
Sunday 25 September 2016

A sunny Autumn weekend

Hi Everybody!

We have enjoyed another warm and sunny weekend. It gets chilly in the evenings, and gets dark more quickly, so it's clear that it's Autumn 
and not summer any more. 
I took a trip on the tram to a neighbouring town today,
and walked back to the middle ages and the Romans, but I will have to show the
pictures another time, as they still need sorting.

This piece is for  Elizabeth's back to school challenge at 
Art Journal Journey. I used a photo of some of my husband's relations
from the 1920s.

The photos were taken on my walk on Saturday morning:

Another enormous double ship:

I always love light, shadows and reflections:

Down by the lakes:

Berries galore for the birds:

 Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful journal page and love the quote, so true! Those kids look like butter wouldn't melt in their mouths, I wonder if they were so angelic?! Beautiful photos again, and glad you had a nice day out, you should do that as often as you can while the weather is still good. Have a good, new week, hugs, Sarah

  2. I also am enjoying the sun the past few days, reflections, lights and shadows as you say! Nice page and quote. Glad there are lots of delicious berries for the birds.

    1. We need to enjoy the sun as long as we can, before the dark and cloudy days come!

  3. Fantastic journal pages Valerie! Great photos too! Thanks so much for sharing! :)

  4. I really enjoyed this wonderful AJJ entry. The children are really angelic looking in their Sunday finery. LOVE those hair bows! You can never go wrong when you quote Nelson Mandela, a brave and courageous man.

    Lovely photos by the Rhine today, and the play on light and shadow always appeals to me, too. Hope your Monday is going well.

  5. Deine antiken Seiten (auch bei deinen anderen Posts)gefallen mir sehr gut, sie haben ein eigenes Flair. Besonders hübsch bei diesem Foto sind diese großen Maschen im Haar. Deine Licht-Reflexionen sprechen mich auch sehr an, du hast ein gutes Auge dafür, das sieht nicht jeder!

  6. Your AJJ page is beautiful. I like how you used that old vintage photo, and the sepia color is a perfect complement. And you look like you had a beautiful walk. The light made some splendid colors on your nature shots and some cool shadows. I like the windows on the white building. Hope its a god start to the new week. Hugs-erika

  7. Hooray. I've managed an internet connection today. I have had a super catch up on the posts I missed, a cuppa was close to hand as it it still taking ages to load contents .
    Still it was all worth it to see you awesome photos and fabulous pages.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Sehr wohlerzogen schaun die Kinder aus auf dem alten Familienfoto. Schön hast Du da gewerkelt und tolle Aufnahmen ains das ja!
    Bin schon sehr gespannt auf Deinen Mittelaterichen und Römoschen Bildchen!
    Schönen neue Woche!
    oxo Susi

  9. sorry..die Tasten wollen irgendwie nicht wie ich will heute...kicher!

  10. At some time I shall come begging to use some of your excellent 'photos as references for painting ... but so many to choose from, and then along come these shadows!!

    1. Anytime John, you are always welcome to use my photos!

  11. Lovely vintage journal page today, the 1920s photo and design is very beautiful and the quote is so meaningful, I love it! Your light, shadows and reflections photos are wonderful and you definately have an eye for detail and beauty - the little sqaure window panes reflected onto the white wall is amazing! Have a great week! J :-)

  12. Hi Valerie, Your journal page is wonderful. I love these vintage photos from the 20's and you have used your's beautifully in this challenge. Great walking pics. Glad you are into Autumn. I think it has arrived here this morning too. It's much cooler and you can feel it in the air. What a difference a weekend makes.
    Have a great week my friend. xo

  13. These education cards you are designing are simply amazing. I love them. Great shots today as well.

  14. Weren't those children adorable. Love the frills on the girls. And what a strong quote! Love it.
    It was a glorious walk:)

  15. Oh these photos, you must have a magic camera to find so much beauty every day - or maybe it's the magic photographer. It's the angles too, the third last one, for example. I love these patchwork ships. Your part of the Rhine has so much going on on it.
    Your delicate artwork for AJJ is out of this world, or of another world, these subtle colours are superb.

  16. Lovely page with that beautiful vintage image. Hugs, Teresa

  17. Great family photographs Valerie that go perfectly with that quote. You really should write your memoirs, I'm sure it would be a best seller! xx

  18. I love this page Valerie! It's good pthat you used a family photo too! Your photos have that Autumn light in them now and you showed us some lovely places! Have the Horse Chestnut leaves turned brown where you live - they seem to have turned instantly brown here! Hugs, Chrisx

  19. Really lovely education collage you created made all the more special by using that beautiful family photo ♥
    Fall is definitely in the air isn't it.
    Looking extra lovely in your neck of the woods.

  20. I love the image of the children you used in your piece. There's such a lot of soul in those faces.

  21. Valerie! What a fabulous piece! I love how you incorporate your vintage family!


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