
Wednesday 26 October 2016

Wonderful art

Hi Everybody!

After visiting the K20 art museum yesterday,  I visited
the K21 today, which shows art of the 21st century.
I saw a lot of fun things there, and although not everything was
to my taste, it was really interesting. It is housed in a wonderful
old building, which has been beautifully modernised and adapted. I
will show photos in the next days.

For Art Journal Journey, Indian Summer, and for 
Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin, I have an A3
 mixed media piece. The background was brayered, stamped and collaged, using
various pieces stamped on tissue, and 2 of 'my' men, who were stamped with various quotes. I added some feathers found by the castle moat.

And now for the wonderful art - some of the paintings I was able to see yesterday at the K20:

Andy Warhol:

Gilbert and George:

Andreas Gursky:
And I'm in the picture too....

A fun installation by Lawrence Weiner:

Paul Klee (with my shadow again!):

Pierre Bonnard:

Amadeo Modigliani:

Paul Klee again:

Franz Marc:

I will show more bit by bit as I get the photos sorted, but it was wonderful
to be there. Even better, I have a season ticket for the rest of the year
and can go as often as I want to to see more....and there is lots more there to see!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh how wonderful your art is! I love the touch of the feathers added. Thanks for sharing the museum art too, I love museum trips!

  2. Your collage is fantastic, even if it is not (yet) in a museum, it is really good, so believe in yourself! Wonderful photos of the museum art, brings back nice memories for me. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Your AJJ is terrific with so much of interest and great depth. I like the colour scheme too, it's unusual.
    Great trip round the museum, I am especially intrigued by the last painting, and I always love Paul Klee.

  4. Its a fabulous page Valerie, love all the layers of images and detail. The photos from the gallery are amazing, I look forward to seeing more especially as you have your ticket to visit for the rest of the year.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Wow the art exhibition is fantastic the Andreas Gursky piece is wonderful! The fun installation by Lawrence Weiner is facinating, I really liked the photo with the light streaming in from the window, the shadows and light quality is beautiful so I had to stop and stare at it for a while - I love it! Thanks for sharing your fabulous art and trip, I am looking forward to the next installment :-). Enjoy the rest of your week! J :-)

  6. Beautiful page for PPF and thanks for sharing these wonderful works of art!

  7. Wow! A fabulously spooky Autumn page Valerie! I love the Art Gallery - looks as though you will be happy to use your season ticket! Love the art especially the Paul Klee's! Hugs, Chrisx

  8. Your collage is delightful! I haven't been to an art museum since February, so I'm a little jealous. LOL!

  9. Your collage painting is so awesome, rich colors, lovely textures, one of your best I think!!!
    Thanks for the Gallery tour!!!

  10. Great tour of the gallery and so interesting...thanks. Love your collage and as always it's

  11. An amazing page you created Valerie with so many elements to admire and take in.

    The gallery you visited has such wonders and your favourite artist as well, I bet you wanted to leap in the air with glee though you do look still in your reflection. Thank you for sharing the experience. I feel excited and I wasn't even there in person.

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  12. Another great page with so many details and surprises. AH! The museum - to be with such greatness. The Paul Klees' are incredible, but then I am also in love with the Modiglianis'! If you could choose - which one would you hang in your home? Hugs, Donna

    1. I would choose Modigliani, and I have several of his paintings hanging here - but of course, just ones I copied!

  13. Love your new 'header' - the fairy in the tree is a great touch (or is it not new but simply that I'm slow?)

    Art galleries can be awe inspiring or mind-blowingly puzzling, don't you think?

    The usual nice start to the day, Valerie, thank you; makes my steaming mug of tea a treat :-)

  14. I love all the natural details in your piece today Valerie. Its a great piece. I love your abstract people and heads when you use them. And I enjoyed seeing all the art. My favorite is the cats, but it is fun to see the Modigliani pieces, since you introduced him to me in your own inspired pieces. Can't wait to see the next installment of art! HugsErika

  15. Deine Mixed Media Seite ist herrlich -- mindestens reif für das K21 Museum... wo es anscheinend tolle Exponate gibt! Fein dass Du die Dauerkarte für den Rest des Jahres hast! Spitze!
    Hab einen schönen Donnerstag!
    oxo Susi

  16. Your collage is wonderful, Val and I am so glad I could browse through the art of last century's masters on your site. I love early 20th century painters very much. Thank you!

  17. Your latest AJJ entry is fantastic. I love the subtle colors you achieved with your brayer. This is wonderful.

    Speaking of wonderful, I am in LOVE. I'm glad you can visit again and again, and show us more modern art, something I don't get to see much of. I am in love with that Warhol and Klee. Of course, I also adore the various Modiglianis you shared. Have a super Thursday.

  18. Oh wait. I think my favorite is Franz Marc, an artist I've never heard of before, but love his cats.

  19. Wow! Your piece was subtly spooky.
    Which picture did you like the best? I, of course, liked the cats:)
    (Thanks for checking the blog for me.)

  20. I enjoyed the art review very much, thank you for sharing.....but I really prefer your AJJ page over their work.......must be the feathers...*grin*

  21. Oh Valerie, your piece is mesmerizing. So much there, just magical. Love this. I think I liked it much more than any of the ones you showed from your museum visit!

  22. Wow what a fabulous post Valerie! Your artwork is really fab and loved seeing your photos too - especially Klee and Modigliani :) thanks for sharing.
    Hope you've had a great day.. Gill xx

  23. This looks like a really good day out Valerie. I love your artwork and the photo's are fab, especially Andy Warhol and those fabulous cats. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest xx

  24. Was für eine tolle Seite! Tolle Komposition ... das passt einfach alles! herzlichen Dank für die vielen, schönen Fotos! Sehr beindruckende Exponate!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  25. Dein Kunstwerk gefällt mir von all den gezeigten am besten. Es könnte auch mit voller Berechtigung dort hängen. Nach dir gefällt mir dann noch Franz Marc, danach kämen Andreas Gursky und Andy Warhol. Mein voller Ernst! ;) Freut mich daß du so viel Spaß dort hattest und Dauerkarte finde ich auch gut, gerade wenn es so viel zu sehen gibt. Da kann man dann häppchenweise genießen.
    Liebe Grüße

  26. Oh Valerie!!! I really, really, really love your art today. The subtle shifts of color and textures and the pop the feathers give it all make me smile. Great photos from the museum too ♥ A totally enjoyable post today!!!!

  27. Fab page Valerie and love the textured effect you've achieved on there. Fab artwork too and will love seeing some more.
    Sorry to be awol, busy week after my long weekend away!
    Fliss xx

  28. Love your pieces, and all of the works you saw are amazing! Happy PPF!

  29. Wow wonderful halloween flavourful to your art today! Beautiful details! Love the photos you shared too, amazing pieces! Thanks for sharing!I look so forward to more!

    Hugs Giggles

  30. Wonderful collage painting and I did enjoy the tour of the gallery. happy weekend :)

  31. Such an art-filled post! First your art - exquisite! I love the layers and textures you worked with. I admire artists who are good at doing collage. And thanks for all the art photos from the exhibit! Such inspiration!! xoxo Silke

  32. great collage piece-a bit eerie but also a bit magical with the protective dragonflies! Fascinating variety of museum art. It's always so wonderful to see it in person. Happy PPF!

  33. Wonderful page, love the rusty feel it has. Looks like a great exhibition!

  34. I love your mixed media page, especially the brown colours. Subdued neutrals are so beautiful. The prince or the king by Paul Klee was my fave painting when I saw an exhibition of Klee's paintings at the Auckland Art Gallery, many years ago. I stood in front of it for ages, drinking it in.

  35. Thanks for the pictures Valerie - your art is always interesting! I love the Pierre Bonnard!!!
    Sandy xx

  36. Your art could be in the museum too! Thanks for sharing what you saw there!

  37. May your artistic dragonflys bring you the good fortune they are known for.

  38. Love how you did "your" men. How fun to walk through the K20 museum with you! Thanks for sharing.

  39. Oh how I love the dragonflies in your piece, the colors are lovely too. Thanks also for sharing the museum art...

  40. Lovely share. I saw some of Paul Klee's work at the Tate Gallery while on vacation in London in the '90s

    Much love...

  41. Your beautiful peace fits right in with the museum pieces. Love post.

  42. Interesting exhibition. The painting of the guy with the weird eyes gives me the creeps. The art I really really like is YOURS!!! That is an amazing piece. I love all the pieces and parts that makes it whole. The skull is very cool. All of it! Great job! Hugs, Rasz

  43. Love your art piece!! So cool!!!! Thanks for sharing the museum pieces!! Really enjoyed that! Hugs!

  44. What a wonderful post! Your art is gorgeous and I really enjoyed the beautiful classics you shared.

  45. wow, that´s a lot. Some I like other not. But all very interesting in their own way. Thanks for sharing :)

  46. What beautiful art this week... both yours and at the gallery! I enjoyed it and feel like I have been on an excursion. Thank you!
    ~~ Irene

  47. Wow, I love those figures in your mixed media!

  48. Valerie, I just love the piece you did ,especially the lower left- it speaks to me!
    Oh how fun to see all of this art with you! thank you so much for sharing

  49. Your mixed media piece is fabulous, Valerie! Looks like your museum visit was delightful! Thanks for sharing some of the pieces with us!

  50. I love how you accomplished your painting. The museum paintings are fantastic. Thanks o much for sharing. Blessings, Janet PPF


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