
Friday 10 June 2016

Let's go somewhere....

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy!

For Art Journal Journey, maps, I have another hybrid page. The background is a collage of number plates, and the three men are made with stencils cut from a prospect and then cut out of an old map. I  added the sentiment digitally.

This cactus is outdoors on my balcony the whole year, and seems to thrive, as it keeps producing 'add-ons' and even flowering. It started out some years back as one tiny 'finger' in a mini pot:

The water in the Rhine has started to recede, which is good, but we have been told to expect a plague of mosquitoes this year, as the flooded meadows and fields are giving them an ideal breeding ground. :

I love seeing these 'windows' on the old wall:

I walked home over the old fortification walls, which once served, together with the Rhine and the moats, to defend the town, which was virtually an island. Kaiserswerth means 'Emperor's Island':

The horses were grazing in what was once the moat:

I love this quiet path, and always think of all the soldiers and watchmen who used to guard the town way back when.

Have a great weekend you all, take care,
and thanks a lot fo coming by!


  1. Hi Val, another lovely post this evening. Your three men page is great, very stylish, and the photos are wonderful, as always. Hugs, Sarah

  2. I like how you cut the guys out of the map. Very nice! And I'd be happy to go to your town. It looks just lovely!

  3. Very creative use of maps. Glad the water is receding, but no to mosquitos!

  4. Those license plates made a terrific background for this latest AJJ entry. Of course, I really enjoyed seeing the stenciled men you used to cut out the map. Very nicely done. But what really amazed me was the digitally added sentiment in three different colors. That blew my mind. Some day I'm going to learn digital art, but until then, I will just admire yours from afar.

    We have been warned to get rid of any water around our homes, because of the Zika virus we could get from mosquitoes. Thankfully for you, it's never been reported in Europe, but has been in Africa. During this latest outbreak it's still in the western hemisphere, but it's inching closer to the US every day. Stay safe and please wear protective mosquito repellent with your sunscreen when you walk.

    1. They have found some dangerous viruses in Europe and that makes it scary!

  5. Well that was a lovely walk! Don't fancy the mosquitoes though, I get big red blotches when bitten, thankfully there's not many of them in the north of Scotland! Xx

  6. Great page Valerie! The number plate background is awesome! I always find your posts so interesting, the windows on the old wall and the quiet path look lovely! Wishing you a Happy Weekend! :-)

  7. Love these 'guys'. Wonder where they want to go - and more to the point wonder where they ended up? There's a story there somewhere. lol Your walks always look so inviting - so peaceful. Staying out of mosquitoes way could be a challenge after all the storms. Perhaps a suit of armor from the old castle? Big hugs, Donna

  8. Eine ganz fabelhafte Seite Valerie - großartig sieht das aus und die Bilder sind total schön! Einen geruhsamen und feinen Samstag und ich drücke die Daumen, dass der Rheinpegel wirklich ganz zurückgeht auf Normalmaß und dass die Mücken nicht zu gemein werden ....


  9. Yay it's the weekend!I love your piece Valerie, your stencil guys look fab. I would not want to be around when the mosquito's hit, although I don't like them, they LOVE me! Have a fun weekend :-) x

  10. A terrific page and what a wonderful sentiment that I am sure a lot of people feel like saying often-I know I do.

    Pleased the water is going down but not so good news about the mossies. They are awful little things though I think it is just the pregnant females that bite and even they are choosy--they love me!

    Wonderful photographs and it is amazing how quickly the path has almost disappeared from view with all the lush greenery. My favourite today is the beautiful wall. I used a wall photograph of yours on a project yesterday--will post it today

    Have a nice weekend

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. Fabulous page the cute flowers on your plant, they are so sweet. Mozzies, I thought we only got those in australia, dredded mites...they eat me alive every summer..

  12. Eine wunderbar harmonische Journalseite, liebe Valerie! Und schön, dass ich dich hier wieder auf einem deiner Spaziergänge begleiten kann. Die Fotos sind klasse. Bei uns gibt es auch schon sehr viele Mücken ... ist sonst eigentlich hier kein Problem!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  13. Love your licence plate background, so fun! Wonderful photos, I've never seen a flowering cactus before. Love the trails with the tall trees, gorgeous! hugs :)

  14. I'm ready - lets go someplace together - I will pack lunch!!! And we will stop for a coffee. I too like your license plate background but in all honesty Valerie - I would rather walk around your village!!
    You must be a good plant Mama - they really seem to love you.
    Sandy xx

  15. LOVE ♥♥♥♥ The art today! I may have to borrow that idea for a card for the husband to encourage him to make some vacation plans :) Always love the horse photos but that last photo if the path is beautiful ♥

  16. Very cool background featuring the license plates! And of course your pictures are looking very. That path with the lamppost sings! Gorgeous trail and greenery. Hugz ~Niki

  17. Beautiful page, I love it! As always great photographs as well. xx

  18. Another super page idea Valerie, the stencils of the men in maps all look fantastic. Super photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  19. It appears you will have company because I have packed my bag and I'm ready to go with you and the others. With your vast knowledge, we would learn a lot from our travels. Love the horse photos; all of them are marvelous, so lush and green surroundings. Your cactus plant loves its location so don't ever move it. It is happy, happy!

  20. Great page today Valerie. I love the quote with your 3 guys. They look ready to go. And amazing that the cactus makes it through the cold and winter snow. But I love the little flowers on it. And your walking pat today looks like an interesting way to stroll. I love how you seem to be so much in the country while being close to such a big city. It looks really pretty. Hope the weekend is going well. Hugs-Erika

  21. How clever to layer the map figure silhouettes against the licence plates background! Brilliant!

  22. Love your work this week! Such a great idea to use those licence plates in the background and to cut the figures from maps. Gives a really great result!

  23. I like your manly silhouettes. Very cool page. hugs, Tersa


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