
Wednesday 22 June 2016

Girls just wanna have fun

Hi Everybody!

Just a quick post today, the day has run away again.
I made a piece today just for fun - we all need some fun from time to time!
I used a blurred photo as my background and some digital elements from a new set by Nancy Baumiller-Crowabout StudioB @ Mischief 

Once again it rained....

and rained....

 But the waters in the stream and Rhine do make for some wonderful atmospheric photos:

This huge mushroom on one of the fallen trees looks for me like a huge toad!

And this poor lady stands chained on one of the streets here:

Have a great day you all, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Haha, this is really fun! You haven't made one like this in ages, keep going and make more! I LOVE it! Wonderful photos, too, as always. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Wonderful page! Oh No! Not more rain! Lovely photos though! Hugs, Chrisx

  3. Fab surreal altered art and thanks.. I will be hearing Cyndi Lauper in my head for the rest of the night now!
    Great (not great if you got soaked of course) but great rain photos - looks more like the Jungle/Amazon.
    I love the photos you take where you can see other things in - that toadstall one, I could see a face hiding underneath on the left with a bit of a large squashed nose with maybe one hand and ear showing...
    Great photos today - thanks for sharing them.
    Gill xx

  4. Lovely magical page today Valerie! wow so much rain you are having.

  5. Love the journal page with all the fantastic mixed piece images.
    More rain again for you, bet you are hoping for a change of weather soon. The photos are super and its great looking mushroom.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Wonderful mix of older faces and modern clothes and graphic youth. We rained too, but nothing like you all. Enormous mushroom, that's rain for you. xox

  7. I just adore your page! All that colour and interest! It certainly did rain didn't it -- to show up in a photo like that, one knows it's heavy. Love the 'toad'. Before I read your caption, I thought it was a toad as well. Hope the storms slow down for you. The Rhine can't get much higher can it. hugs, Donna

  8. That's a fun piece today Valerie. Those girls do look like they are having fun. And I think your photos do have an atmosphere to them. I expect a Mr. Toad or maybe even a creature like in the Lord of the Rings to come out of the water. Do you think there will be sun tomorrow-or today when you read this? Hugs-Erika

  9. Absolutely love your fun and colourful journal. Shame man feel sorry for the poor lady in pink xxx
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  10. I love these fun girls and hope to see more of them soon.

    Between the rain and the extreme heat, I can empathize with you. However, there is NO way I can take a walk in this heat. I was late getting outside today, had planned to mow, but after I watered my herbs around 9:30 am, I was already wilting, and couldn't wait to get back inside. Thirty minutes was all I could handle, and that was without any extra excessive exercise. Heat index at that time was close to 100F (38C) and got higher as the day progressed. I have NO idea what would happen if people didn't have AC here. Hope your day wasn't as miserable as mine, even though it rained. BTW, the sneak peek was a part of a certain package I mailed Tuesday.

    1. Keep cool! Now I know where that piece is heading!

  11. Such a fun piece Valerie and it certainly made me laugh. The shoes that are the same are a brilliant

    The rain looks horrendous it has changed the whole scene. So much beauty and the way you captured it is magical. Nice to look at here in front of the laptop but must be quite scary for you. Hope the weather is better today

    Love Chrissie xx

  12. Brilliant, Bright and Beautiful.xx

  13. Eine fabelhafte Seite... toll gemacht und herrliche Fotos Valerie!
    Einen wunderschönen Tag Liebes!!

  14. Ha, love your piece today, made me smile!! So much rain, wow! Great shots you captured, love that mushroom! The blue reflecting off the water is so beautiful, wow!! Have a great day Valerie. hugs :)

  15. OMG look at that rain and monster mushroom.
    That piece is great! It put a smile on my face:)

  16. The mushroom picture does look like a big old fat toad! Wonderful pictures.And you did have a fun make with really fun colors!
    sandy xx

  17. Oh my gosh, will the rain ever stop? Your page today is a blast and yes, we need to have fun and capture the magical moments. Hope tomorrow is a better one for you. It will be hot here today.

  18. Fantabulous spread. I believe in magic, especially after seeing your design. Lovely pictures and that fallen tree does look like a frog! Awesome sauce hidden element. Hugz. ~Niki

  19. Hi Valerie, what a fun piece you created. Your designs are always amazing. How do you come up with so many ideas to go with the themes? Lovely walking pics too.
    Have a great weekend ahead. xo

  20. Your art is very fun today!!!! Love the colors and the figures. Wishing you some sunny days to dry out all of that rain . That is one giant mushroom ♥

  21. Oh what fun! That certainly is a quirky page. And your photographs are stunning. You couldn't certainly sell these to a tourism magazine. You are an amazing photographer.


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