
Tuesday 3 January 2017

Past, present, future

Hi Everybody!

It's been another cold day here, and we have
been threatened with winter storms over the
next few days - I'm hoping they are wrong!

For Art Journal Journey, Erika's lovely theme of 
'tell me a story', I have a hybrid piece using  a canvas I made 
of some of my ancestors. I  placed them here onto a
grungy background. The original was made with various photo transfers, interspersed with scraps of old letters. My great grandparents are both there,my Mum, my grandparents, my great aunt, and I am hidden in the background.
I like having many layers, even though they are not all visible -
life is a palimpsest, one layer covering up and sometimes
erasing the other. People who lived before us are still
'with us'in our memories, they are part of us as we are a 
continuation of them:

And this is the tag I made for Tag Tuesday, theme 'silver':

'To speak is silver, silence is golden'
Would be a good tip for some politicians these days....

Some photos taken this week, mornings and
on my walks:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. This is a big fave, and I love what you wrote with it.Fantastic page! I love the photos, as always. Sleep well, hugs Sarah

  2. Love your time piece! Love the layers and the history involved. Great photos from your walk. We've had a mild few days and then back below zero tomorrow. Happy New Year!

  3. Some of your pics have cooled me down my friend. Sending you our warmth and love your display today.xx

  4. I think your AJJ piece is a wonderful story. I love how you made it circular and layered over and over, because you are right, years do tend to layer us. The love doesn't go away but it does seem to get very complicated sometimes. And I really enjoyed your photos of the morning. The bird silhouettes are amazing. I hope you have cheered up a bit and you don't get all that cold and snowy weather. Hugs-Erika

  5. I love the layers of beautiful faces in your first piece and the tag is lovely. Such pretty birds too!

  6. Amazing that you have photos of your great grandparents! Wise tip on your tag, tactfully said! Your photos are exquisite, if icy!

  7. I'm so sorry I'm late visiting. I am having all kinds of computer problems at the moment, and my brand new computer that is less than a week old is now gone. My friend Scott thinks it's the video card, but since it has a warranty, he took everything back with him. Of course, I was offline until we could figure out the problem. SEVEN hours later, and both of us are frustrated. This is the hiccup I had not even considered.

    Your AJJ entry is beautiful. So many layers, and I saw several. Very impressive art. I like the tag, too. I think you are right about the politicians, especially one here in the states.

    It's frigid here, so your icy photos felt right at home tonight.

  8. The snow photographs are beautiful. Love the idea behind your piece and the misty way you've brought everyone together.
    Ha to the politicians not speaking:)
    Hugs. Have a good day!

  9. Toll dass Du so schöne Familienfotos hast zum Werkeln damit!
    Eine wahre Weisheit auf Deinem Tag und schöne Fotos!
    Bei uns auch Schneestrum sie ganze Nacht - wir sind heute wie auf Eiern zum Einkauf gefahren...
    Pass auf DIch auf!

  10. Love your hybrid piece Valerie, and the silver tag is wonderful. Such great photos, I see you even have a light dusting of snow, fabulous!! A little late, but I still wanted to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  11. I really like the poetic feel of you life art journal page, and the words you used to describe its inspiration. Happy New Year!

  12. Menschen leben in unserer Erinnerung weiter - und manchmal fühlt man, als seien sie noch immer neben uns. Mehrere Ebenen im Bild so wie im Leben - das ist ein feiner Gedanke!
    Das Silber-Tag ist wundervoll - und das Zitat sollte man nie aus den Augen verlieren.
    Deine Fotos sind wie immer sehr schön - diesmal habe ich ein Lieblingsbild, abgesehen von den Baumbildern mit der tollen Silhouette der Vögel in den klaren Himmel - das dritte von unten mit der nebligen Ferne und dem scharfen Vordergrund in mehr Farbe!
    Ich wünsche dir ein gutes Neues Jahr!
    LG Rike

  13. This is a wonderful life page. So much depth, just like life. Your photos are stunning. I love the tree with the snow on it.

  14. I love your journal page - a life well lived and certainly the story of your life. I recognize some of the pictures.
    I enjoyed you pictures --
    Do you have enough of your delicious looking soup if the storm does set in?
    Sandy xx

  15. A wonderful journal page Valerie and a very wise saying on the tag.
    Love the snowy photos, we've had cold winds/bright days, but getting milder for the weekend!!
    Stay safe,
    Avril xx

  16. Love how the snow coats the tree branches...hoping we see some white stuff soon here in Virginia ;-)
    You are so right about layers and loved ones.
    Your piece has a magical mystical quality to it which is a great metaphor for life too.
    You shared some great wisdom on your tag too.
    Stay warm and cozy my friend oxo

  17. This is a beautiful, meaningful piece, Valerie. I love your explanation of the layers of life and are ancestors part in them. hugs, Teresa

  18. A beautiful family collage, love how you blended all the images. It must mean a lot to you, to have some family photos that have so many memories.
    Great snowy photos
    Yvonne xx

  19. Beautiful shots! I love that collage--how the colors and the images create such a warmth, so a beautiful sense of love.

  20. Our weather patterns always seem so similar! Right now I hear the winds a howling outside and they are calling for some very heavy snow just east of us- I hope it stays east! heehee
    Valerie, I always love your ancestral pieces, i love seeing pieces of your world through old photos and memories-thank you so much for sharing!
    Yes, good quote for politicians for sure!
    Keep warm my friend! hugs,Jackie

  21. Beautifully thought out and special piece for AJJ.
    Nice wintery photos although the birds look fed up, all huddled up in the trees.
    I've not seen any weather forecasts for several days so have no idea what to expect...but it certainly looks like staying in side and hot soup weather :)
    Keep warm and take care if you are out and about.
    Gill xx

  22. Have I told you, how much I love your art?? I do!!! There is so much thoughtfulness that goes into every piece!! I love both these creations you made! The one with the photos is amazing! Love the photos from your walk!! So Beautiful! Big Hugs!

  23. Wow this post evoked a lot of feelings.. There is a darkness then all the this is powerful and beautiful! Love the word palimpsest too!
    Great post and a reminder from where we come!

    Hugs Giggles

  24. It looks terribly cold with all those stark photos of the birds in their branches. I love the piece you did. I hope to do something like that after I get many photos scanned and more research done! This will be outstanding inspiration.


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