
Monday 19 December 2016

T stands for taking a walk....

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, light and darkness,
I have another hybrid piece. I found this background paper in my stash, and added some stenciled leaves and flourishes to the centre. The heart, light and quote were added digitally:

Today is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so I
would like to extend a warm welcome
to all of the lovely ladies
of the T Gang.

Before we get something to eat and drink, you can accompany
me on my morning walk. I took some stale bread
and fed it to the ducks, who got
very excited about it:

 ''I saw it first - duck off''

''Over there, quick''

''It must be here somewhere''

I watched the ferry crossing, 

and cars driving off and on:

I walked through the back streets:

(Actually, I think we only have back streets here!)

The big building at the right is our skyscraper:

And this is the one and only supermarket:

I baked some delicious wholemeal bread:

And made some filled cookies, with bits of Mars bars and coconut
candy bars in them:

Go on, take a bite:

The bakery is filled with lots of tempting goodies:

And I decided to sacrifice myself and go in there
so that you all get to see it:

As I was in there I had to order something -
Cappuccino and spekulatius (spiced cookies) - help yourselves:

Hope you enjoyed your walk today!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Duck off! LOL! You are so funny! LOL!
    Your art piece is so magical, beautiful and filled with such meaning! Thank you!
    I really love where you live! Thank you for sharing! I will join you with a cappuccino and a cookie :)
    And, speaking of cookies, can you mail me any of your cookies you made? They look so good! And, I would love to try your bread too!
    Big Hugs!

  2. Another great post Val, funny as well. Duck off is really good, I must remember that one! Your journal piece is gorgeous, as always, and the photos of the town so pretty. I wish I could be there to go for a walk with you just now, that would be fun. And I'll gladly join you for cappuccino and biscuits. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Beautiful lighted page today! I very much enjoyed your walk and you are a fantastic baker. The duck photos are stunning.

  4. Love the glow of light on your page today and the words you have used are so beautiful! Thanks for taking me on your morning walk, I loved the sights especially the doorways, roof tiles and buildings! You have been busy baking too - your bread and cookies look delicious! Wow, the bakery you visited is so interesting, I'd love to join you to admire the shop window and enjoy a drink with spekulatius (which I've never tried before), yummy! Happy T Day dear Valerie! J :-)

  5. Gosh you can feel the glow and the love its a fabulous page Valerie.
    I have enjoyed my walk with you via those super photos. I can almost taste your cookies as well. The shop windows were very festive, please reserve me a chair to visit to that wonderful shop with you.
    Happy T day
    Yvonne xx

  6. Your latest AJJ entry is fabulous, and has a great sentiment, too.

    Why have I never noticed before that each of your incredible photos have tiny frames around them. I'd love to know how you do that digital magic.

    I want one of those houses in the bakery. And the spiced cookie reminded me of some we get here in the states that have a little Dutch boy with a windmill behind his head.

    Thanks for taking us duck hunting (GRIN) and car crossing today, as well as sharing your cappuccino and cookie with us for T this Tuesday. I also want one of those decadent cookies you made, too.

    Today I picked out the computer of my dreams and a good friend of Scott's and Scott are going to build it for me. I'm simply thrilled and it won't be like any other on the planet.

  7. Cookies, and breads and cakes and hot drinks , ducks and back street scenes and beautiful art-oh my. These are a few of my favorite things:) Couldn't help myself. Really gorgeous art! wonderful treats, and oh how I truly love "back streets" anywhere I go. Happy T day and a very Merry Christmas too dear Valerie!

  8. Coffee and cookies look lovely and inviting. Duckies are the cutest and loving the old buildings...your page today is stunningly warming to the heart...Have a good one..hugs.xx{aNNie}

  9. I really love your page today. What a wonderful holiday sentiment. And the Rhine is very low right now, isn't it? Love the back roads and that cookie looks yummy. Actually your baking looks even more yummy. Glad you sacrificed yourself for our holiday sweets. :) Happy t day-Erika

  10. Love the artwork you created with the quote!

    I had so much fun going on your walk with you. So many interesting sights to see. All the cookies made me hungry. :) Thanks for sharing!

  11. I enjoyed the town tour and the treats, thank you :) The mallards are always fun to watch, aren't they. Happy T Tuesday!

  12. Wow... da weiss ich gar nicht was ich zuerst erwähnen soll-
    ich mag Deine beherzte Lichtseite und all die wunderbaren Fotos,
    heute deckt Dein Post alles ab was Herz, Seele und Körper gut tut!
    Toll gebacken Valerie und danke für die schönen Fotos von Kaiserswerth..
    ein schöner Fleck zum Leben ist das!

  13. Your hybrid page is beautiful. Very festive.
    Thank you for taking me for a walk to feed the ducks. I did laugh at your running comment. (Duck off!). The back streets are interesting and look very posh rather than 'backstreet'. I wouldn't mind a house there at all. Especially the one with the magnificent door.
    I enjoyed the visit to the baker. Sacrificing yourself for us!! That is so noble of you!Thanks for the speculatius! My favorite! How did you know? I have bought a pack for the festive season. (Lidls do them)
    Happy T-Day,

  14. I always enjoy a good walk so enjoyed tagging along with you. That bakery looks like a great place to visit but of course you have all those delicious baked goods at home. Well, never mind, it never hurts to have a choice does it? Enjoyed your back streets and the image/quote is lovely.

  15. Beautiful image and quote on your piece. Duck Off just quacked me up (-; Enjoyed walking through your quaint, little town. your filled cookies with Mars bars and coconut look heavenly. I love coconut. Oh, that bakery window! So beautiful! And the spice cookie reminds me of the spice cookies my auntie used to buy in the shape of windmills. Have a glorious day!

  16. Ahhh - this just happens to be my latest favorite post of yours!!
    Love the journal page - so full of light and love.
    Oh my goodness - would you look at that gingerbread house - I want the big one - I really do. But it would probably get lost in the mail. A little black humor there.
    Your bread and cookies look delightful. You get so much done dear heart.
    As always I loved your pictures.
    Happy Holidays Valerie!
    sandy xx

  17. I laughed out loud at your duck photo captioning. "Duck off." Oh my :D

    What a nice walk. Your town/village is charming. It looks like a lovely place to live and certainly to stroll about.

    Happy T Day and Happy Holidays, Valerie!

  18. what a beautiful post I can almost smell the cookies and coffee..happy christmas valerie

  19. Thanks for another lovely walk through your neighbourhood - the river and the town.
    The wooden door, the old roof tile, the lovely alleyway with the bicycles - all delightful.
    Beautiful work with your art today, yes, Love is all.

  20. Ach deine Lichtseite ist so schön und Licht der Liebe brauchen wir Alle, nach diesem schrecklichen Ereignis in Berlin, so sehr.
    Ich finde deine Fotostrecke wieder sehr gelungen, die Enten so toll getroffen und die schönen Alstadthäuser sind auch echt fotogen. Danke für den Rundgang.
    Liebe Grüße

  21. Great art and I love your "DUCK WARS" :-) Love the idea of only having back streets too .... The photos of all of the old buildings are always so cool and I really enjoy them. It was also very nice of you to take us to the bakery ...and now I have gained 5 more pounds and won't be able to wear my Christmas Elf outfit this year ... THANK YOU FOR THAT TOO :)

  22. The light in your piece just pops! It's beautiful! And I love seeing your town -- and those cookies look SO good! I could use a cup of cocoa right now!

  23. So many pictures Valerie... love to see it all i hardly know what to comment on... Thank you so much and have a wonderful Christmas! Hugs! deb

  24. Oh how I love your art piece, it is one of my favorites! You take such wonderful walks, thank you for taking us with you in a way...

  25. Oh Wow Valerie! I am here for T day and aim hoping that by Thursday I will have a chance to come back and have a good snoop at what you have been doing! Your journal page is so beautiful both in words and picture! I loved seeing the ferry and the ducks but I especially loved the tour around the streets! The bakery looks so tempting - I would have to be very careful! Hugs, Chrisx

  26. I love taking a walk in your back streets! cobblestones and old brick houses with beautiful wooden doors...don't see much of that where I live in the U.S.! And that bakery surely is marvelously tempting, such pretty displays. You showed great restraint with your cookies and cappuccino. Happy T day!

  27. I love taking a walk in your back streets! cobblestones and old brick houses with beautiful wooden doors...don't see much of that where I live in the U.S.! And that bakery surely is marvelously tempting, such pretty displays. You showed great restraint with your cookies and cappuccino. Happy T day!

  28. I came here via Altered Book Lovers blog. Right off I had a good laugh with 'duck off'.

    I loved seeing pictures of where you live, so old-worldly and beautiful. Love the architecture and the cobble stone streets. The bakery looks so inviting and hard to resist. My husband and I were in your part of the world in the early 70's.

    I liked your art piece.

    Have a lovely Christmas and a wonderful 2017 ~ FlowerLady

  29. What a gorgeous page with the emerald and gold!!


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