
Monday 2 January 2017

T stands for today

Hi Everybody!

Today is Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday party and is also
the start of a new challenge at 


*Use tissue*

I made a set of 3 little canvases (4x4") into a 
wall hanging for a neighbour. She wanted
something with yellow and green and
flowers. I used some small tulip
serviettes from my stash,
glued them with gel medium to
the canvases, and then gave the edges
a coat of paint - finished. I mounted them
onto a dark green ribbon with gold edges . I was
not really impressed with them, but the
recipient loved her hanging, so that's the main thing!

At this point I would like to welcome the nice ladies of
the T gang. We had snow this morning, so I was outside on
my balcony before it was light taking photos. I mounted one of them
onto a moonlit sky background, which I grunged up a bit.
I do feed the birds every morning, they are always
waiting in the tree, but the coffee is
just for me! I am of course linking to Art Journal Journey, Erika's lovely theme of tell me a story

Last week I cooked a huge pot of soup made from carrots,
parsnips and sweet potatoes, and spiced with
garlic and ginger. It was good served with a splash of sour cream!

My fave water glass has a black cat on it, she looks like my
Kitty did:

The clear circle on the other side of the glass shows the
cat again, magnified by the liquid:

And I love making patterns in my soup - perhaps
I'm in my second childhood!?

And this bread twist was delicious - filled with tomato and cheese,
and with lots of seeds on top!

My Scandinavian bird hopped down to have a look:

And the rocking horse came over too - I think she wants
to send best wishes to Elizabeth & her boys.
(The rocking horse was a present from dear Sabine)

And some photos from my snowy walk on Monday:

Photo bombed from a loudly squawking crow!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. The wall hanging is sweet, and I think it's nice that you made something that she liked rather than something to your taste. The snow piece with the birds on the cup is gorgeous. We had snow here, too, but it only lasted about an hour. The kids enjoyed playing in the garden anyway. And my big favourite today is your soup and the wonderful bread twist, I could do with some of that right now! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Lovely artwork as always! Enjoyed your snowy walk photos as well.
    Happy T day!

  3. I really like your wall hanging. It is adorable, and the ribbon is just the right color to make these three canvases pop.

    I LOVE your cat glass. It is so sweet and adorable. Of course, I spied the rocking horse behind the glass even before you mentioned it. Sabine did GOOD when she sent it to you.

    Erika's theme is getting a lot of attention, and I really adore this latest entry you created. It fits both AJJ and TSFT. I like both the sentiment and the picture you used. Of course, the birds on the cup of coffee are so precious, too. Thanks for sharing these, as well as your walk through the fog filled snowy morning with us for T this Tuesday.

  4. I just read your comment on my blog and I spent four days backing up my old computer off site. However, when I brought them into my new computer, it got confused because I didn't have the software needed to open it. The software that Scott put on the computer tried it's best to open things, but everything was garbled and the images were all either compressed or expanded with lost definitions. It appears if I don't get my dedicated software loaded on this new computer, I will have to back up and punt!

  5. You've been busy. The tulips are pretty and its nice to make things for others. I also love your snowy page. We've had a lot of snowy mornings in the past few weeks but somehow looking at yours looks much more peaceful than looking at mine, especially when I have to go shovel. Yummy look lunch...its making me hungry since I haven't had my dinner yet. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  6. Your wall hanging is lovely, it's so kind of you to make it for your neighbour. Thanks for sharing your morning with us of feeding the birds and having coffee, your artwork is beautiful, I love the little birds sat on the coffee cup! The soup and bread looks so delicious, I'm not suprised your Scandinavian bird hopped down to have a look :-). The little rocking horse from Sabine is adorable and your snowy walk is so magical. Wishing you a Happy T Day! J :-)

  7. Your hybrid piece is just beautiful!! I love that the birds are still visiting in spite of the mean men who took down all of their homes! "(
    Hugs, Jackie

  8. Love everything! Your soup and roll looks delicious. What a great kitty glass!
    I can see why your neighbor liked her hanging. It's so pretty and cheerful.
    Love your hybrid piece.
    Here's to a great 2017.

  9. I don't think the birdies know the cup of coffee is just for you ;-)
    They look ready to dive in *gg*
    Napkins are magical ingredients and you used those yellow tulips brilliantly liebe Valerie!
    Yummy soup and that flakey seeded roll ummm
    Second childhood sounds good to me ;-)
    Happy first T Day of 2017
    Thank you also for sharing your beautiful snow with us.
    I am still waiting for some flakes here in Virginia

  10. Happy Ne Year Valerie! Beautiful artwork and photos! Love the wintry photos!

  11. lovely work today Valerie, your soup looks so good, as does that gourmet roll!

  12. Ooo, that cat glass is fun! I think I'd enjoy the bread twist. Looks tasty. I love seeing snow pictures; we so rarely get snow here. Thx :)

  13. You must be the fittest lady I know...the snow looks so beautiful, wish I could see real life. Your soup it is surely so yummy and love your display of pages, and I love the hanger. It's rather fun using serviettes I think. I have used modge podge with it...sticks down just as well..hugs.xx{aNNie}

  14. Good your neighbour loves her canvasses! I aso love your moonlit blend, your tasty treats make my tummy rumble and the snow pictures are just beautiful!

  15. The napkins you used on the hanging are lovely. It looks beautiful and I can see how you neighbour was thrilled with it.
    The journal page is fabulous love the words, I really think they compliment the art.
    Its not just the bird who would like to taste the soup, it looks delicious and the bread to go with it I can almost taste as I imagine the flavours.
    Happy T day Valerie
    Yvonne xx

  16. Traumhafte Arbeiten heute neben kulinarischen Verführungen und einer verzauberten Winterlandschaft!
    Alles was das Herz begehrt liebe Valerie!
    Happy TIOT, TSFT, AJJ!

    oxo Susi

  17. Oh yes, and the rocking horse is amazing.

  18. What a fabulous post! The hanging you made for your neighbour is so cheery and will be brightening her room on such a snowy day! Your digital piece is just gorgeous - those snowy pics look so cold but this really makes everything feel much warmer! I would think your soup was just the thing! We are enjoying our home made soups - although I think todays will be made from leftover veggies!!! Your cat cup is lovely and the rocking horse making it's appearance here for T day is just perfect! Hope you can keep warm! Hugs, Chrisx

  19. I love that wall hanging with the tulips! I love tulips (of course being Dutch...)
    Your journal page is beautful too. A beautiful photo of the winter scene and the birds.
    THe soup looks delish! I love making soup and make soup every week, depending what I have lying in my fridge.
    Your cat glass is so cute.
    Happy New Year and happy T-Day,

  20. Hi Valerie ..the canvas for your neighbour was very nice and thoughtful..
    very happy and spring like unlike your weather.... nice photos but very brrr.... I bet your lovely soup was even more tastier on such a cold wintery day (that soup was right up my street! and Dave said he'd like some please if theres any spare).
    Love your beautiful AJJ piece and this looks like another great theme this month with Erika.
    Started the year with some housekeeping of the pc kind - it took nearly 8 hours to scan almost a million and a half files :( and then did had a bit of a sort out there as well.
    Keep warm and have a lovely day... Gill xx

  21. Love the canvases Valerie! They are sooo cheerful and bright! Best wishes for the New Year and big hugs- Lula

  22. Love the canvases Valerie! They are sooo cheerful and bright! Best wishes for the New Year and big hugs- Lula

  23. Fun art pieces. Nice of you to create something for your neighbor. Your snowy world looks lovely. Soup is the perfect meal on a snowy day isn't it? Of course we don't get snow here by the Bay but soup on a rainy day works well too.

  24. Awesome post, Valerie. I absolutely LOVE your new header. Did you paint that? It's wonderful. I would be delighted to receive that tulip wall hanging and hang it in my home. How sweet of you to create it for your friend. Your photos of the ice and snow are beautiful. And your soup looks like just the thing for after a walk in the snow! Happy T Day!

  25. That soup and your bread twist -- total yum! I love working with tissue -- that hanging turned out so very well.

    I have to tell you again how much I love your new banner at the top. It just makes me smile whenever I click into your page!

  26. Wunderschöne Journalseite und ein wunderbares und so passendes Zitat! Und deine kulinarischen Köstlichkeiten ... sehr verführerisch! Danke für diese herrlichen Fotos!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  27. Great art again today!!! Love that quote!!! YOur soup looks so good and I absolutely love the snowy walk photos. Happy T Day!!!!!

  28. A lovely post. I really like the little paintings. Your soup and bread look so good. Have a wonderful day.

  29. Love the tulip wall hanging Valerie! and your hybrid pieces... Your food has me thinking its time for me to grab something to eat... that bread looks divine! Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  30. the wall hanging is very pretty. A burst of color on a cold, grey day. It's raining now. but we had a bit of snow over the weekend. the kitty on your glass reminds me of my kitty, Ink. He used to look like that when he was begging for treats or a cuddle. i like the misty snow pictures from your walk. The crow, a reminder to keep going even if the day is not sunshiny with tulips. Happy T Day

  31. I just know you are a fabulous cook - that soup sounds and looks amazing - so good. Now what about that bread - did you make it or did it come from a bakery?
    I love your journal page - your quote reminds me of Susi's post.
    You had snow and I am so excited. We are hare having very badly needed rain!!!
    Hoping for a very healthy New Year!!!!
    sandy xx

  32. A lovely hanging Valerie and I love the moonlit journal page.
    Snowy photos look lovely, I always love to walk in 'new' snow
    Your soup looks delicious with that yummy bread.
    Happy New Year,
    Hug, Avril xx

  33. Boah, das Tulpentrio ist ja wohl der Oberhammer, die Journalseite wieder mal super und Deine Fotos ganz große Klasse. Also: alles wie immer

  34. Hallo Valerie, das Tulpen-Anhängerchen sieht hübsch aus, super Idee diese kleinen Leinwände auf einem Band zu befestigen. Ich hab hier auch noch sooo viele Servietten und hab heute Pappherzen gekauft, ich könnte damit was Ähnliches anstellen. ;)
    Die Digitalseite mit dem verschneiten Baum gefällt mir sehr, schöne Stimmung. Aber auch dein Glasvogel, der dich beim Essen beobachtete, gefällt mir sehr. Das Essen hätte ich auch gern genommen, sieht lecker aus.
    Liebe Grüße

  35. Oooh lovely makes today Valerie, such a cheery hanging, and your snowy tree is wonderful. Your soup and bread look delicious! Have a great week xx

  36. Wonderful hanging Valerie! The little canvases look really beautiful.
    Great AJJ page and stunning photos!
    Hugs, Mar

  37. such pretty winter photos-the snow covered trees are stunning! Beautiful digital piece and wall hanging!Happy T Day, and Happy New Year!

  38. I love your posts!! I think what you made for your neighbour was really pretty and bright! I love your art piece with the birds! How beautiful!!!! The soup and the bread looks so good! You got me so hungry! I laughed at you playing with your soup! LOL! I also laughed at you being photo bombed by the crow! LOL! Big Hugs! (The kitty glass is so cute!)


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