
Sunday 12 March 2017

Hats, headgear and more

Hi Everybody!

We had another clear and sunny day, a real Sunday
as the name implies. It's so nice to feel the sun on your face
or back while walking out.

For Tag Tuesday, Michele's 'hats and Headgear' challenge,
I made another tag, also meant for the Allsorts challenge blog,
ladies and girls. I made a very feminine tag, with an
animal print background behind the black, both tags sewn together
with white zig-zag stitch.I used some fussy cut images, a quote 
from Dyelusions and a pair of sparkly shoes. A pink pearl-pin, 
some feathers and some flowers were used as embellishments.
You still have a week to join the challenge,
and Michele is offering a prize from Lunagirl Images:

This card arrived from dear Annie in Australia,
she knows that I adore the house mouse images -
thanks Sweetie, your card is gorgeous, as all of your
work is. If you don't know Annie, hop over and take a look!

The crocuses and other spring blooms are much in evidence everywhere:

Stretching at the Rhine:

The Ship restaurant:

And more crocuses:

The moon last night:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love the feathers, trees and 'Moon-shots'

  2. Hi Val, love your tag, I used to have some shoes like that in my youth, but never had such a fancy hat! Wonderful photos again, the bulbs re starting to poke out in our garden now, too. The kids are still sick, aaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Love your tag Valerie, it is gorgeous!!!
    What a lovely gift you adorable!
    Your photos are dreamy and beautiful. I love, love, love the metal sailboat and that gorgeous, old brick, building!!!

    Great Big Hugs

  4. What a lovely tag - lofe the sentiment.
    Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos.

  5. Love the hats, headgear tags.
    Lovely to see the crocus ... and seeing The Ship restaurant reminds me of a fabulous fish restaurant we like ....I'm beginning to feel hungry! LOL!

    Lovely post again, thank you.

    All the best Jan

    PS Good wishes for the coming new week

  6. Wow das ist ja die reinste Krokus-Invasion bei dir, herrlich anzuschauen. Dein Tag ist wieder so fantasievoll gestaltet, die Perlenschuhe sind genial. Annie's Herzkarte mit den süßen Mäusen ist ein Traum. Diese Mäuschen sind aber auch allerliebst,mag ich auch sehr.
    Big Hugs

  7. I love how the crocuses run wild like that everywhere! We are expecting a major snowstorm tomorrow night into Tuesday. Lovely feminine and springlike tag today and Annie's card is beautiful.

  8. Sparkly everything, what could be better, and some Spring flowers spreading across the ground. xox

  9. Gotta love that tag. She has all her accessories and is ready to go. I really like the way you created this and the beautiful way you decorated the images on the tag.

    Love the flowers. They bring so much joy when I see them, since mine don't seem to bloom.

    Wonderful moon shots. Almost ethereal.

  10. Beautiful spring flowers in today's photos. I love to see crocuses flowering free and not in a pot.
    I love the tag very girly and it has a great quote.
    Yvonne xx

  11. LOVE that adorable tag, and one of my fav quote stamps you have added there too. Funny I forget I have these stamps when I should use them to the fullest like here.
    amazing photos love the beautiful scenes.
    you are most welcome to the card, I know you love HM and I love to ♥[aNNie]

  12. anther lovely headgear tag! and a very entertaining walkabout as well! xo

  13. A beautifully feminine creation and perfect for our International Women's Week theme at Allsorts, many thanks for joining in.

    B x

  14. Wonderful photos and art ! Happy new week, Susi

  15. Wow- I am envious of your spring blooms and green. We have more bitter cold and big snowstorm coming tomorrow-UGH! Gorgeous card you received and I just love your tag. How fun! Hope it was a great weekend and a great new week is on its way. Hugs-Erika

  16. wow,ein zauberhaftes tag ever,tolle bilder hast du gemacht,ich müsste auch ein bißchen stretchen,die seiten sind klasse.
    und die pflanzen im mondlicht,ganz zauberhafte bilder.
    so lansam wird frühling und ich geh wider mehr raus,ein paar bilder mach ich auch mal.
    eine schöne neue woche.

    hugs jenny

  17. Hello Valerie, a very beautiful and smart Tag, feathers and pearls and a wonderful hat... most certainly she will conquer the world!
    Annie's card is lovely too... a pretty stamp, I hadn't seen one like that before.
    Oh that carpet of crocuses, so beautiful.
    Loving those ladies doing their stretches - way to go girls!
    All the best to you Valerie, cheerio for now :D)xx

  18. Liebe Valerie
    das ist so goldig gebastelt deine Zwei Sachen .. so hübsch das hast du wunderbar zusmamen gestellt es verzaubert einen beim an schauen!
    Herrlich deine Fotos egal welches der Frühling lässt grüssen und der Mond genauso!
    Schönen Wochenstart wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  19. No doubt this is the way to conquer the world! Love the tag. Beautiful photos.

  20. Beautiful tag Valerie, I love the little beaded bits! What a lovely card from Annie! Gorgeous photos, spring is popping up everywhere for you, but we are expecting another 8 inches of snow tomorrow, yikes! hugs :)

  21. Omgosh! That field of crocuses is incredible! how i would love to lay down in them!
    Your tag is so pretty and i just love the quote you used! Digging on the stitching as well!
    Happy Monday!
    sending hugs,Jackie

  22. Oh my. So many wonderful things. I love that tag. Absolutely perfect and girlie. So much fun.
    What a nice card!
    And that moon. That just takes my breath away. We have a high window on the side of our entryway and saw the moon through that.

  23. I wear hats so I am loving this piece. That mouse is just adorable. Wonderful photos. I love that first one of the tree. Have a great week.

  24. pretty, pretty tag-so striking! Beautiful card from Annie. Fab moon pics!

  25. Hi Valerie, another beautiful day today and for once I was nice and warm on my morning walk. I love the sunshine and am very thankful winter is almost done. Your pretty tag puts me in mind of Easter bonnets so just perfect for this time of the year. The card from Annie in Australia is gorgeous I will be popping over to her blog after I leave this comment.
    Your photographs are breathtaking, thank you for sharing them. Hugs Barbara

  26. Oh I love hats and that tag is so sweet! The flowers are also so beautiful.

  27. Your lady in red is stunning! Love her :) I hope you are doing well, your photographs are beautiful as well. Hugs, Shirleyxx

  28. I love your tag - the pink animal print paper and embellishments you used add a special touch!
    I always enjoy your photos, thanks for sharing!

  29. I love those trees. They're mossy? And with the lovely crocus too! Oh, spring has definitely come to your home!

  30. Love all the signs of spring popping up everywhere in your photos (it is a blizzard outside right now and I have to go do some shoveling).

    Love the tag and what a beautiful piece you received in the mail.

    You know I adored seeing those shots of the moon. :) Beautiful!

  31. Your tag is so pretty Valerie! And, I love your gift! How cute!!! Your photos are amazing! Love the moon ones! Love all the flowers, the ship and the stretching lady!! Big Hugs!

  32. Well, I'm not sure how I missed this post last Sunday, but I'm sure glad I found it today.
    Your tag is awesome!
    LOVE the photos too.

  33. thanks for sharing another beautiful post, and another fabulous tag! ~ Karen

  34. Wonderful tag and so much fun!
    You know I love mice!!
    Such lovely pictures for us to enjoy!!!
    Sandy xx


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