
Monday 10 October 2016

Scary and spooky

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT -

**Scary and spooky**

I hope you will all have some chilling thoughts to inspire you.
As always, you have 2 weeks to join us, and projects
of all formats are welcome.

I made a hybrid piece, with a painted background, an image from Gecko Galz
and  various digital add-ons. Would you
open the window and let them all in?:

I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, Indian summer.

 Today is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so I hope I
haven't scared off all my guests - help yourselves to coffee!

Recently I bought these three huge mugs, all new, for 1€ each at the thrift shop.
They are from the Starbucks' collectors edition. I looked them up on the net and saw  that they are selling for between 25 and 40€ a piece! I did think about selling them, but decided to keep them end enjoy my coffee from them.

This one shows Petra, in Jordan, a most wonderful place:

Here is the cedar of Lebanon:

The Sultanate of Oman:

It's still possible to drink coffee outside, well wrapped up and
with a blanket and cushion for extra warmth:

Here are the last photos of my trip to the Clemens-Sels-Museum in Neuss, they have lots of beautiful stained glass:

St Quirinus is the patron saint of the town, and there were lots of statues
of him:

This is his silver-gilt reliquary from the middle ages:

And this is the Quirinus Minster:

And this shop was next door to it:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your scary journal page, with the wonderful colours. I think I'll leave the window shut! Great photos again, what a funny shop t have next to the minster! Hugs, Sarah

  2. What an scary page! Those eyes! Love your photos - especially of the stained glass.Looks like a great place to visit.

  3. I was spooked by something Yvonne posted yesterday, but this one may top it. I am in awe of this piece, especially the spider and the eyes.

    Your photos of the stained glass in the Clemens-Sels Museum are beautiful. You captured them so well. I was impressed by the very different images you showed of St. Quirinus. All different and all unique. Of course I enjoyed the Minster, too.

    But now let's talk about Starbucks mugs. These are simply UNBELIEVABLE. You found a mint. What treasures. They are incredible. I would never be able to get rid of them, because even their plain mugs are over $10.00 (USD) each in the states. What a fun post. Thanks for sharing these, as well as your art and photos with us for T this Tuesday.

    BTW, the photo of the cat is Squiggles. Bleubeard is all grey with no white.

  4. Great jounral page, I was definately spooked! The stained glass windows are so beautiful :-). I love the thought of drinking outside, well wrapped up and with a blanket and cushion for extra warmth - so comfy cosy! Happy T Day! J :-)

  5. Oh my gosh that IS a scary and spooky page and beautiful as well. I hope all is well over there. Take good care, Shirleyxx

  6. Love your window page! Beautiful stained glass in Neuss! Great buy on those mugs, good idea to keep them!

  7. I just LOVE that spooky piece. I think I have a good piece for this challenge at TIOT. It really feels like time for a little spookiness. And neat mugs. I rarely go to Starbucks, so I don't know their mugs are like, but I think you got some cool mugs for a bargain. :) And great stained glass too. I think that museum was worth the visit. Happy T Day Valerie. Enjoy your coffee in a new mug inside your apartment, where hopefully they have turnedd on the heat. Hugs-Erika

  8. sehr schönes Halloween werk und die Tassen waren ja ein glücksschnäppchen! bei uns könnte man zur zeit auch nicht mehr mit decken draußen sitzen, die sonnenphasen sind zu kurz! happy t-day!

  9. Scary spooky and awesome...great pics {aNNie}

  10. Definitely Scary and Spooky project you made and I wouldn't let any of them in at all.

    The mugs are wonderful and such a bargain Valerie.

    Great photographs of everything as usual. The undies look a bit complicated don't they. What some women go through to look shapely!

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. An amazing and impressive piece! No way would I let those creatures in! The undy picture really made me laugh!
    Have a great day!

  12. I love those flying witches, but not sure I would open the door to see the face, up close from the the awesome journal page. Now that's scary and creepy with all the added details.
    Fabulous photos and I had a smile at the type of shop close to the Church.
    Great find in the Thrift shop, I would have bought soe of those mugs as well.
    Happy T day.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Nein .. ich will die nicht unbedingt reinlassen - schön ist die Seite und fein, dass Du die Tassen behalten willst! Schöne Bilder aus Neuss - tolle Fenster! Ich würde heute nicht draußen sitzen wollen im Eiskaffee - fühl mich immer noch schlecht ... leg mich heute nur ins Bett - basta1

    Bussi(oder besser nicht wegen Ansteckungsgefahr)


  14. Spooky piece with a stunning design, Valerie! A grea post, the flying witches is a fun touch. Love your interesting photos.
    Hugs, Mar

  15. This is brilliant and spooky page.

  16. Valerie your spooky window is brilliant!! I love it so, along with your little imogies. What a find and great buy on those beautiful coffee mugs!And thanks for sharing those beautiful photos of the stained glass and town. Happy T day!

  17. Great journal page !!!! Reminds me of the daily fight I had this summer with a spider that insisted on building it's web across my patio door. I would tear the web down so I could go out the door and the next morning it was back. Finally had to smash the thing to get it to stop. Love the photos too.

  18. Yup your collage is indeed scary!
    Those peering eyes and a spider helps alot too bawhahhaaa!
    Beautiful stained glass which has a bit of a "modern" look and I'm sure it's not new at all! Lovely pics as always.
    You did goon on those mugs! I recently sent some Starbuck's mugs to the charity shop thinking I should have looked them up first but oh well. I still have too many mugs here *gg*.
    Happy T Day oxo

  19. Spooky challenge page. I find that last photo a bit spooky as well, LOL! Enjoyed seeing your collection of mugs. We only have one of that series, the London one with the double decker bus. It was kind of a joke gift because we are seriously not fans of their coffee shops. I do like their mugs though. As always I enjoyed the photo's you took while out and about.

  20. ooooooh I'd be gluing my windows shut to keep those scary things out - but cool and clever artwork though!
    Fab photos, lots to see - loved the stained glass especially.
    Nice mugs - you are so good at finding bargains Valerie :)
    Hope you're having a great day... Gill xx

  21. I'm hiding under the table now .... so sSSSSSsscaaaarryyyyYYY!

  22. Oooh, scary....especially the ghost cat. Love it.
    Enjoyed our walk;)

  23. WOW Valerie! That spooky page is just that.....spooky! I think it is the eyes starring through the window...makes my skin crawl.

    Those are great mugs....congrats on scooping them up at such a good price.

    The stained glass photos are awesome. Of course I really admire all the buildings with the old ornate!

    Have a great week and Happy T-day

  24. I'd say you pulled off scary and spooky very well! And oh, what beautiful old buildings!

  25. Very spooky and well done. I enjoyed all of the photos as well! The old churches with the elaborate design and stained glass really appeal to glad you shared them.
    Happy T day!

  26. Love this spooky piece. Great deal on the cups. I would keep them too. The photos are amazing but of course love the last two. How funny.

  27. LOVE your scarey journal page! No way am i opening that window!! lol I always love to see all your photos that you share. Have a great Tday!! Hugs! deb

  28. First your Spooky and Scary piece. That caught my breath when I saw it over at TIOT it is such a evocative piece. The colours and images it really does have a chill factor.

    Then your new mugs what a great find and so much better to be kept and enjoyed everything has a value but that is not what makes treasures. They are super mugs and great to serve up to your visitors.

    Then there is the mediaeval art and architecture, so impressive and imposing must have been so aweinspiring to people who mostly lived in wooden one room homes. Back to yesterday's thought of what will future generations make of our modern tall sharp angular towers?

    1. I don't think they build to last today - here they are ripping down the buildings from the 60s and 70s and replacing them with modern 'horrors'.

  29. A real spooky page Valerie and I definitely wouldn't let them in!
    Wonderful photos of the stained glass and minster and such a strange show next door!
    Great bargain find with the coffee mugs, someone certainly didn't know their value. Enjoy!
    Avril xx

  30. What a great scary journal page. I don't usually like anything halloween, but your page is beautiful, with those eyes....
    I enjoyed all of your post. The stained glass windows (especially the modern ones) are lovely. It was interesting for me to see an image of st Quirinus. My grandfather was called Quirinus, which in Holland is an unusual name.
    I love love love your mugs! What a find! They are so special. No, I don't think I could part with those unless I was really desperate.
    Happy T-Day and thank you for visiting,
    Have a good week,

  31. Oooh this is really spooky Valerie, I love it but I definitely wouldn't go outside, or let them in lol. Your new coffee cups are fab, they are definitely keepers! Have a fun day xx

  32. I love your moving pictures.
    Your painting - very, very scary, especially that the things are just behind a window. I think the face and eyes are maybe the worst.
    How amusing - the shop next to the church.

  33. Oh Valerie! From the moment I saw this on the DT blog I was mesmerised - this is truly haunting! Your mugs are a real bargain and lovely too! Love seeing your photos! Hugs, Chrisx

  34. Hi Valerie! Your page is absolutely amazing and chilling - it's SPOOKTACULAR! I love the eerie feeling! And your photos are always so wonderful to see. The last one was my favorite - LOL!!!! Thanks again for stopping by my blog and encouraging me to participate in your wonderful challenge! I always get so much inspiration from all of the artists that take part!

  35. Oh no no, I would never let them in, especially not the big spider, really spooky.
    Wonderful art piece, it looks very great. Your collection of church windows is wonderful too. I love your new coffee mugs with these extra ordinary motifs so much. Great that you could got them so cheap. Making photo safari with you is every time a pleasure.
    Dear Greetings

  36. What wonderful art! No, I would not let them in, I like spiders and bats, but I like them better outside... Although bats are pretty cute. It's a great piece, one of my favorites I think. Beautiful photographs too. I'm glad you're keeping the mugs, they're very nice.

  37. ooooooooooo! I love your first spooky piece of the challenge! Those eyes-scary indeed!! xx

  38. Spooktacular and love those eyes!
    Hugz, Z

  39. Spooktacular and love those eyes!
    Hugz, Z


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