
Saturday 24 September 2016

Duck tales and more....

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend is going well!
We still have lovely weather, but not as hot as it was,
so really great for me to walk about and have fun.

For Art Journal Journey, Elizabeth's theme of 'Back to school', I went a long way back in history. The painting shows people learning at the University of Paris back in the 13th century. I am sure the learned candidates all behaved themselves well. I enjoy trying to make the backgrounds look ancient with many layers of scripts and scrolls and blots etc.
(Image courtesy of Wikipedia)

This morning when I went for my walk I noticed this group of silly ducks, who were trying to cross the bridge by the road! What the duck?! I mean, they are ducks - they can fly over the road or swim under the bridge....They were very indignant as I chased them back to the stream.

Recently I showed pictures of the farm shop with the wonderful display of pumpkins. Today I was there again with my neighbour, and was happy to see that they had added more fun decorations:

Have a fun weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What the duck indeed, you're naughty! Love the journal page, and those ducks were really bird brains. The pumpkin photos are great, and the 'worker' showing his cleavage is hilarious! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Wow, Valerie, that's even before MY time. You created a marvelous entry for AJJ. Everything is appropriate to the period and well executed.

    Loved the "cheeky" worker. Definitely some new and interesting "views" to see at the farm today!

  3. I like today's AJJ quote! Nice to see those pumpkins out, beautiful orange!

  4. eine tolle seite und schöne bilder von pumpkins,esse ich so gern kürbissuppe,yummy.
    schönen sonntag.

    hugs jenny

  5. Ha, ha, ha, love the "builder's bum" pumpkins. Weather still quite nice here but the autumn colours are creeping in, all the fields are full of hay bales and the trees are turning. Enjoy your Sunday. Xx

  6. A beautiful page with a wonderful background and focal image!
    Well the American pumpkin trend seems to have entered Germany now, it certainly makes it all look very Autumnal, and pumpkins are certainly better than coca cola ads everywhere and hamburger joints....

  7. Great post today with the historic learning page and then the fun of the ducks and hilarious pumpkins. I always wonder why ducks walk everywhere when they are capable of flying. we have a pair that live on our housing estate and the waddle up the road as if they own it. They don't even fly if a car is approaching they just jump onto a garden at the edge of the road.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. A fabulous journal page Valerie, I love your photographs of the ducks, occasionally we get a couple resting in the garden, but the dogs quickly chase them away - love the pumpkin photos too.
    xxx Hazel.

  9. Great idea using the Paris University! Ducks and pumpkins together? I thought ducks went better with orange sauce!

    Autumn is certainly making itself at home here, it uses all my favourite colours.

  10. Great journal page, the scholars look deep in debate and the background you have created is wonderful! The duck antics and pumpkins made me laugh - so funny! I love to see pumpkin displays they always make me smile with the cheery autumnal orange colours. Thanks so much for sharing! Happy Sunday Valerie! J :-)

  11. Was für eine tolle Seite - der Goethe Spruch passt perfekt und die Deko beim Hofladen ist echt sehenswert! Klasse! Ich hoffe Du hast einen schönen Sonntag - gestern war sehr nett - heute hab ich nur Kochstress gehabt und einen Übernachtsungsgast von Julia .
    Schönen SOnntag!
    oxo Susi

  12. What beautiful medieval page, really nicely done! And I love Goethe's words - so true. Looks like pumpkin time is in full swing over there. We are also starting to get cooler weather here. Last week was still really hot during the day, but cool at night. This week the height will be 22 °C - oh well, summer is over.

  13. I love those autumn photos Valerie. Especially the gardener. That scarecrow made me laugh. And what a clever idea for a journal page. It came out super. Education has sure changed since then, but glad there were always people wanting to learn. I think as a species were are just so curious. Its been our achievement and in probably in a way will be our downfall to. Happy rest of your weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. You are right there about it being our achievement and downfall!

  14. Great ancient journal page.

    All the pumpkin pictures had me oooohing and awwwing and then the gardener made me laugh......such creative people!

    Thank for sharing the smiles!

  15. Love the journal page and the quote which so many don't school by even today. Look at all of those pumpkin :) Me thinks I may have to drive down the road and pick up some pumpkins to decorate with this year . Haven't done that in forever :) We are having amazing weather here today also and cooler for the week to come :)

  16. What a great piece and your background looks so old and full of character going well with the picture, all beautifully made and put together so well!
    I love all your pumpkin photos and funny scarecrow/pumpkin men, they all make me smile!
    I'm a pumpkin lover and love this creative and orange season, what a fun time you must have had!

  17. I like your piece a lot, it definitely has a feeling of long ago... I'm glad you looked after the ducks. Your photos are lovely and fun too.

  18. Love your journal page, very learned! Those pumpkins made me laugh, there's nothing like a 'builders bum' lol xx

  19. A wonderful Back to School page! Autumn is definitely here - the pumkin display must have caused lots of giggles - I bet whoever made the man laughed while they made that too! Hugs, Chrisx

  20. What a fabulous take on the theme! Love that 13th century! VERY nice.

    And so are the ducks and wonderful pumpkins. It's time for me to get pumpkins and mums now that I'm sticking to home for a bit! The pretty part of fall!

  21. What a gorgeous new blog look!!
    OMGosh! I was amazed at the amount of pumpkins and laughed like crazy at the crack of the gardener! haaahaaa


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