
Saturday 11 February 2017

Snow time is crafting time

Hi Everybody!

Time flies by so quickly - I have the feeling that I just
finished writing my last blog, and here I am 
already writing the next one.
We got a shitload of snow dropped on
us in the night, although 2 days back they promised
 that today would be warm and springlike - anyhow, the
experts are predicting the change now at the
beginning of the new week, so let's hope
they soon get things right!

I made this pair of 10"tags yesterday, using various bits and bobs from
my messy table and also a few more things that were in
the wonderful goodie-box from Gill.
I made a really messy background, recycling the rest of
the cardboard from my knee-socks - for 1 pair of socks I got 3 pieces
of cardboard, 2 plastic clips and a plastic bag, which is resealable. I used lots of gesso, brushos, sprays,  EPs, fibres and bits and bobs which I pasted on:

The face is made using a stencil from Dina Wakley, 
the bird, cage, flowers and diaphanous 
white material for the dress from Gill - thanks Sweetie! 
The words were stamped with a cheap set of sentiments,
 No-Name from the 1€ shop for 20 stamps. 
I did lots of sewing to put it together.

I am  linking to Stamps and stencils, texture, crackle
and paint, and to Simon Monday Challenge, young at heart; and to More Mixed Mediaanything goes, optional red; and to 
Allsorts Challenge, hearts and/or flowers.

And as the colours fit so well for Linda's lovely challenge
 '50 shades of red' at AJJ, I placed them in my journal
and made them into a journal spread.

And you might not believe this, but I cleared up my table -
well, a bit anyway:

I enjoyed sitting at my table crafting and enjoying the
aroma of a marble cake baking in the oven - yummy!

I stayed home today as I don't want to fall over again
and kiss the ground, I just took the pics from my

My cactus is covered in snow:

 I threw out a few hand-fulls of bird food, they found it:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. sehr schöne kreative sachen hast du gemacht und schöne bilder vom schnee,hier ist es auch sehr kalt und schneit etwas.
    ein schönes we für dich.

    hugs jenny

  2. Amazing tags and artsy workdesk- and snow photos !
    Happy weekend!
    hugs Susi

  3. The snow pictures are gorgeous! I think you're smart to stay inside and enjoy it from the window:)
    I love the tags, especially the bird cage. I had a bookmark with a bird cage on it I was going to send you. Think I can find it now...of course not. sigh.
    YOU have a great one, my friend.

  4. Well, the biggest surprise for me is that you've cleared off your table - well done you!
    Did it hurt?! Love the beautiful pair of tags and the snowy photos, especially the footprints, those poor birds must be hungry. And good for you for staying home! Hugs,

  5. Woo hoo those tags are really gorgeous Valerie - loved the first 2 photos to see all layers and details on the backgrounds.
    You did well getting so much usage out of the socks packaging too.
    The snow looks very picturesque but glad to see you have stayed in the warm and having some artsy play time.
    Enjoy your marble cake - hope you've got something nice and warm to go with it :)
    Gill xx

  6. Absolutely beautiful and it looks beautiful outside your window. It's lovely to see you at Allsorts this week, thanks so much for joining in our Hearts and Roses theme.

    B x

  7. Those backgrounds for your tags are SO YUMMY!!!And I love the way you finished them-they look FAB on the journal pages. We got our first major snow a few days ago-and it looked pretty much like your photos-very pretty at first but i want it to go away now. Love how your little characters came to life on the windowsill:):) Yes, stay in , and enjoy all your art time. Thanks for so many wonderful entries for AJJ!

  8. Hi there - having seen your name around on the many blogs I visit - I thought I must visit your blog!
    So hello.

    We've had some snow in the UK but not nearly as much as yours - I like all of your photo's.

    Hope you have a good weekend - stay warm

    All the best Jan

  9. I wasn't sure how much a $#@**@ load of Snow was so I am grateful for the pictures. Now is that one or two inches?
    Love the backgrounds of your tags - wonderful - beautiful!! The images are your tags are also wonderful - is the dainty hanky on the butterfly lips due to a slight accident the butter fly had? I have been told that ever time a fly lands on something he poops. Now is that true for butterflies too?
    Your pictures are wonderful and believe me - you do not want to fall and bread something and have to have more surgery. Cracked ribs are painful enough!!
    Sandy xx

    1. Everything over 3 grains is a shitload! And they had promised us spring!

    2. You are so funny - we only get hurricanes here - no snow - so count the flakes and enjoy!!! You have to admit, snow is pretty!
      sandy xx

  10. so creative and love all the color! looks like a lot of fun to make. thanks for a great way to clean off a very messy table, MINE!!

  11. Lovely work for the challenges! The snow looks so beautiful and funny about those seeds.

  12. Lotsa snow for you eh and such brilliant photographs you shared with us.

    Love the beautiful tags with the fabulous backgrounds. They are both so different with lots of interest on them.

    Looks tidy to me I have just left mine in a mess and promised to do better tomorrow

    Sleep well

    Love Chrissie xx

  13. Wow, you got a good covering of snow, makes for pretty pics though! Beautiful tags and I have to say I love the expression of your window cow! Keep cosy! Xx

    1. Yes, Buttercup always has a wonderful expression on her sweet face....

  14. It always amazes me how mixed media artists like you make their pages - wow!
    We got about the same amount of snow here and I opted to stay inside, too. Well, until I had to go to work and today I took a quick trip to check out the arboretum. That was fun.

  15. It looks so cold and beautiful there! I'm glad the birds found the food. I love your art tags, they are so lovely. It's amazing all of the elements that go into them.

  16. Oh my! These tags are brilliant! Love the snow photos! Good idea to stay in and enjoy the aroma of your marble cake! Hugs, Chrisx

  17. Wow, awesome tags, love all the mixed media layers and how you designed them, they look super in your journal.
    Its a good quote beside the animals on your window ledge, I hope they are still safe from the tidying up.
    Lovely snowy photos, best place to be was inside in all that snow and with a cake baking in the oven the aromas would be delicious.
    Yvonne xx

  18. Love your fabulous tags, the backgrounds are really stunning!
    Great snowy photos too!
    Hugs, Mar

  19. Lovely tags! The snow looks so beautiful from your balcony and I love the cute birdie footprints, they will really appreciate the food in the snowy weather too :-). Have a great weekend! J :-)

  20. I love those tags! They have such cool texture and the white really pops-as does the eye on that big headed lady.:) How come your snow looks so pretty and mine just looks like a lot of work? Ha-ha-When snow is on the branches it does look good, but the wind blew ours away. Love seeing your work space too. It looks nice and bright with the window near it. Hope you get some better weather, and if you do, send it my way please. Hugs-Erika

  21. Your tags are fantastic. I especially LOVE the background, and adore the way you recycled the detritus from the knee socks. Both tags are fantastic, and although the backgrounds were similar, the finishing elements made them both stand out on their own.

    You had a good deal of snow. It was warm here today, but is supposed to be cold tomorrow. No snow in sight for me, though. I will just appreciate your beautiful photos from your balcony and your table. I especially loved the last photo with the trails left by the birds. That was clever, clever.

    No news yet, dear. So now it will be Monday afternoon before I get mail again, since in the States, they don't deliver mail on Sunday.

    1. No mail on Sunday here either - no NOTHING on Sunday here!

  22. fabulous tags and the backgounds are amazing...the trees look so pretty with their dusting of snow...thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge...hugs kath xxx

  23. I think next winter I will come and visit you as I just love the beautiful view of the snow from your window. It's magnificent...better than our hot and bush fires.
    Love, love love your mixed media, you are the Queen of these, the new Queen.xx{aNNie}

  24. Oh My!!! Those tags are so lovely!!! What in the world do you do with all of your beautiful creations? Every day you show us something new and glorious♥♥♥ The snow pictures are beautiful and I love the bird foot prints in the snow. I saw patterns as soon as I looked at it and they drew a bird in the snow. :) Stay in and stay warm ! Spring will get here some day.

  25. Super fun post Valerie!! Love your tags, those mixed media backgrounds are fabulous and I just adore the white accents. The bird and birdcage are so sweet!!! Your work desk is so bright under the window, very nice! Totally in love with your winter photos, oh how I love the snow! The bird footprints in the snow are just hilarious, around and around picking the seed, so funny!! Guess you had the bird's eye view that time! lol. have a great day :)

  26. Oh my goodness another beautiful post, thank you for sharing so many good things. x

  27. I forgot to say in your other post, thank you for telling us about your ribs! Please keep taking it easy!
    I love your tags, so much! I want to come to your house and play! LOL! I love your little window creatures! LOL! Wow!! I love your snow pictures! I love snow! Big Hugs!

  28. I really love seeing work tables and I'm glad you showed yours. It's fun to see how you can just pull from whatever scraps are on the table and make something so lovely. And the snow -- fabulous. But I hope it's gone soon!

  29. Holy crapload of snow! you weren't joking!Our weathermen are just as off as yours Valerie!
    Your tags came out gorgeous! And what are those marble pages on your table?
    Here's hoping your snow soon melts,have a piece of cake for me!

  30. Gorgeous tags and great recycling! Love your snow pictures too. We just don't seem to have much snow in England these days. Thank you for joining us over at Stamps and Stencils. Toni X


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