
Monday 2 May 2016

Royal Journeys and tea

Hi Everybody!

Today I am sharing a journal page meant for Art Journal Journey, Journeys,
and for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday.

My page is a 'painting' of  Queen Elizabeth, made last year.
I digitally cut her out and gave her a new background.
Queen Elizabeth II, who recently turned 90,  is probably the most traveled monarch in the world.
During her long reign, she has traveled more than a million miles, which would be equal to about 14 times round the globe. That's just counting the as-the-crow-flies flights. And that's not including all the travel she does on her visits in the United Kingdom and in other countries during her visits. So I am sure she must sometimes be longing for a nice cup of tea or something stronger when
she is smiling, waving and making small-talk with people.
And it's a bonus  that our hostess at TSFT  is also called Elizabeth, and it was her birthday 2 weeks back, too! But not her 90th birthday!

Today we had sunshine and it was a bit warmer. Here it looks like the
sun has burnt a hole in the tree!

My walk was beautiful:

I would love to go on one of the Rhine Cruise ships:

And last but not least, a short reminder about the challenge 
'Vintage Photo'at TIOT. You still have a week to join in, 
and projects of all formats are allowed as long as they fit the theme.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Haha Valerie, I bet you're right, at the very least she could do with a sit down! Your Queen looks fabulous and so do your nature pictures. Have a fun week xx

  2. This post gets 3 'F's - fun, fine and fabulous. Love the queen, and I am sure she would love to stop for a cuppa when she's travelling, she is always so correct and duty conscious. Great photos, too. Hugs, Sarah

  3. she sure might need that cup of tea after all those miles! Beautiful photos, I sure wish it would warm up a bit more over here. At least it's sunny today.

  4. Ooooh I so enjoy your beautiful walks and thank you for sharing photos with us liebe Valerie!
    It does look dreamy floating down the Rhine (altho I get motion sick so DREAM is the operative word LOL).
    Your homage to The Queen made me giggle as I bet she does enjoy a "snort" of something a bit stronger now and then and has surely earned it with as much as she gives.
    Imagine traveling in the lap of luxury like she always does...hmmm.
    It's a great piece you created.
    Happy T Day and Happy May too oxo

  5. what a great page!
    such beautiful photos,, a joy to see,

  6. I'm not sure what games are to be played later this month (I think they are in the US), but the Queen and Harry were texting bad mouth messages to the Obamas. Everyone took it in jest and it was all in good fun. It was good to see her interacting with young people, even if it was her grandson!

    If I were rich, I would send you on one of those river cruises. Unfortunately, I don't have the (AVERAGE) $2500.00(USD) for an 8 day cruise.

    I enjoyed both the art and the various photos today. I see the horses have shed their "wraps." Hopefully that means it's getting warmer there.

    Thanks for sharing this adorable combined AJJ and T post with us for T this Tuesday.

  7. This is so much fun. What a great tribute to the queen, tea and journeys. Your queen is a great sketch. I'm interested in these Rhine river cruises. I've heard of people going on them, and I've seen ads for them, but the ships look very different from what I thought they would look like. I think they are very sleek and rather handsome. I can see wy you'd love one of those cruises. Happy T Day! Hugs-Erika

  8. Valerie, I was hoping you would do a Queen journey for one of your pages. It turned out fabulously and it was a delight to red more about her travels. The English, always so proper and who lives it best -- the Queen. Loved the gorgeous photos and the tree or bush with the yellow blooms, what is it? I wondered if we would ever see a cruise ship in one of your photos. Thanks for sharing.

  9. What wonderful photos. And I like your whimsical tribute to our queen.

  10. Herrliche Fotos und die Queen Seite ist einfach nur herrlich !!!

  11. A wonderful 'painting' of the Queen Valerie. Fabulous photos, especially the sunrise.
    Avril xx

  12. Hach, deine Queen ist ja klasse. Gefällt mir gut. Und jaaaaa.... es wird auch hier bei uns langsam aber sicher Frühling. Heute ist es zwar grau und sie haben Regen angesagt, aber ab morgen soll es dann wieder aufwärts gehen.

  13. A great page in so many ways Valerie but mostly your terrific fun ideas.

    Wonderful photographs and a stand out one for me with the Rhine Cruise ship. We thought of going on one of the cruises years ago but never actually booked it. Wish we had now.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  14. hut ab vor deinen Zeichenkünsten - die queen hast du ja toll hingekriegt! tolle Fotos außerdem. happy t-day!

  15. A fantastic fun page to celebrate the Queens Birthday, there is a celebration, all star show scheduled for this weekend in London, it will be on our TV's.
    As always the photos are beautiful, enjoy your day.
    Yvonne xx

  16. HRH is looking very swooshie here....fabulous photo's .xx

  17. Love your art today, a great celebration piece! Your photos are stunning, love the hole in the tree! lol. Thanks for helping me identify my plants, the insect gall was very interesting to learn about, and somewhat icky too. haha. hugs :)

  18. Love your "Elizabeth" piece and of course, the photos are always such a treat to see, Valerie!

  19. Wirklich sehr lustig, deine Idee mit der reisenden Queen mit Handtäschchen! Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  20. Love your Queen art and those photos are beautiful ♥ It's suppose to warm a bit here today too and some SUNSHINE ♥

  21. Boy I would love to cruise on the Rhine too - what a long ship that is!! Love your Queen page - in fact - I love your Queen. Isn't she special. Such a lady. I really do admire her. She sure has aged well and I get a big kick out of the fact that she always has her handbag with her. Wonder what's in that thing - she doesn't carry any $$ in it that's for sure! And another thing I would love to do is be able to go to one of her garden parties. I can dream!! Anyway, as you can tell I really like your page.
    Your pictures are always so much fun.
    Sandy xx

    1. Yes, it would be fun to be invited to one of those parties - we can dream!

  22. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this journal page! Yes, she is a grand Queen for sure and still such a young at heart LADY! I really do admire her.
    I would love to go for a walk with you, such gorgeous pictures....that cruise ship is fantastic, who wouldn't want to experience THAT?

    Happy T-day

  23. How I love walking with you Valerie....
    Love your tribute to the queen-and to Elizabeth but SO glad you clarified the age gap:):) Happy T day!

  24. I love your page with Queen Elizabeth -she really is an amazing example to us all! There have been lots of programmes on TV lately -the best being one with family members looking at old film clips! Your walk looks fabulous and lots of signs of improving weather - hurray! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Yes, I can watch them on YouTube, and really enjoyed the one with those film clips.

  25. Valerie, Your Elizabeth is wonderful- makes me giggle aloud!! I really love that not only do you share your artworks but your knowledge as well! I appreciate the history I learn from you!


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