
Friday 10 February 2017

Weekend this and that

Hi Everybody!

It's been a grey day with an icy wind blowing from the East,
and I'm hoping the weathermen are right
and that it will soon warn up.

For our new challenge, 'Bookworm' at Tag Tuesday
I have a digital tag, using parts from Serif, Mischief Circus and me:

I made this tag last week, once again using freshly picked and peeled
cardboard, garnished with creamy gesso, bits of napkins and 
other UFOs from my table-.The girl in the metal frame is one of 
my stamped and painted coffee pod papers. I added lots of 
zigzag sewing to finish it off:

I am linking to More mixed media challenge, anything goes
with optional red

And more views of my clean and tidy work-space, with a sneak peek
of something else I'm working on:

On my way home through the grounds of the Florence Nightingale Hospital
I saw this fountain, I think it will look good
in summer when the water is flowing:

There are a lot of the original Victorian house and villas there, I love
the chipped blue paint on the window:

The pigeons are all sitting huddled up in 'their' tree, it's
a long winter for them, too.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love the cardboard tag, so much texture with the gesso and stitching and your dimensional stamped face. xox

  2. Love both tags today, Val, had to laugh at how you described the 'ingredients' of the cardboard one! Your table looks rather full, I think you will have to clear a few square inches! Have a nice afternoon, it's very cold here, too. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Both tags are fantastic. Love the book one. :) Looks like you have lots of tools and tidbits at hand while you are working to keep those creative juices flowing.

    I agree with you about the fountain and hope you will take another picture of it then and share it. :)

    Happy Friday!

  4. You are a tag queen - just beautiful and amazing photos as always!
    Happy weekend!

  5. Great tags but the second one is my favourite as it has lovely cheerful colours and imagery - just the tonic on a cold grey day. Nearly 6pm and 1c outside looking forward to some porridge with sliced banana for tea.
    I think this is the first time I've seen so many things on your table/workspace Valerie - looks like you were having a lot of fun - love the sneak peek project you are working on.
    Enjoy your evening... Gill xx

  6. Beautiful tags, Valerie. I've always loved to read so the first one speaks to me. The second one has so many gorgeous areas of interest. The lovely brickwork on that building in the photos is fascinating to me.

  7. Great tag for the bookworm theme Valerie with lots of very different ideas.

    The next tag is just amazing with such a lot of wonderful ideas. The colours are striking and draw you in.

    Nice craft space and looks a bit like mine.

    I bet the fountain will be magical when it is turned on and the houses look beautiful. The birds and branches standout for me today

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. I enjoyed seeing both tags, but laughed and laughed at "freshly picked and peeled." Your humor has certainly taken over, just like the bits and pieces on your craft table have taken over. No wonder you have such inspiration each day. I like the sneak peek of what appears to be a mirror you are working on.

    I think that fountain will be beautiful once it's warm enough that the water won't freeze. And I love Victorian buildings, so that was lovely, too. I feel for those poor birds. It's much warmer here, though. In fact, it's warmer outside than in my house today. I know because I checked my mail just before I visited you. No letter yet, but it's a lovely day and I'm tempted to play hooky.

  9. Its a great book tag and how true it is that quote, I love getting away from it all in a good story.
    Love your gorgeous mixed medial tag, so many fantastic details and stitching.
    It does me good to see your craft desk, very much a work station and makes me feel better about my continuous mess.
    Super photos of the grounds and building today.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Hallo du fleißige Biene, was für ein schönes Tag und der Spruch darauf trifft voll zu. Aber auch dein Patchwork-Collage-Tag ist wieder genial gemacht. Das kommende Projekt, ein Spiegel wie ich sehe, sieht auch schon vielversprechend aus. Fotos auch wieder schön. Es tröstet mich zu sehen, daß auf deinem Basteltisch auch Chaos herrscht. Bei mir im Hobbyraum sieht es in einigen Ecken ähnlich aus,kreatives Chaos halt. ;)
    Liebe Grüße

  11. Lovely tags, had to laugh at your 'clean and tidy' workspace! We could call it 'creative'. Enjoyed your photos today.

  12. What wonderful art pieces! I love the book one especially. I also thought the blue chipped window was lovely, I'm glad you caught it in your camera...

  13. I think "You're never alone with a good book" should be my personal motto. Very nice. Loved both pieces and especially loved seeing your art table. I love to see art tables!

  14. Very true about a good book.
    Lovely tags and that sweet face on the coffee filter paper.
    Your work space looks like my idea of fun ♥
    Although today I could hardly fit my book on my table.
    I may have to remove a layer or two and oooohhh what surprises may be hidden waiting for me too ;-)
    That peeling paint on the window frame is excellent.
    Thank you for sharing your good eye for fun things.
    Happy Weekend liebe Valerie oxo

  15. I love your tags, love the bright bold book one!!! Thanks for the bird pictures! We got some sun today and then tomorrow forecast rain, rain, rain!
    Have a nice weekend!

  16. Love your tags! So true about books. Great shots of the buildings - love that red brick. Have a wonderful weekend!

  17. The textures and detailing on your tag are mesmerizing. Blessings!

  18. Beautiful textural tactile tag! I love the bird woman in your first piece.

  19. Love a good book to Valerie, and Love your tag full of wonders..Great show piece again today. Hot one here so whew...xx{aNNie}

  20. Fabulous tags Valerie, I love the stitching on the second one. It's cold and miserable here, been snowing all night but stopped now.
    xxx Hazel.

  21. we have a very cold wind blowing here too but have been making spring projects forgetting about it. I love your tag and I love reading too..happy ppf and saturday too

  22. You are so productive, Valerie. Great artwork again - love the 'bookworms' tag in particular.

    Just spent a break up in the North Wales mountains but confess to spending much of the time reading, mainly a biography of my hero (heroine?) Gertrude Bell: "Queen of the Desert" by Georgina Howell. Most people have never heard of Ms Bell yet there are European mountains named after her and the National Museum in Baghdad is also named after her. She was the architect of Iraq amongst other things (20,000 miles of desert travel on horses and camels for example)

    1. Sounds good, I'll try to get the book on Kindle. Women like that were just wonderful.

  23. The digital tag is great, really shows the power of a good book, and the second tag is such a contrast, also terrific with all the colours and images and even some sewing. I haven't got the hang of making this kind of collage art yet but I will one day, it looks like good fun - and I have bits now!
    Fascinating to see your tidy workspace and it obviously works for you.

  24. This is great. Love the figure with the bird-head. And the quote is so right! Your mixed media tag has so much to show. I love the idea of stamping on coffee pods.

  25. Great work today!!! I love the tags with the sewing... I really need to try some of those . Our weather has warmed back up for the weekend. I mean really warmed as no jacket needed. The robins have returned which is a sign of Spring in this area but it's weeks too early unless they know something we don't! Hopefully they have not been fooled by out Bi-Polar Mother Nature this year.

  26. Hi Valerie, I hope your ribs have healed? Still more time I think though. Your tags are gorgeous, love the quote about reading, how true. I love to read as well, but sometimes art takes priority. I love all the texture in the 2nd tag as well. I usually post on Facebook at the same time as I post at my blog. It is SO much quicker. Sometimes my internet service is a little slow and it takes a long time to open blog pages, and it's slower for commenting. Your walks seem to be amazing. Take good care, Hugs, Shirley xx

  27. I love your tags! The corrugated card one especially as it's so fresh really is beautiful! Lots of layers on your desk I see! Pleased to see you still have some space in which to play! Chrisx

  28. I don't know how I missed this post, but love seeing your sneak peak. :) And your work table. Why is it so fascinating to see other people's work spaces? I like all the brick work on those Victorian buildings. The certainly paid attention to details then. Happy weekend. Hugs-erika

  29. Great photos, Valerie. Thanks again for the new Tag Tuesday - your tag is wonderful - no you are never alone when you have a good book to snuggle up with.

  30. How do you keep up with all your art and blogging?? You are terrific!!! Beautiful art pieces! Love your photos!! Big Hugs!

  31. Two fabulous tags, love all the texture and sewing on the second one.
    Hugs Wendy xx

  32. You are so right, never alone with a good book!
    Your tag is beautiful and speaks to me! And oh, what is that you are working on? Curious and curiouser! Looking forward to seeing the finished piece!

  33. Amen Valerie - my most favorite thing is reading - I am reading a book about Korea now by Pearl Buck.
    Your art works are always a favorite of mine too!
    Sandy xx


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