
Friday 4 March 2016

It's weekend

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend is going well.
Today was a really hard day at the Boot Camp /Rehab, with 3 1/2 hours
of hard training. As a result, muscles that I never knew I had are
hurting! I am looking forward to some relaxing time over the weekend, 
and on Monday the training will be continued. It is very hard, but I
am hopeful that it will bring good results.

For Art Journal Journey, if you go down to the woods, I
have another hybrid bear piece:

I am happy to be back home where I can watch the sunrise from my window. Today started off beautifully, but then clouded over, and it snowed nearly all day, but didn't settle.

Have a great day you all, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie. I hope your rehab isn't too painful.::sending you healing prayers:: Love the sunrise and your view. Your bears are awesome, love your piece. Take care and get well quick! ::hugs::

  2. Nice bear piece! Wow Valerie, keep going!

  3. I feel for you, dear. This must be a challenge, but I am so glad you are working those muscles. You are doing SO good, I just know you are. After all, you are putting in the time and energy, so that is what counts.

    Had to laugh at the bears and their late companion. Fruit and wine are great, but I want the cupcake!

    Beautiful shots from your window. Was surprised to read it snowed there. We are having such wonderful weather here.

    1. Okay, you take the cupcake, I'll take the rest....

  4. Boot camp sounds grueling but I'm sure it will be worth it. Love the colourful bears page, and gorgeous sky pics.
    Avril xx

  5. Boot camp sounds grueling but I'm sure it will be worth it. Love the colourful bears page, and gorgeous sky pics.
    Avril xx

  6. Those bears are so adorable and gorgeous scene over there! :)

  7. What a fun page with bears today. Keep going with Boot camp, I'm sure it will be worth it in he end. Hugs, Sarah

  8. Dein Bärenpicknick lässt mich schmunzeln Valerie! Süß gemacht ist das wieder - und wie schön dass Du Deine Sonnenaufgänge wieder einfangen kannst zu Hause. Das Boot Camp macht Dich zur Iron Woman for sure und Du wirst bald Deine Runden gestählt drehen und noch fitter als ein Turnschuh sein - davon bin ich überzeugt!
    Entspann heute und morgen !!

  9. Wonderful photographs Valerie especially the sun shining through the trees.

    Love the bears enjoying life in the woodland glade.

    Hope all this boot camp stuff helps you recover speedily and isn't too painful

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. I love your whimsical bear picnic. Here's to a speedy recovery!

  11. Your bears are a riot! Get some rest this weekend so maybe Monday's boot camp won't be so bad. Happy weekend!

  12. Every bear around wanted to join in that picnic :-)!
    Glad you can rest at home in your beautiful surroundings.
    Hope your next week of boot camp will go smoothly and quickly for you liebe Valerie!

  13. Valerie, enjoy the rest of the weekend. Rehab is hard but it makes all the difference for using that leg with a strong painless knee. The picnic in the woods is such a fun reminder that warmer days are ahead. I continue to smile each day and wonder who the next guest will be.

  14. Oh Valerie - I am loving your picnicking bears - I wonder why the cyclist was late - the others don't seem bothered though! I love your photos! Do you have exercises to do over the weekend? Hugs, Chrisx

  15. Your bears brought a huge smile on my face - how fun! You have a wonderful sense of humour, Valerie. Beautiful pictures as well!

  16. Such cute page! I'm the late bear :) No matter how hard I tried I always seem to be running late :'( So happy you are at home too and getting better every day!!! Home heals faster. Our weather has been extremely erratic all week. Cold and snowy then warm and sunny then cold and wet with winds to knock you over. AH SPRING ♥

  17. Congratulations on the boot camping! Sounds rough but very rewarding. The bears is such a fun and whimsical image! Love the outfits and the birds watching from above. :)

  18. I just adore this 'collection' of bears -- Yes, rest up this weekend -- more boot camp to come! hugs, Donna

  19. Another fantastic fun page with the bears, love the one on the bike today. Super photos from your balcony Hope you are enjoying resting this weekend before your next boot camp visits.
    Yvonne xx

  20. This made me smile! Take it easy over the weekend. x

  21. Love this page - wonder what those crows are waiting for!?! We had a lot of crows in the mountains and I had to shoo them away. The were huge!!
    Sandy xx

  22. Geesh, last post was good and this one- boot camp is much harder "( So sorry for your struggle my friend Hang in there,maybe soon you will feel like the Bionic Woman! heehee Huge hugs and healing wishes coming your way!


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