
Tuesday 20 December 2016

May the light conquer the darkness

Hi Everybody!

We were all very shocked yesterday after the terrible
terror attack on the Christmas Market in 
Berlin.  Christmas will not be the
same again for so many families who have
lost their loved ones. It makes me feel very helpless
to witness all the bad things that are happening
all over the world, we so need love, tolerance and peace.

For Art Journal Journey, light and darkness I have a hybrid piece again.
We all need to hold fast to light and all that is good
 after this awful incident.

I am taking a few days blog break.
Wednesday is my birthday - a big, round one.
I'm not telling which one, but there's a 7 at the beginning, so make an educated guess!
This year has not been easy with operations, lots of pain
and other problems - it can only get better.
I just need some 'me' time-
I'll be back soon!

Have a great holiday season, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your journal page, and you are so right that we need light to see our way out of the darkness. I cried when I heard the news, it is so sad. Have a lovely day tomorrow, I will try to call you when P goes out. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Happy Birthday for tomorrow, Valerie. Hope you have a lovely day.

  3. What a beautiful art piece, I love the look of it and the words you've chosen for it. I hadn't read about the attack, it's very sad. However, I hope your birthday is wonderful. It's actually my birthday tomorrow too!

  4. Beautiful page full of hope Valerie I was thinking of your corner of the world in loght of the terrible Christmas Market attack. Have a restful blog break I will miss you!

  5. I was saddened to see the destruction in Berlin, too. Yes, it's been on our news, and is quite sad.

    I'm going to miss you, dear friend. Even one day off is like the darkness has taken over. Thanks for being such a special friend since we first "met." Happy, happy birthday. I hope you find a way to spend it with others, because spending it alone is not a good thing.

    Your AJJ entry is fabulous. I was super impressed.

    Again, happy birthday and have some wonderful "me" time while you are on a blog break.

  6. Must be a very sad time in Germany as it is for all the world Valerie. I do hope that light prevails over all the darkness.

    Happy Birthday and age is just a number so enjoy it.

    Take care and be sure that your Me Time is all that you want it to be.

    Love and hugs Chrissie xx

  7. Eine wunderbare Seite und ich kann deinen Worten nur zustimmen...
    Aber ich möchte dir hier auch ganz herzlich zum Geburtstag gratulieren. Ich wünsche dir für heute einen wundervollen Tag, liebe Valerie!
    Ganz liebe Grüße, Annette

  8. I am still reeling from the shock of this terrible attack,- your beautiful hybrid piece is a wonderful antidote!

    I hope you will have a well deserved break, have a fantastic 70th birthday and a peaceful Christmas! Thank you for all your many visits this year!!

  9. Beautiful page and will be thinking of you. Having ME time is to you.xx

  10. This news from Germany has saddened us all here as well. Your awesome journal page is a wonderful tribute to bring Hope to us all. I hope the light will shine brightly for us all.
    Happy Birthday, I don't think the numbers should make a difference to how we enjoy our lives.
    Every day is a new one and meant to be lived to the full.
    Have a good day and and enjoy your Me Time.
    hugs Yvonne xx

  11. Happy Birthday liebe Valerie!
    So traurig macht der Anschlag in Berlin und so hilflos-ja -
    wunderschön passt Deine Arbeit dazu um zu trösten!
    Eine schöne Blogpause !
    Genieße Deinen Urlaub von Blogarbeit!

  12. Beautiful and thought provoking journal page of hope Valerie.
    I was very shocked and saddened to hear the news..

    Thinking of you today and wishing you a wonderful Birthday...
    hope you enjoy your 'me time' break ..
    take care... Gill xxx

  13. Enjoy your blog break and your very special birthday today dear Valerie!!
    Sending huge warm hugs to you!
    keeping you and your family in my thoughts for a very blessed and wonderful Christmas time. xo

    Keeping all of the families of the Berlin tragedy in my prayers and sending out thoughts and wishes to the universe for light, peace and healing~

  14. Happy happy birthday Valerie. I hope you are doing something really special. You deserve it. I think your candle is the perfect piece for both the solstice and for all the lives lost in Berlin. It made me so sad (and angry) to hear about it. Have a wonderful little blog break and a wonderful holiday weekend ahead (even though you don't celebrate). Enjoy the lights in the darkness! Think of them as birthday candles on a calorie free dark sky. Hugs-Erika

  15. Happy happy birthday Valerie. I hope you are doing something really special. You deserve it. I think your candle is the perfect piece for both the solstice and for all the lives lost in Berlin. It made me so sad (and angry) to hear about it. Have a wonderful little blog break and a wonderful holiday weekend ahead (even though you don't celebrate). Enjoy the lights in the darkness! Think of them as birthday candles on a calorie free dark sky. Hugs-Erika

  16. Happy Bitthday Valerie, have a wonderful day.
    A lovely journal page Valerie, and very apt at this sad time. One of my daughters's friends was there (her last night) and had just left the market - totally shocked by such evil one person can do to others.
    Enjoy your break and a Happy Christmas to you.
    Hugs, Avril xx

    1. We're all in shock, how lucky your daughter's friend left before it happened.

  17. Wow,deine seite ist wunderschön und herzlichen glückwunsch zu deinen ehrentag heute.
    wünsch dir ein friedvolles geruhsames weihnachten.

    hugs jenny

  18. Enjoy your me time. Wonderful tribute to the horrible incident. I just don't understand some people. Merry Christmas! Hugz. ~Niki

  19. Wishing you a Happy Birthday and Winter Solstice. Enjoy!

    My heart breaks for everyone who was impacted by the tragedy in Berlin. How terrible it was to see on the news! Sending hugs and prayers to everyone involved, Let's hope that in 2017 we will all be a little kinder and gentler with others.

    Merry Christmas!

  20. Happy Birthday my Friend!!!! My heart breaks for all that are affected by the violence in the world today. Praying for Peace and Healing. Enjoy your time off and come back all recharged ♥ Love the art and the quote today.

  21. Dear Valerie
    Wishing you a beautiful birthday as you break to relax and focus on you. We are heartbroken at this recent violence. Prayers are lifted for all!!
    Merry Christmas and see you in the new year!!

  22. Yes the dreadful attack in Berlin has everyone affected in our thoughts! We loved that market in Berlin - a lovely setting for such tragedy! Your journal page is just perfect! It's not too late here to wish you a Happy 70th Birthday and I hope you enjoyed yourself! Enjoy your blog break - hope you get lots of time doing what you love! Hugs, Chrisx

  23. Valerie, i send my love and prayers for all the families impacted by the terrible tragedy in Berlin -- and other tragedies around the world as well. i also send my love and good wishes to you for your birthday and i wish you a beautiful holiday -- your art has reminded us to find the light even in darkness and i am so grateful for that and also for the beauty that you bring to the world with your art and your spirit. wishing you all the best. xo

  24. Hugs Valerie, so sad to hear what happened..sending you all peace and love, comfort and healing!
    Wishing you a very special birthday.
    Much love and hugs

  25. Beautiful page Valerie.
    You wonder how in the world people could be so cruel -
    Your posts confirms that I am older than you!!!!!
    Through it all in 2016, you have been productive and so creative. You cannot hold a good woman down!
    Rest with some peace and quiet sounds like a good plan to me.
    Sandy xx

  26. Oh my! I missed your birthday! Happy belated birthday and I hope you can celebrate happily and in good style. We all get our bad years and it sounds like this past was yours so my birthday wish for you is that this year brings you much happiness and joy and of course, good health.

    The events in Berlin have been in my heart this week. It has put a sobering reflection on all of us. As you know, I had initially planned on being in Germany for the markets this year and it didn't happen but I couldn't help thinking of people like your countrymen and tourists like me celebrating and having such a terrible thing happen. Sending prayers and light for their families and the wish that you will all be safe.

  27. A belated Happy Birthday from me too Valerie and I too was very shocked and saddened about the terror attack earlier this week My heart goes out to those affected especially at this time of year.
    I hope that you manage to have a lovely Christmas and that 2017 is better for you.
    Fliss xx

  28. Sending you happiness for your Birthday and I hope you are enjoying your break dear Valerie! I love your journal page, it gives me hope in what is a difficult world at times - as you say we so need peace, tolerance and love:-). Wishing you a great holiday season too! J :-) x

  29. what a very poignant piece Valerie. I so feel the sadness surrounding the awful attacks in Berlin.
    Enjoy your well deserved break and a very happy, happy birthday filled with love and wonderful things!

  30. Beautiful art work, Valerie. I felt so sad for those at the Christmas market. I remember bloggers mentioning in the past what a wonderful place it is to shop at Christmastime. You are so right. We need peace in this world. I guess as long as there are people of hate, peace is only a dream. Happy birthday and Merry Christmas.

  31. Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday on Wednesday, and thank you for the light; may it shine in all our hearts here at Paint Party Friday, radiating into the wider world

    much love...

  32. It just feels like it has been an exhausting year for so many. I hope your take this time to care for yourself. Happy big birthday. It doesn't seem possible that a lifetime has passed. Anyway my brother and I were speaking of this very thing. You are an incredible artists and a wonderful person. See you when you return.

  33. Your work is great. Happy holidays. Hugs, Granny Annie

  34. A belated Happy Birthday, Valerie! Enjoy your break.

    Sending warm wishes to you and all your loved ones for a wonderful Christmas, and much health and happiness for 2017.


  35. I was so sad to hear about the Market. Happy belated Birthday Valerie. Thank you for all the beautiful art you share with the world! It's a joy to visit your blog. Your photos are always stunning!! Wishing you a happy, Healthy, peaceful New Year. I hope you find some joy in the beauty of the season!

    Big hugs Giggles

  36. I hope you have an amazing birthday!! Happy PPF :)

  37. Wishing you a happy Christmas, and artful(l) new year, and a very happy birthday! Enjoy your 'me' time. Remember that if there are shadows, there must be light.

  38. A hopeful and light filled post! Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  39. I love your art piece!! I love your quote! More love and peace is for sure what we need!
    Please take care of yourself!! Happy Birthday!! Wishing you many blessings my friend! Big Hugs and Much Love!


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