
Tuesday 24 January 2017

Feathers and wings

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. We had a dusting of snow
in the night, and it's cold and hazy,
so for the rest of the day I
stay home, keep warm, and 
enjoy the aromas of my marinated
 veggies baking in the oven while I am enjoying some 'play time'.

At Simon Monday challenge the theme is
'Spread your wings'
and at
feathers, so I hope this giant tag will suffice
for both. I am also linking to Doing life, ATG create with tlc - anything goes, as Desire kindly invited me to join in. I once again used a 12" tag cut from an Amazon
shipping envelope, started with a hand-full of bits and bobs
from my table, which I sewed to the tag. You can see painted and 
heat-blasted tyvek, ancient linen from the erosion bundle, feathers, 
lace, and scraps of ribbons.The collaging and stamping was
the next step, and then back to
the sewing machine to sew it to a distressed background.
The swan quill is one I found by the Rhine, I gather all
of my feathers from my walks:

It started off with the painted tag substrate and a heap of 
disparate items:

It was hard sewing over the quill, and then it didn't
look right:

So I unpicked it and sewed it down the other way round -
much better!

I cut off part of the yellow ribbon after sewing:

On Sunday the sun showed itself again:

But since yesterday we have wrapped in cold and freezing fog:

As I walked past my poinsettia it started whispering to me, and
said it felt very neglected as I had been only showing
photos of the Amaryllis....Anyway, here it is, beautiful as ever:


The third bloom has started to open, and the second shoot
has grown like Jack's beanstalk and will soon be
flowering, too.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Valerie hope you are well. I just adore the awesome textures on your amazing feather creation.
    This is such a beautiful project.
    This will also be perfect for one entry as an anything goes creation for our challenge below.
    {ATG with a CREATE WITH TLC Element}
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  2. I can tell how much you are enjoying making these tags, Val. Your decision in the other matter was wise, it has given you new energy and ideas. Fantastic art and photos as always! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Fabulous project and photos again. Love your creative tag and the collection of feathers added to it. Great stitching...hugs.xx{aNNie}

  4. coming to you today from Trier again :-) Love the stitching, and the use of feathers, once again you are giving me ideas. I'm still on the "use what's close at hand" method with some of my work, although moved on to using some fresh sheets of scrapbook paper today. It's been lovely and sunny here, albeit freezing, but we awoke to fog this morning, and a very slight dusting of snow, which had absolutely no impact on the snow that has been there all week (and more). I think we may get above freezing by the weekend. BTW, I made toad in the hole for dinner the other night, which wasn't quite a raving success with one of the diners(!!), but at least it was a change from our usual menu. Thanks for continuing to inspire me :-)

    1. Thanks Theresa. I LOVE toad in the hole, I will make it again soon! Our weather is still similar to yours. Hmm, I'm still in Krefeld - time to move back to D'dorf?

  5. Gorgeous tag again, love all the detail, textures and feathers. Your flowers are beautiful. I hope you are healing, Hugs, Shirleyxx

  6. Your tag is incredible. I especially LOVE the stitching and the various pieces you used. I sewed over a quill once and broke it. I see yours only suffered a bit of a dent.

    I can't believe your poinsettia is still in bloom. It is awesome. You must feed your plants some kind of power food, because that amaryllis is going to take over your apartment soon.

    Stay safe and warm today. It looks nasty in your area.

  7. Perhaps it sneaks into the kitchen at night and eats cake, that would explain why the cake gets eaten so quickly! The dent was already in the back of the quill, the only thing that broke was the needle, but afterwards I used a leather needle and it worked well.

  8. Beautiful tag and your flowers are gorgeous, what a deep red on the poinsettia

  9. You have certainly spread your wings Valerie with the wonderful sewn projects you are making for the challenges.

    Wonderful photographs as well and now the poinsettia as well as the beautiful white amarylis.

    Enjoy your day

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. I always think of tags as small things, so your large tag was an absolute riot, an explosion of texture.
    How thoughtful to give the poinsettia a chance of fame, I'm sure it is happier now.
    I've been away from the computer for a while so I don't know how long your header has been up but it is surely so beautiful with your blackbird and the stunning colours of the flowers and sky.

  11. Both the poinsettia and amaryllis are beautiful.
    Love the verse you used on your tag.
    Your photos always cause me to catch my breath.
    Hope today is a comfortable one for you. Or as Sue would say, one filled with color.

  12. Die aufwendige Pracht Deines Tags steht der Schönheit Deiner Zimmerpflanzen um nichts nach - Perfektion wohin man nur schaut.
    Schönen Abend und weiterhin gute Besserung.
    lg Susi

  13. I love your tag Valerie, you have very interesting bits and bobs on your table! We're having very grey weather as well, no sunshine for days. I guess that makes it easier to stay in! xx

  14. I really love this tag. The feathers especially. For some reason we have sun. very unusual for here. Have a wonderful day.

  15. Wieder so ein fantastisches Tag liebe Valerie. Papier zu nähen muß ich auch einmal versuchen,sieht so klasse aus. Dein Weihnachtsstern und die superschöne, sogar gefüllte, Amaryllis sind ein Traum. Bei so viel Schönheit um dich rum mußt du ja schnell wieder gesund werden. Weiterhin Gute Besserung.
    Big Hugs

  16. Marvelous feathers and use of bits and scraps to create these charming tags. xox

  17. Gorgeous collage of materials and stitching on this beautiful tag, it looks so tactile.
    Your house plants are thriving and must give a wonderful splash of colour in your rooms.
    Loved the photos, its been very dull and we have cold on its way later in the week, well that what the weatherman is telling us.
    Yvonne xx

  18. I love that tag and also that you gather the feathers for your art from your walks... The flowers are so beautiful too.

  19. It turned out great. Good for you, for keeping at it. hugs, Teresa

  20. Another stunning the layers and love that sentiment.
    Thank you so much for joining in with this weeks challenge at Go Tag Thursday...

    Awesome photos..freezing fog in my area today too...

  21. Love the art today!@! Anything with features usually strikes my fancy. Sending you more healing thoughts and prayers.

  22. Love the art today!@! Anything with features usually strikes my fancy. Sending you more healing thoughts and prayers.

  23. I like this tag too -- really do love all the bits and pieces.
    Your Poinsettia looks so healthy - brand new!!!
    Stay warm and safe!!
    sandy xx

    1. I've had it 7 weeks and it's still going strong - that's an absolute record for me!

  24. Wonderful tag Valerie - love the colours and pieces you have put together - and I am in awe of your sewing as usual.
    Love your Poinsettia and people (Poinsettia guardians?)
    Gill xx

    1. No, it's the other way round, the poinsettia are there to guard the chieftains!

  25. Your tag is amazing Valerie! I really love the quote you put on it too! I would never think of using the feathers I have gathered, to create something! Thank you for the idea! Love your poinsettia and the Amaryllis. Great outside photos! Big Hugs!

  26. your tag is stunning the feathers and the addition of the stitched elements...thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge...enjoy your weekend...hugs kath xxx

  27. Wow Valerie! This tag is a masterpiece -I love how you used the stitching and the bee at the top - really beautiful! Chrisx

  28. Valerie this is a wonderful project. Its perfect for our 7th ‘ATG with CREATE WITH TLC’ challenge. Thanks for sharing your talent with us. Good luck and hope to see you play with us again.
    {ATG with a CREATE WITH TLC Element}
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}


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