
Friday 4 November 2016

Life is a collage

Hi Everybody!

It's Friday already, where did the week go?

For Susi's  fun collage challenge at Art Journal Journey -
no faces, no leaves, no wings, I have a mixed media/hybrid collage.
The background was made with painted over book pages. The figures are home cut templates. The mask and frame were added digitally. I like the thought of life being a collage, because that means we can add to it, change it, make it colourful -it's up to us to make it as good as possible.

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday.

The K21 art museum is housed in a beautiful,  old building which used to be the home of the county parliament. It is set in a lake called the 'Schwanen Spiegel' (swans' mirror'):

Inside it has been rebuilt, and I love the way it has been done. It gives such a great feeling of space and light. By the way, there are lifts for those who don't like climbing stairs!

This room had a sound installation, rather scary:

On my way home I passed by this building, with the reflection of the old
'Stahlhof' (Steel Court)

I zoomed in to get the ship on the roof:

I will show more pictures of the art there in the next days.
Have a great day, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Eine wunderschöne Collage und beeindruckende Architektur! Ganz toll!

  2. Wonderful art, love your page today, and the photos are fantastic, as always. Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

  3. OH!!!! I REALLY LOVE THE ART TODAY!!!!! Yes I am shouting that out :) Beautiful photos again too. I love to see beautiful buildings with great design. Happy Friday to you!!!

  4. VERY nice page, Valerie. Such rich and beautiful colors. I'm fascinated by the architecture of museums and how they work. Great photos.

    Have a lovely weekend!

  5. Life is a collage is very true, and the dreamy effect is perfect....LOVE it.
    What a comparison of new and old buildings! I was drawn to the hallway with all the arches and how the shadows appeared, but the old architecture is still my favorite. They just don't build things like that anymore. That ship, on the roof, is amazing.

  6. Gorgeous collage, Valerie. The colors are really great.

  7. Gorgeous piece for PPF! What a fabulous museum can't wait to see some of the art.

  8. Your photography does justice to the precise geometry of the museum - love it!

  9. How true about life being a collage. It is a fantastic page with the shadowy silhouette
    The buildings looked great, I think I prefer the older style to the modern buildings.
    Yvonne xx

  10. I like your interpretation of life. I agree it's a collage and sometimes a quite chaotic collage!

    What fantastic architecture. I was focused on the cogs on the Steel Court building and completely missed the ship. It was a glorious sight. And it looked like rusty copper. I never shy away from rust, and this looked like the green patina left by oxidation of copper. It's charming in its own right.

    You asked if my sun painted fabric would be used for journaling, the answer is both yes and no. It's a cover for one of my scrappy journals, and it's going to be a Christmas gift for a friend. I just make the journals. I can't bring myself to be focused enough to write in one.

  11. Wow, was für eine geniale Collage, Valerie. Fantastisch. Die Fotos - wie immer - gigantisch

  12. Beautiful page! Rather dream-like, which I love. Thanks also for the photos of the interesting architecture features!

  13. Hello, I like your connection between collage and life. How right you are and what an inspiration for me.
    The gallery visit and architecture photos are very exciting. Thanks for showing me a part of the wold that I have not seen.
    ~~ Irene

  14. beautiful collage pages,, and what a magnificent building,, its truly amazing!

  15. love this collage and what it represents-well done and well said Valerie! And what gorgeous buildings and architecture you have shared again-how wonderful to live near all of this!

  16. Magnificent college with lovely creativity, colors and great message ~

    Wishing you a fun weekend ~ ^_^

  17. Another beautiful piece infused with colour and style, unique!

  18. Gorgeous photos and fabulous art page. hugs, Teresa

  19. Wonderful page Valerie and Ilove the idea of life being a collage.

    The building is a work of art all its own and the outside is amazing

    Love Chrissie xx

  20. love your unique art. Very positive in a way.
    Great building and nice boat.

  21. Love these strong colours, and the way you did the border. Beautiful work!

  22. Love the journal page Valerie and wonderful photos today. Such a fabulous building, love the modern interior with the traditional facade.
    Have a great weekend.
    Avril xx

  23. What a lovely colourful collage and your photos are stunning! Wow, how I love that window ceiling, the space and light is gorgeous! Wishing you a happy weekend! J :-)

  24. i love your art work, especially the colors and the way they "run." gorgeous photos. you capture things so beautifully. xo

  25. Love your collage! Such interesting architecture as well.

  26. A collage is something I have not done in many moons. Every one is a true original from the person creating them. yours is stunning. Great photography. Love the subject matter.

    Hugs and Blessings,

  27. Beautiful piece today. That museum is such a wonderful piece of architecture, you have the most interesting buildings where you live.

  28. Oh I love this art. Backgrounds are my thing and this is gorgeous. Enjoyed the photography as well. Happy PPF

  29. You inspire me to try creating collages Valerie. It's not something I would normally do.
    That museum is such a beautiful light and airy space. Thank you for sharing
    Happy PPF to you

  30. Die Collage gefällt mir sehr mit diesen schönen Regenbogenfarben!
    Sehr beeindruckend sind diese Gebäude, das Museum und der Stahlhof mit diesem Schiff auf der Spitze!
    LG Rike

  31. This is a beautiful piece of art. Very dramatic. The photos are amazing. Did I mention before that you should put all your photos in a book and publish it? Well you should. :)

  32. As always, I love your art piece and I love the quotes you put on them! Beautiful! Love the photos!!! Cool boat!

  33. Wonderful quote and collage idea - cool artwork Valerie - love this!
    More super photos - thanks for sharing :)
    Gill xx oh and I adore the new blogger header

  34. I love your collage of life and the past being in the shadows and a bright new future a brilliant concept and so well illustrated here! The museum looks to be a fabulous building both inside and out! Hugs, Chrisx

  35. Wonderful art and perspective! Yes life is a collage!! Why does it take us so long to figure that out! Breaking down the barriers of what we are fed is the norm, to creating our own version! Thanks for sharing!

    Hugs Giggles

  36. I see how your art and color is inspired!!! Love censored!!! Thank you for my morning "tour"!!

  37. This is a fantastic collage. I love the visual and the quote. Very nice!

  38. Just love your collage, the colours are gorgeous and the saying fits perfectly.

  39. That building is pretty cool inside. I love how they kept some of the old fashion bones of the building but still made it so white and modern. And cool weather vane. And the figures are in your page are awesome. I also really like the rainbow colors. They must be hopeful people. Hugs-Erika

  40. Fabulous collage Valerie, I love these stencils. You've also taken some wonderful photographs, what a brilliant building this is xx

  41. Lovely collage, very colorful! Great photos. Thanks for sharing.

  42. Your quote and collage are so right on Valerie!!
    OMGoodness, the photos you share this post are absolutely amazing fetes of architecture! I am in awe!That glass ceiling- A MA Zing!
    Thank you so much for sharing!


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