  1. To see all your green and spring blooms warms my heart today Valerie. We again (second Saturday in a row) have BITTER cold and wind from the arctic. And last night when it came in it brought a bit of snow, so we are white again and it is really sad because we just lost all our snow. Oh March-it is a cruel month sometimes. Anyhow, loving your tag. I like seeing Mr. Umbrella man in this form! Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Sorry it's still so cold and wintry over there, and hope it warms up and gets green for you soon!

  2. Your tag is beautiful. I remember seeing Sandwich men, but only up west, on Oxford Street or so. Great photos, it's nice here, too, but I can't get out as 2 of the kids are sick again - always weekends! Hugs, Sarah

  3. A great tag Valerie, I like the idea of Mr UM sympathizing with the Sandwich Board man.
    Lovely spring photos today as we've got wet and miserable weather.
    Have a great weekend.
    Avril xx

  4. Good to know we don't need to worry when you don't post at the moment Valerie. I do look forward to your posts every day.

    The tag is just stunning with the sandwich man and the great Mr Um in a new suit. My uncle used to tell me of the sandwich man on the building sites when he was a brick layer. They always sold cigarettes as well and sold more of those than the sandwiches.

    Amazing photographs with wonderful colours. The music man always looks pleased to see you on this very beautiful walk

    Enjoy the rest of your day

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. Your tag is gorgeous as are all of them Valerie! Thank you for all of the close-up photos of your tags...I always love looking at each and every detail!
    The photos are excellent quality and again stunning in their beauty!
    Mr. Music Man looks so happy that he made me smile, too :)
    A lovely and cheerful post~

    Big Hugs

  6. Fabulous tag! Love the fibres and the top. The beautiful photos show that Spring is definitely on the way....

  7. Hallo Valerie
    eine großartige Bastelei, am meisten
    hat es mir dieser originelle Sonnen-oder Regenschirm
    angetan, aber auch die wunderschönen Frühlingsbilder
    gefallen mir sehr gut.
    Ich wünsche dir einen gemütlichen Abend.
    LG Sadie

  8. so wonderful to see the town coming alive again! Lovely tag today. It snowed for us today.

  9. Lovely tag and I like your photos.

  10. Super tag and photos! Happy weekend!

  11. Hi Valerie, just doing a bit of a catchup with your posts. Beautiful artwork as always and I'm loving the glimpses of spring. Take good care and have a restful Sunday. Xx

  12. Its a fabulous tag, its great to see Mr U. again.
    The music man looked so happy , its good to see a friendly smile when you pass folk by.
    The photos were all beautiful and I did like the name of the boat today.
    Yvonne xx

  13. ein wundervoller Tag .. so romantisch und deine Frühlingshaften Fotos machen gute Laune udn so hoffe ich es wird morgen noch mal so ein schöner Tag werden!
    Schönen Sonntag wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  14. I've never seen the Sandwich Man before, but I simply adore the stamp. It is wonderful.

    There is SO much color where you are, even if it's cold. It's all so beautiful and looks like spring time there.

    Forgot to say how much I like your new blog banner. Have a great Sunday, dear. Hope you are resting.

    1. They had a whole set of stamps like this one, and I just bought the one, such a pity!

  15. Beautiful grungy good tag you have created. Every little bit adds to the wonderful flair. Awesome sauce and unique. Lovely pictures as well. Hugz. ~Niki

  16. Wonderful details on your gorgeous tag Valerie x the Sandwich man stamp looks amazing x great photographs as always. Have a lovely Sunday xx

    Hugs Annie x

  17. Hi Valerie, Love your tag! It's vintage feel, the story behind it, the sentiment- really great job. Thanks for playing with us at More Mixed Media Challenges:) Asia

  18. Love the tag!!! your Spring photos are delightful. It was cloudy cold and snowed off and on all day yesterday. The snow melted as fast as it hit the ground though because the ground was so warm from all of the warm sunny days we've had the past two weeks. My house is full of cut daffodils as I was afraid they would freeze.

  19. Oh I love the tag. There is so much subtly going on.
    And look at those flowers! Mine are under snow. Sob. I went ahead and picked my first blooming tulip. So at least I can enjoy that one.
    Hope your evening is pleasant and restful.

  20. This is one of my favourite tags ... I love it !

    I also like all of your photo's, Spring is a fabulous season, and Mr Music looks happy as he is playing.

    I do so agree with you when the sun shines it just feels better ...

    Take Care

    All the best Jan

  21. Ein tolles Vintage Tag und der Umbrella-Mann macht sich so bedruckt auch sehr gut. Die Brauntöne und die goldige Ecke gefallen mir auch sehr gut. Auch die Fotos sind wieder super. Da gibt es ja schon verfrühte Maiglöckchen beim Floristen, ja und Schachbrettblumen auch,wunderbar.
    Liebe Grüße

  22. Another glorious tag!!
    Now you gone and done it Valerie!
    I might have to buy that umbrella man die as I have seen way too many great ways that you have used it and love each one- oh dear for my pocketbook- again! teehee

  23. Wonderful spring post Valerie. The tag is fabulous. I love the gold glitter and embossing, and the stitching is fantastic!! So many birds to enjoy, the Mallards are just gorgeous. Don't see many pigeons out here by the lake, lots of Doves though. Happy Monday! :)

  24. super fabulous tag and a gorgeous walk along the Rhine!

  25. A fabulous tag, and the photos are super. It looks as if you at the same Spring stage as us. Spring is my favourite season.

  26. What a fantastic tag and the duck photos are so sweet!

  27. Such a fabulous Tag..I love everything about it..from the images to the heat embossing..
    Loving your photos too..seeing the Lily of the Valley flowers reminded me of my mother, they were, along with freesias, her favourite flowers...Thank you for sharing your photos.
    Thank you for joining in with the challenge this week at Go Tag Thursday..x

  28. I'm glad you are doing well Valerie! I still can't believe how much you post and create! You are amazing girl! I love your tag!!!! Awesome!! Great photos! I love your town! Mr. Music has a great smile! Big Hugs!

  29. Your Sandwich Man tag is lovely. I always appreciate your attention to detail. And I'm glad your walk was a good one and that you shared it with us. It's so nice to see the first hints of spring even if it is halfway around the world. I hope you're feeling well and sending good vibrations across the sea to speed your healing.

  30. You are really making some great tags Valerie -
    All of those flowers were a joy to see - I know you were delighted to photograph them.
    sandy xx


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