
Saturday 21 May 2016

Weekend report

Hi Everybody!
Hope you are enjoying your well earned weekend.

Today I have a double spread made in my large journal for 'journeys', Erika's lovely theme at Art Journal Journey. I made a mixed media piece with painting, stenciling, stamping and collage to use up lots of scraps. Some of the scraps are from a Viennese calendar from the beginning of the 20th century. Mr U.M. likes visiting various countries!

Friday's sunrise:

The tits (chickadees) and most other birds are kept very busy feeding their young. Isn't that baby sweet?

And this pair of bullfinches visited me yesterday and spent a good half an hour on my balcony eating the sunflower seeds. They are messy eaters, always had their beaks full of bits! The red one is the male, the females and youngsters are a sort of pinkish-grey.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love the journal pages and the lovely, vintage colour scheme. Great photos, too, that baby tit is really cute! Have a nice Sunday, hugs, Sarah
    I may not be around tomorrow, we are visiting the Bs!!

  2. Beautiful pages and photos! I saw a robin flying with a worm in its mouth yesterday!

  3. So love your journal spread!
    What camera do you use for the birds? So lovely! But all your photos are.
    Thanks so much for stopping by. have a wonderful weekend.!

  4. I'm excited to see Mr. Umbrella man is on another journey.This is a great page Valerie. I really like it. And what gorgeous little birds at your feeder. Your finches are so colorful. Hope you a wonderful rest of your weekend. Hugs-Erika

  5. Mr. Umbrella Man is quite the traveler and his journeys are always interesting. Terrific spread, Valerie. I got to work in my journal today and hope to share it soon. BIRDS ... great photos and such a variety that visit you on a regular basis. We have plain old barn birds, black birds and red winged black birds. The yellow finches show up a bit later. It is still fun to watch them in the feeders. I have decided to move one feeder because the ducks like to eat the seeds that drop and then walk up on our patio and make a mess. Don't care for that part at all. Enjoy your Sunday.

  6. Your travel spread is really lovely.
    Both pages give me wanderlust with all of your nice details.
    Mr UM does get around ;-)
    Such precious birdies and lovely photos liebe Valerie ♥
    Happy Sunday oxo

  7. Sure is as fabulous as can the stamp and your papers are adorable, great colours too...xx

  8. Was für eine wunderschöne Doppelseite und mit toller alter Ephemera gemixt ... super... wo einst das Wiener Hotel Metropol stand ist heute eine Gedenkstätte für NS Opfer errichtet, weil das Metropol als Gestapoleitstelle herhalten musste während des NS Regimes und dann zerbombt wurde.
    Wow Dein Meisenjunges ist total putzig! süß!
    Einen wunderschönen Sonntag liebe Valerie!

    1. Ja, ich habe Morzin Platz und das Denkmal besucht als ich in Wien war

  9. Mr. UM looks good in German text. That's a fantastic double spread. Each detail adds to the overall whole. It is wonderful.

    Those contrails are incredible in that first sunrise photo. What an amazing picture.

    THANK YOU for explaining that another name for a tit is a chickadee. I know several people I visit across the pond call them tits, and I never knew that's what they were talking about. Thanks for the lesson.

    Have a fantastic rest of Sunday. Seems we've had several tornadoes sighted in Wichita County, which is west of the city of Wichita which is in Sedgwick County. I live in a very confusing state, don't I?

  10. Fantastic travel spread with wonderful additions Valerie

    Great to have the wonderful birds visit you on the balcony and such a great variety for you to share with us. Thank you.

    Hope your day is sunny and bright like it is here

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. Such beautiful Finches Valerie! We do not have those around our home,so i appreciate the photos!
    Your journal spread is great! I love all of the interesting elements you added and the signature man with umbrella!
    We are off as of Tuesday and I won't have much internet, so I am letting you know- I won't be over to visit "( we should return in July and I will see you when I can!
    hugs my friend,Jackie

  12. Oh my gosh! Those bird pictures are marvelous.
    And the piece is fun. I love the Proper Gentleman.
    Have a great one, my friend.

  13. Wow, ein Dompfaff-Pärchen, wie hübsch zusammen! Du hältst deine Vögelchen aber auch im Sommer bei Laune! LG Ulrike

  14. Orange and you brought out your umbrella man too - you must know - this is eye candy to me Valerie!!! Love all the vintage papers and pictures. Looks like the GENTLEMAN - Mr. UM is having fun! Great stamping... it just a SUPER FINE in every way. Hugs. j.

  15. A lovely journal spread with the Umbrella man Valerie, I so enjoyed seeing all the layers of colour in this piece. Great photos too, I'm so impressed of the sunrise pics and that you manage to take photos of the small birds, they are so often so energetic and hasty.

    Love and hugs

  16. LOVE THE JOURNAL SPREAD!!! The colors and photos are fantastic ♥ The bird photos are great too. I've been sleeping in until 6am or 6:30am and the sunrise is already over here :( Guess I need the extra sleep :)
    Have a good week my friend ♥

  17. Love your journal spread. Where do you get all this good stuff from anyway!! It is fun jumping around and looking at all the bits and pieces!
    Gorgeous bird pictures. I would find myself watching the birds all the time! They do love sunflower seeds and peanuts too!
    Sandy xx

  18. And can I add that I love the way you designed this - wonderful!
    sandy xx

  19. Wonderful old fashioned journeying. When hotels were ever so grand. Beautiful small red bird with black and grey wings, not sure I know this one. xox

  20. Fabulous journal spread Valerie, Mr UM certainly does like to travel.
    Love the bird photos, it's lovely that they come so close to your balcony, they're so entertaining to watch.
    Avril xx

  21. Oh My! I love your journal spread - a lovely vintage look! I did get quite excited about seeing your bird photos - love to see Bullfinches especially! Hugs, Chrisx


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