
Wednesday 25 January 2017

Blow, blow thou winter wind....

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, Erika's wonderful theme of
'Tell me a story'
I have a hybrid piece, once again featuring
Leonardo - da Vinci and not Di Caprio!
Here I have also used some elements from Mischief Circus:

 This week I made a 3 dimensional wall hanging (12x6"), using recycled 
and partly peeled corrugated card as a substrate.
 I sewed it onto a strip of old jacquard material which had 
a wonderfully shabby and fringed out edge, which I made use of. 
I have some progress shots further down.
I am linking to Simon Monday Challenge,
spread your wings:

After the gesso had dried I started applying the scraps of
paper napkins, brushing them into the ridges:

I also added some other images:

Then I pasted some cardboard with the same butterflies as used in the
hanging, cut them out, and glued springs (from old
ball point pens) to the reverse. The antennas were made with gold wire:

I gave them a thick coat of triple thick varnish and left them overnight to dry,
before fixing them over their counterparts on the hanging.  I used hot glue for fixing the springs:

Here it is hanging in my arty kitchen. When the window is open
they start to flutter in the breeze - fun!

Outside is still cold and wintry:

And I'm thankful for fresh fruit in winter, and was
delighted that this clementine was still sporting a leaf:

By the way, the title is a Shakespeare song from
'As you like it', you can find the text here if you are interested.

 Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful projects, Val, as always. I love the Leonardo piece, and of course, the hanging is fabulous, thanks for sharing the 'how' of making it. I'm still hoping I might have time to make things one day! Take care of yourself, hugs, Sarah

  2. LOVE this display and the fabulous photos. Your little tut is going to become useful to me as well and your butterflies are adorable and bright, love them.xx{aNNie}

  3. Nette Projekte heute wieder und Deine How To- und Alltags- Fotos sind super Susi

  4. Lovely page for AJJ and your 3D piece is so beautiful and creative! We don't have much snow at the moment.

  5. Die auf Karton aufgeklebten Schmetterlinge sehen so echt aus ... wunderbare Idee, die Federn des Kugelschreibers zu verwenden, bei Wind bewegen sie sich - wie herrlich! Das ganze Bild sieht so schön frühlingshaft aus - ein schöner Kontrast zu diesem kalten grauen Wetter.
    LG Rike (bei mir gibt es heute auch ein Foto von einem Schmetterling)

  6. Beautiful art work, I love hearing how your pieces are created too!

  7. That hanging is absolutely gorgeous.
    YOU have a colorful day.

  8. Really great post - love the butterflies on springs!

    We are having a funny winter - daffodils and gorse bushes all in bloom al around!

  9. What splendid work, fun and colourful. Warm greetings!

  10. Valerie your postings are so gorgeous!!!
    I love, love, love your artwork and your photos and did I mention that I also love butterflies :)

    Big Hugs

  11. I love the pop-out butterflies. We saw an art exhibit two weeks ago where many of the mediums used the corrugated cardboard as a basis. Very cool base for your project.

  12. gorgeous digital piece! and you canvas is marvelous! you've done Leonardo proud. xo

  13. Your Vitruvian Man looks so much better than my little stamp I own. This is awesome.

    I was truly impressed with your wall hanging. Clever use of old ball point pen springs. I can just envision how the butterflies flap in the breeze. I know that won't be anytime soon, though, since it looks AWFUL out your window.

    Hope you are staying in and resting, making art and keeping warm.

  14. I don't know if my last comment posted. It didn't show up or say it was waiting for approval. HMMMM. If it does, you can ignore this as its repeat. Anyhow, love the artistic Leo today. :) Those pops of color really make the page. And Those butterflies really pop off the page too. :) It looks so winter like out your winter, like here, but we finally have some sun. I hope you stay warm and dry and your sun comes out soon. Hugs-Erika

  15. Ach wie herrlich dieses tolle Schmetterlings-Kunstwerk. Ich kann mir vorstellen wie erstaunt Besucher sein müssen, wenn sich die Flattermänner plötzlich im Luftzug bewegen. So genial sie auf solche Federn zu setzten. Ich glaub ich suche mal nach alten Kulis. ;)
    Mit all den schönen Kunstwerken darin ist deine Küche so herrlich inspirierend und gemütlich, da möchte man garnicht mehr weg. Die digitale Seite ist auch so schön, gelungene Komposition. Dein leckeres Obst ist ein schönes Stilleben und gesund dazu.
    Dein Körper mag zurzeit gehandicapt sein, dafür läuft deine Kreativität auf Hochtouren. Lauter wunderschöne, fantasievolle Werke sind da in den letzten Tagen entstanden.Ich denke das inspiriert uns Alle jetzt mächtig.
    Ganz liebe Grüße

    1. Danke! Wie steht es geschrieben? Der Geist is willig aber das Fleisch ist schwach!

  16. What lovely art! I love da vinci and it's neat how you've incorporated his piece within yours. I especially love the 3d piece, the way you did the butterflies is so very pretty...

  17. A wonderful art journal page, love your interpretation of Leonado's man.
    The hanging is gorgeous , so much to see and those butterflies look stunning. The springs are such a good idea to get them fluttering in the breeze.
    Yvonne xx

  18. Very creative projects, Valerie. I love your butterflies. hugs, Teresa

  19. I love seeing your process and those springs are such a great idea Fantastic work! You know I love those trees. Fresh fruit is always a nice treat. :) Happy day!

  20. wow,was für eine tolle seite,dazu fallen mir gleich geschihten ein,toll gemacht,und dein cardboard ist auch superschön.
    du hast recht jetzt braucht man vitamine und die clementinen sehen so frisch und saftig aus,ich esse sie zu gern.
    einen schönen tag wünsch ich dir.

    hugs jenny

  21. I didn't know where to start to comment on this fabulous post. Best place is the top I guess so her goes.

    Hope you are feeling a lot better now Valerie and that it may soon become a bit warmer where you live

    Still waffling as I am thinking about the butterflies on springs--

    Fabulous page with the wonders of Da Vinci and Valerie drawing us in to the artwork.

    I can image the joy the next piece will bring to you hung on a wall. It is stunning with the many wonderful ideas--oh and the butterflies on springs--did I mention those before :)

    Great wintery tree pics--have saved one of them.A leaf on a clementine is so unusual, they travel such a long way for us to eat them I amazed the leaf stayed on must look for one.

    No frost or fog here today but dull and dark

    Enjoy your day

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. This sounds strange, but that little leaf was so precious it really made my day.

  22. Your mind works in wondrous ways. Love your wall hanging.
    Sandy xx

    1. I think it's wondrous that my mind still works!

  23. Meant to say earlier how very beautiful your blog header is.
    Those colors and the design Ooh la laaa ♥
    You created such a special piece with the Vitruvian Man ♥♥♥
    and your corrugated cardboard tag is brilliant too.
    I would have to touch the butterflies every time I walked by to see them jiggle. oxo

  24. I love how all your fruit co-ordinates so well with both of your beautiful art pieces. My favourite is the one with those gorgeous butterflies, how lovely to see them move when the wind catches them, (brilliant use of the pen springs).
    Gill xx

  25. I love your art work my friend! Those butterflies are so cute! I love that idea of the springs! You are so creative! Yummy fruit! Keep warm!

  26. Love those springy butterflies,and the napkin on the corrugated card looks fabulous. Ha, I love seeing leaves on citrus fruits :-) I hope you enjoy more careful walks this weekend - I love your photos of the Rhine. We've been lucky enough to have the sun more than clouds these past 2 weeks, but I will be glad to see a rise in temperatures in the coming days, so that the icy roads in the village are safely walkable again. Theresa

  27. Oh How beautiful this is - I love how you have mounted the butterflies so that they can catch the breeze! What a fabulous journal page too! I can see that Winter is still cold where you are but the fruit looks so Summery! Hope you are feeling much better! Chrisx

  28. As always, your posts are such a visual treat! LOVE your photography and your crafted artwork both. The thing I really like about this piece is the variety of elements and how seamlessly you blended them together. It was a bonus to see detail shots of your process and I love the butterflies that are springing out! So lovely and I'm glad that you continue to support our challenges here at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog. I always look forward to your entries!


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