
Thursday 9 June 2016

Another Friday mixed bag

Hi Everybody!

Where did this week go to? I have the feeling that yesterday was Monday,
although I know it wasn't!

For Art Journal Journey, maps, hosted by Mary Nasser,  and for Paint Party Friday, hosted as always
by Eva and Kristin, I have a journal page - what else? I used some Picasso stencils that I made some time back, and placed them onto a vintage map of Spain (courtesy of Wikipedia)
And in case anyone asks - I am not a fan of bullfights, but of Picasso!

I spent a lot of time this week cleaning and tidying my flat, getting some order into my stash and paints, and generally moving furniture round, and getting things done which were not possible in the last couple of months after the Knee-OP,  so there was not a lot of time for painting. But I did indulge myself in the early morning hours and made some backgrounds, which I can use as journal pages, or chop up and make die-cuts, or whatever takes my fancy....I just had fun squirting on the paint, brayering over the pages, and enjoying the results:

Here I painted a piece of tyvek and then used the heat gun to shrink and bubble it and make a fantastic texture:

 I walk past the castle ruins day by day, and am always fascinated by the thickness of the old walls, and the beautiful rust sculpture from Peter Schwickerath:

Next door is Café Burghof, where they also have a collection of vintage and rusty cars:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. This is another lovely post. Your Picasso page is super, and the painted pages are wonderful, they would make nice abstracts as they are. Great photos as always. Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

  2. Lovely map work (did you make that quote up? it sounds like personal experience) and beautiful backgrounds. Those castle walls are thick.

  3. Great entry for maps and your painted pages will be so useful for backgrounds. Lovely colours. Great photos - love the old cars. take care. hugs, Donna

  4. Love your piece Valerie, your stencils are brilliant, but I don't like bull fighting either. I really like your backgrounds, I wonder how they will end up xx

  5. I love the sentiment on your journal page - I know the feeling!
    Your painted papers are really gorgeous - works of art - they need nothing else - they can stand alone.
    Sandy xx

  6. Your piece really feels like Picasso and I love that about it. It makes me want to say Ole-ha-ha. Once school gets out I need to do some tidying and organizing around my house too. I love your backgrounds. Can't wait to see what you do with them. Happy Friday! Hugs-Erika

  7. Valerie, your backgrounds are works of art in themselves, each a perfect painting and wonderful use of color. And I very much like the Picasso-style! Good luck on recovering from your surgery. It sounds like things are doing much better if you can clean!

  8. YES! Very Picasso-esc. You have captured the flavor of the bullfighter and the bull full of rage. That stencil is incredible, as is your beautiful page.

    As always, I lust over that rusty statue. It makes me want to wrap a sheet around it and draw out all the beautiful rust from it. Of course, I am quite sure there is a coating to prevent more rusting, but it's still a thought I keep wishing for each time I see it.

    I'm still amazed at those old cars and how long it takes for them to deteriorate. They make great photo studies, though!

    Have a super Friday and weekend, too.

  9. Oh, I love all those abstract's. wonderful colors and placement. You collage is cool. I like Picasso too and don't like the idea of bull fights. The Tyvek piece is pretty neat.


  10. Fabulous map the movement and limited pallet. So many gorgeous pages of colour, love them! And your photos as always a beautiful peek into your world. Love your textured piece too! And you cleaned wow good for you! I cleaned up my art supplies this week and found some goodies I forgot about! Great post!

  11. The bullfight page is terrific with so much action in your Picasso stencils. Such a clever idea Valerie. The backgrounds are wonderful and now I have to go and look up tyvek because I haven't a clue what it is and I need to know lol.

    Love the pics and just had to save one of them for use later. Thanks for sharing.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  12. What a cracker of a post, awesome painting backgrounds, awesome pages and super photos...what else could a follower ask for..hugs....

  13. how on earth do you find time to create all this? I know you did not do all of it this week but still? I see hidden faces in several images :) Love what you create :)

    1. The backgrounds are really quick, not more than 5 minutes for an A3 sheet, in half an hour you can get lots done!

  14. Beautiful "picassian" map!!
    And your backgrounds are so unique!! <3

  15. Lovely work again! I especially love the gold and blue sculpture like painting. Such great texture and colors! And of course the old cars! Happy PPF!

  16. WOW, what a great collection of backgrounds. That Tyvek one is fabulous! Your town has so much character, that rusty sculpture is amazing!! What a sight to be able to see every day! hugs :)

  17. Was für eine wunderschöne Picasso Seite Valerie und tolle Hintergrü schön - herrliche Fotos wie immer!
    Einen wunderschönen Freitag wünsch ich DIr !
    Lg Susi

  18. your bull fighter page is very intense for sure. Love your background papers, and that Tyvek-wow! Super photos around town- just beautiful.Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend!

  19. Great page with the nod to Picasso. You've given me a push to think about creating a stencil for future projects. Like all the background papers too.

  20. Your backdrops are really beautiful! Paintings in their own right.
    Happy PPF
    Emma x

  21. "Olé" Valerie... what a brilliant collection of artwork and photographs.
    I cringe when I think about Bull fighting but enjoyed your take on it.
    I really don't know how you manage to fit everything in!
    Cleaning too ~ wow I'm in awe ;D

  22. Great mapwork and a great quote. So true. Sometimes, just playing with paints is as satisfying as actually creating "art". Love the photos. Hugs, Indira

  23. Such beautiful art and the painting are shining with such gorgeous colors..they all evoke such uplifting energies and magic..stunning works. Wonderful pictures too!

  24. I love your squirts! And the tyvek turned out great! Happy weekend.

  25. I like your journal page quite a lot, and your backgrounds are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.

  26. I enjoyed seeing the bullfight/Picasso painting (also not a fan of bullfighting). Your painted papers are marvelous. Maybe my g-daughter and I can do some today. I always love seeing the photos you take along your walks. Those castle walls are amazing considering the limited tools available then.

  27. I saw a video on how and why he created Guernica which was fascinating. Wonderful pages for the AJJ theme and fun backgrounds. xox

    1. Guernica is a very moving piece, I saw the original in Madrid some years back.

  28. Love Picasso. Your journal page and backgrounds are awesome Valerie. Love how you try all types of works and always do a wonderful job. Love the photos. Take care amiga. ;;hugs;;

  29. Your backgrounds are gorgeous. I especially like the blue one!

  30. Very cool bull fighter page and I LOVE your backgrounds. I like what you did with the tvek too.

  31. Making backgrounds is great fun, I like them all, especially the first and the last. That is such an intriguing sculpture, I wonder if the sculptor gave it a name.
    Great contrast between your last two photos, what an interesting pair they would make if they were framed together.

  32. I luv your beautiful backgrounds I can already see figures forming in them.

  33. What fun and beauty, you've been experimenting and playing, a super collection here, such colours, textures and so much more!

  34. A fantastic post Valerie, the page with the fighter silhouettes looks awesome as do all your super background pages. Great photos, loved the vintage vechicles.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  35. Wow, you've been busy. Lovely art! Those backgrounds are wonderful, can't wait to see what you create with them :-). I'm loving the vintage and rusty cars too! :-)

  36. Love your Picasso on maps! And your backgrounds are beautiful. I'm excited to see what you do with them. Of course, my favorite, is your surroundings. What castle was that? The cars are beautiful and the boat too. You live in such an intriguing environment with such history. Happy PPF and have a great week. Hugs, Rasz

  37. Love the Picasso and I am intrigued by the tyvek!!Have a lovely weekend.

  38. Wunderschöne Journalseite! Wie toll deine Picasso-Figuren sind! Sieht klasse aus. Auch deine Hintergründe sind großartig. Mir kommen das sofort einige Ideen in den Sinn! Wie immer ein schöner, inspirierender Post!
    Ein schönes Wochenende für dich!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  39. Great Picasso page and love the backgrounds you made. There is a great joy in creating backgrounds that just let you play with colors ♥ Very nice photos again ♥ I didn't do PPF again this week. Just too much going on here with life :)

  40. Beautiful blog today and gorgeous photos. Your backgrounds are fantastic and I am intriqued with the tyvek with heat applied. I should try that myself. Sorry I am so late posting.

  41. What a lovely stash of papers you've made for yourself, Valerie.

  42. Lovely map art journal page, Valerie. It actually reminds me of the amazing Lascaux cave paintings with the wonderful silhouettes! Inspiring!

  43. Oh that old car is so cute! and those pages are waiting for your inspiration to create something unique...
    It's good to sort things out every now then. You can find treasures you've been wondering where they are...I do when in the mood of organizing things :) Now I don't organize anything before the renovation is done - our home is like storage full of boxes etc.

  44. Wow! Your bull-fighting silhouettes are so dramatic over the map. And I love your paint brayering playtime - wonderful pages just waiting to become something else.
    Alison x

  45. Fabulous journal page! Brilliant(in every way) painted backgrounds - love the Tyvek! You have some truly lovely photos of your area again today Valerie! Hugs, Chrisx

  46. Your Picasso map impress me so deep. It's really creative idea! As for me, it looks like day and night meeting. I'm mesmerized by your way to combine the colors. They are so touching!


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