
Monday 17 October 2016

Scary T Day

Hi Everybody!

Hope your day is going well. We had very mixed weather here, from storm clouds to sunshine, but I was still able to get out and enjoy my walks.

For Art Journal Journey, Indian Summer  I have a hybrid piece, which is also meant as a reminder for the 'scary and spooky' challenge at TIOT, where you still have a whole week to join in. I added various elements to my background, and wrote the little verse to go on the pumpkin.

 This is what the background looked like before I added the digital elements:

And here you can see it a bit better - It's a plastic lid which I have been using as a palette for my colours.....I think it made a great background.

Today is Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so a warm welcome to all of the T Gang. I have some lemon muffins for you today, still hot and before the lemon icing sugar was put onto them - help yourselves!

My drink is cappuccino:

The colouring of the sky this morning was really strange:

The clouds looked threatening, but half an hour later the sun was shining merrily:

I hopped on a bus and went to Angermund, and walked along the River Anger.
The ducks had just been let out of their shed, and were busy with their morning toilet:

They look like they are trying to tie themselves into knots:

There were still hedge roses flowering:

The stone knight was still keeping watch:

It's a pretty place for a walk:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Gorgeous piece and very impressive photos!

  2. Beautiful post again, your scary page is really good, and I love where you 'found' the background! The photos are first class, as always, love those knotted geese! Hugs, Sarah

  3. oooh sensational spooky grunginess Valerie I really love this!
    The original background is a brilliant idea.
    Coffee and cakes look very yummy as always.
    Lots of interesting photos today, loved the ducks of course - and the stone Knight is wonderful. The second sky photo is very strange and spooky looking.
    Enjoy your T-day... Gill xx

  4. Really, your combined digital art and photography along with painted art is fabulous!! Lemon muffins-yum! Gorgeous special sky scenes-wow. That knight sure looks formidable. Lovely photos about town again too. Happy T day!

  5. Lovely art work, I love the pumpkin and the way you have arranged the wording over it - it looks like it's smiling! :-) The colouring of the sky this morning is gorgeous, as is the rose and the stone knight - wonderful! I'll be more than happy to join you and help you eat those delicious looking lemon muffins, thank you and wishing you a very Happy T Day! J :-)

    1. By the way your new header is beautiful - the colours and starlings are perfect! :-) J x

  6. Beautiful autumn piece today. You are such a good baker and your cappucino makes me feel like having one now. Gorgeous colours in that sunrise. Thanks for the lovely tour!

  7. What a perfect background you created for AJJ. I am always impressed with your thinking outside the box.

    That sky was really awesome. I can't believe the colors you were able to coax out of your camera.

    I really enjoyed the trip to Angermund and the knight, of course. I really enjoyed that brick wall and signs of autumn around it.

    But of course, the lemon muffins, fresh from the oven, look wonderful. And I'll join you for a cappuccino, too. Thanks for sharing your beautiful autumn art and photos, as well as your muffins and drink with us for T this Tuesday.

  8. That is an amazing piece today. I've used paint soaked paper towels that I clean with on my background but never my palette. I worked great. And nice holiday poem too. That duck photo while they are pruning themselves is a fantastic shot. Wow. And I would love one of those lemon muffins with my tea right now. A little before bedtime snack. :) Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  9. Was für eine tolle Idee das Palettenplastik als HG zu benutzen! Eine schöne Seite und Angermund zeigte sich richtig prächtig--- sehr gelenkig die Gänschen! Was für eine atemberaubende Einfärbung des Himmels ..das sehen nur Frühaufsteher wie Du!
    Schönen T-Day! Ich nehm mir ganz schnell zwei Muffins bevor die anderen Gäste auftauchen!

    Liebe Grüße Susi,
    die heute vormittag NICHT zu Hause ist, weil sie mit
    Herta zur Carla fährt....
    hoffentlich finde ich wieder neuen Lesestoff..bin schon durch mit allem, was ich letztens gekauft hab, als ich mit Maria dort war.

  10. I love the stone knight statue! Also your spooky skull page! The ducks are delightful.

  11. ich bin fasziniert von diesem hybrid stück - der hg ist super! und so viele schöne Fotos (das mit den Muffins ist natürlich schwer auszuhalten;))
    happy t-day wünsch ich dir!

  12. The artwork and poetry are fantastic and the way you added the words to the pumpkin is wonderful.

    Must say I got completely lost in the photographs with so much variety and all terrific. Thank you for sharing each day in words and pictures

    Have a good day today

    Love Chrissie xx

  13. LOVE these gorgeous colours, such stunning work.xx {aNNie}

  14. If you could say a scary page looks quite beautiful, its got to be this one. its a lovely verse you write as well.
    The photo all look great, I do love the stone knight and the ducks.
    I think I may be late for any of those delicious cakes, so I'll just have to think how they must have tasted.
    Happy T day.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Valerie, I love your photos so much! Thank you for sharing them with all of us! And wow! I absolutely LOVE your gorgeous work of art made for AJJ. The skeleton peeking through is very cool! And the way you used your plastic lid palette is simply genius! Thanks also for your wonderful visit to my blog!! HUGS!

  16. Playing catch up again! Your morning sky is awesome, reminds me of a sky I witnessed one evening on the train back from London. For mile after mile looking west the sky was coloured in various sunset shades it was glorious, your morning sky looks just as exciting.

    Your journal page for the day is fantastic, love it. Does this mean I need help?

  17. Is there a German term for it? 'Warpugel Tag' ? or something?

    If you painted skies like your photographs, people would say they were unrealistic ... whereas they're not, as you clearly show. I love the knight and the river scene

    1. The skies are sometimes really fantastic, and then I dive for my camera and zoom in on them. Now, I don't think there's a word like that!

  18. I really enjoy to see all the animals (sheep, birds etc.) look so healthy and clean.
    How do you have time to post almost every day? I have difficulties to post once a week! :)
    Have a beautiful autumn week!

    1. That's easy to answer - I gave up housework!

    2. This question I also have - your answer is glorious!!

  19. Clever choice for a background for your art work. The photo's of the sky are amazing and it is surprising that the sun came out - it looks like a storm is due. Enjoyed the glimpses of your river walk this morning

  20. Mit dieser Plastik-Palette hast du ein wunderschönes digitales Bild gezaubert!
    Deine Fotos sind traumhaft! Dieser Ritter erinnert mich ein wenig an die ägyptischen Statuen. Über diesen Morgen-Putz der Gänse habe ich lachen müssen, sie verrenken sich wirklich unglaublich. Ein zauberhafter Weg zum Spazierengehen und tolle Fotos knipsen!
    LG Rike

  21. Love the face on that stone Knight... i wonder how long he's been standing there??? Gorgeous hybrid piece too Valerie... Amazing what you can make from your leftover paint. :) Happy happy Tday!! Hugs! deb

  22. WOW! Your "spooky" page is magnificent! I love the skull shadow in the background, and the poem on the pumpkin......all from your paint tray....amazing!

    I had to laugh at your comment about being able to post everyday because you gave up house cleaning. When I post daily I don't clean either...LOL So now I am trying to find a happy medium of splitting my time between the two, not sure cleaning will get much time...but I'm going to give it a try.

    Glorious photos of the clouds and I enjoyed your walk around Angermond. Such a beautiful place.
    Thanks for always stopping by and leaving me a comment.
    Happy T-day

  23. Wow! Love the piece. The skull was subtle. I didn't notice it the first time I looked. The verse goes with it perfectly. Good job!
    Enjoyed the walk:)

  24. What a lovely blog post today. So much to see.
    Your journal page is great. I was amazed about the back ground. So perfect.
    The sunrise photos are stunning. I never see the sunrise as I don't get up that early. I'm a sunset girl....
    I enjoy photos of where you went. I looked up Angermund on the map. I love seeing the duck preening themselves.
    Thank you for the lemon muffin. Very nice, even without the icing. And I like capuccino too, so it's perfect. Thank you very much.
    Happy T-Day,
    And have a good week,

  25. Love this Valerie, beautifully spooky! You have some amazing sky photographs here, if this happened in England it would rain for hours afterwards lol xx

  26. Yummmm, the lemon muffins! I can almost taste them. Your skies are gorgeous, and I enjoy the scenery and architecture along your walk. I feel like Id have to stop and visit with that knight :)

  27. Oh My Valerie! I love your scary page! I must say your photos are once again exceptional! Muffins and Cappuccino - yes please! Hugs, Chrisx

  28. Geniale Seite liebe Valerie,gruselig und wunderbar einfallsreich gestaltet. Die Palette als HG hat tolle Strukturen und ist super geeignet dafür. Die Fotos sind wieder so schön, da möchte man sofort aufbrechen und auch dorthin gehen. Diese Muffins sehen lecker aus und sind mit Cappucino dazu wohl ein echter Genuß, lecker! Dieser fantastisch gefärbte Himmel ist atemberaubend schön. Ganz tolle Schnappschüsse. Mein Vater sagte als ich Kind war immer: Wenn der Himmel so rot ist, backen die Engel Kekse für Weihnachten. Eine schöne Erklärung für dieses Phänomen, welches immer um diese Jahreszeit auftritt.
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  29. An excellen a scary page! Love your fabulous autumn design.
    Great photos too!
    Hugs, Mar

  30. Love your hybrid piece.What a gorgeous background!Your photos are magical. Germany is certainly a place I'd like to visit. It's gorgeous.Hugs

  31. Hi Valerie, I just love your beautiful piece and the quote is perfect for the season. Love your photos and the sky is incredible. There is an old say, "Red Sky at night, Sailors delight, Red Sky in the morning, Sailors take warning" Not sure how true it predicts weather, but a cute saying just the same.
    Those lemon muffins looks might delicious. Enjoy the week and happy creating.

  32. Those colors and that piece are very spooky indeed! As for your walk, it's beautiful -- a great many lovely things along the way. Especially intrigued by the handsome knight.

  33. I am in love with the Stone Knight ♥♥♥♥♥ He's so handsome and looks as if he would be a true man ;) Love the art today and love how you got the background. I use plastic lids a lot too and also the Styrofoam trays meat comes on at the grocery stores here. Happy T Day!

  34. What a great post.
    Sorry I missed T again this week.
    Your paint palette is WONDERFUL and what a perfect background for your spooky collage. Skulls are one of my favorite things about Halloween and you have used that one so well!
    Yummy treats I missed.
    What a handsome knight in stone armour ;-)

  35. Valerie, Your page is Fantastic!! I just love how you married the elements- Bravo!!
    Thank you very much for my muffin-yummy! i love lemon!
    Gorgeous photos of red sky at morn...


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