
Tuesday 21 June 2016

Mid week mix

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well!

For Art Journal Journey, maps,I have a hybrid page today, made by placing three pages on top of each other - a page of collaged images of Italy, a map, and an image of Leonardo da Vinci and his Vitruvian man.

Yesterday the sun came out for half an hour in the morning, and then went back to bed....

A neighbour down the road always plants lovely flowers in a tiny plot of land next to the house:

The water is rising again, and the meadows are starting to smell of decaying plants:

This Egyptian goose evidently wanted to keep her feet dry, and perched herself on one leg on the top of a tall tree:

This tree was looking at me:

The logs/branches that have fallen into the water look a bit like crocodiles! 

And my quote of the day:

'There comes a time when you have to stop crossing oceans for people who wouldn't jump a puddle for you!'

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks again for coming by!


  1. Oh my, it really is wet at your place - sorry! Lovely journal page again, I always love Leonardo. Great photos, and those logs do look a bit like crocodiles! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Fabulous artwork Valerie - beautifully blended layers.
    Love all of your photos - especially the one with the strange tree that's looks like it has an eye on. I kept looking at the water as there's all sorts of interesting things in the reflections/ripples? I can see 'Felix the cat'.
    The crocodile log is cool too!
    Gill xx

    1. I can't see Felix, but a sort of face with huge eyes....I love to stare into the water and 'see' stuff!

  3. very creative page Valerie. I hope the waters recede soon, poor plants.

  4. i love your journal page but then i love da vinci! lovely photos as always. xo

  5. A wonderful art journal page again. Love walking through your beautiful country side with you in your photos.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  6. Fabulous hybrid page, you can never go wron with Leonardo and you laered it all to great effect!

  7. I saw the tiny icon on my sideboard and thought oh Vitruvian Man. My very favorite by da Vinci. So of course, I loved the hybrid page you created.

    I got a big laugh at the "faux alligators." You are right. They DO remind me of alligators. I can't believe how high the water is there. Those trees are truly submerged. I hope it stops raining soon, so the river can drop a bit.

    Have a lovely Wednesday.

  8. That's a great saying Valerie, some people can be very selfish. Love the tree with the 'eye' and your Da Vinci page. Weather here the last couple of days has actually been quite warm, with no rain! Long may it continue! Have a great day! Xx

  9. Terrific page Valerie with wonderful ideas to make it so interesting.

    Sad to hear that the water is rising still and that the vegetation in the meadow is suffering. Wonderful photographs of the tree and other things in the water--hope it all improves soon for you.

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. Eine wunderbare Seite ist das und herrliche Aufnahmen wieder... hoffentlich sinkt das Wasser jetzt aber wirklich bald! Ich drücke die Daumen!
    Schönen Mittwoch!
    oxo Susi

  11. Your photos are amazing, you always find something wonderful to photograph and for me to drool over...Love the raindrops on the flowers. Your page is awesome, three layers and the patience of a saint.xx

  12. Love the Leonardo piece Valerie. The layers really give it depth. :) And you do have water, don't you? Wow, its more like a spring flood than a summer flood. It must be a little warm though as your lilies are way ahead of ours. Beautiful raindrops on that bloom. And what really impresses me is how you caught that tree with the eye. Great observations. Hoping you see your sun soon-for more than a little bit that is. We are getting clouds and some rain this afternoon too. but we are so dry we need it. Happy hump day. Hugs-Erika

  13. Love the Italian vibe of your hybrid piece, the layers work really well together! Can't believe all the rain you've had and the water levels, you always have so much fun though and your observations make me smile. Wishing you a happy and drier week :-)

  14. Great page Valerie, love the layered effect. Hope you don't get more rain, the water looks very high. The 'eye' in the tree looks quite scary!
    Have a great day.
    Avril xx

  15. Another good quote. Wow, you really have gotten the rain haven't you?
    Love the bird sitting on the tall tree stump.
    And always enjoy your wonderful pieces.

  16. The contrast on your journal page is fantastic and brings out the texture of the maps, etc. it appears to be a very wet, dingy day. Thank goodness for the beautiful and colorful lilies to bring smiles and hope for sun tomorrow. I do believe you have had enough rain.

  17. Fabulous photos although I do hope that the rain stops soon - we had a couple of dry days but rain forecast for tomorrow and Friday! I love your journal page - great combination of elements! Chrisx ps teaser going up for you later on 6 blog!

  18. Love the page today... I can never figure out how to do that digital layering ... maybe I need to find a hands on class somewhere if I'm going too. Your water certainly is getting up there :( The bright flowers in the neighborhood are beautiful and a diversion from the rain. Hope your sun comes out to stay soon !

  19. Gosh Valerie, you have had a more than generous amount of wet, more than us I think in the UK. Great photos though especially the Croc's! in the river. Fantastic layers on the journal page and your end quote for the day was very thought provoking.
    Yvonne xx

  20. What a fun post Valerie! Your hybrid piece is wonderful! Love the Egyptian Goose, never seen one of those before. That log really does look like a gator, cool! Seems we are having such opposite weather, send me some rain pretty please! hugs :)

  21. Love your journal page - I don't know how you did it but I love it. I also love that tree with the eye - So much water Valerie. As always, you have marvelous pictures!
    sandy xx

  22. I love your Leonardo journal page and what a clever idea, interpreting as a map. Very nice and creative, too. The area you showed in the photos is beautiful but oh, what a lot of water!


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