
Sunday 22 May 2016

Water and Birds

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend was good!

Today I have a journal page for Moo Mania and More, water, and for
Art Journal Journey, journeys. The Rhine is a water way where journeys have been taking place for thousands of years. I  watch ships every day, cargo ships, work ships, and passenger ships.

I put the page together digitally, using a water-colour painting I made from a photo taken at the Rhine in winter:

This is the painting:

And this is the photo:

I went for a bike ride this morning, and then spent the rest of the day at home, so I had plenty of time to watch the birdies:

The Bullfinch was out again:

The woodpecker aNd his wife have also joined the hungry throng:

And the rain really made Mr Jay look bedraggled:

Have a great day, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love the first piece - the photo, the painting and the lovely journal page with that so true quote. Wonderful photos, too, your birds pose for you really nicely! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Hi Valerie, I love the 'Rhine through the window', your painting is fabulous. Super birdie pics too. Xx

  3. I can't tell the difference between your photo and your painting, so lovely! Love the digital addition of the windows, wow. You live in a wonderful spot by the Rhine.

  4. such beautiful art!!
    Your feathered friends are lovely and I can tell you care for them a lot,

  5. LOVE our journey view today Valerie. The Rhine view is fantastic. I really like how you put the windows in too. I also love looking at your birds. I am reading a new book about birds which is really good. It is called the Genius of Birds. Thought you might find it interesting. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks for the tip, I will see if I can get it.

  6. Looove the birds and painting. WHat a great post. ox

  7. Eine sehr schöne digitale Arbeit Valerie und toll wie Du all die verschiednen Vogelfreunde bewirtest und sie so toll fotografierst !
    Genieße ich immer!
    Einen guten Start in die neue Woche für Dich!
    Liebe Grüße

  8. Love your window piece, the scene is amazing!! Your birds are all so beautiful, how lovely to have them right outside your window! hugs :)

  9. Your painting is BREATH-TAKING Valerie. Wow. I ADORE it. It looks completely like your photo - only BETTER! I'm awed. Adding the old window is fun too - I like it alot. But not nearly as much as your painting.... WOW.

    And what fun to see your bright and happy birds. Such a treat. Going back to look at them again now AND that painting. XXj.

    1. Thanks! I was not sure about this one at all!

  10. Your painting is wondrous. It creates a mood.
    And I love the birdie-flower pictures:) They are so bright and delicate.

  11. Your window painting is marvelous and the words so true. It pleases me to see your two talents (painting and photography) combined for a real treat. The variety of birds who visit you daily amaze me and now the woodpeckers have found their new breakfast stop. The photos are so bright and the details just pop. Thanks for my morning smiles!

  12. Hi Valerie, your painting is incredible. The verse so true. You sure captured great photos of the birds too. Have a wonderful creative week! xo

  13. I am in AWE of that painting. It looks so realistic, I can barely believe it's from your paint brush and not an altered photo. It is incredible.

    Loved the photos of the Rhine and the birds. They really inspired you today, didn't they? Have a fantastic Monday.

  14. Your painting is beautiful!!! So realistic that I wouldn't have known it wasn't a photo is you hadn't said it was a painting :) ♥ Great bird photos today.. I have decided that tomorrow will be a chill and watch the birds day for me. I've been working too hard the past 3 days.

  15. Stunning painting. I love it. I love your little neighbours too. They do seem to like posing for you.

  16. Das Fensterbild sieht fantastisch aus, aber am meisten begeistern mich hier immer deine Vogelfreunde! LG Ulrike

  17. Love your digital page…but OOOH! more birds - I would love to sit on your balcony for a while! Hugs, Chrisx

  18. you are a masterful photographer! you've captured so many lovely images. xo


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