
Saturday 5 March 2016

In a cottage in the woods.....

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
I am enjoying a day of rest today, and I NEED it!

For Art Journal Journey, if you go down to the woods, I have 
another hybrid piece:

And here the other inhabitants of the cottage in the woods:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh how sweet the in love bear and kitty cat are! I love your sheep photos too!

  2. Love it! Those sheep and goats better be 'ware the bear:)
    That cottage scene is so picturesque. Love it too.
    Have a relaxing weekend.

  3. Where are you finding all these fun digital images Valerie? These pages are wonderful. Hope you get another good day of rest. Hugs!

  4. Lovely piece...romance in the woods! Thanks for sharing today's photos! Enjoy the rest this weekend.

  5. I so enjoyed your poem and the bridal couple. They even look like they are in love.

    I enjoyed seeing the real cottage in the woods, and love seeing the animals that reside on the property.

    Hope you are resting well, because it sounds like you need it. Do you have to fix your own meals now? At least I'm sure you have the willpower to make your coffee (grin).

    1. Thanks! I fix myself simple meals and coffee enough to keep me going! Back to Boot Camp tomorrow!

  6. Hi Valerie, I hope you are doing well. You've gone from the hospital to boot camp (rehab)? Whatever you've gone through, I hope you are healing well. Your artwork is so much fun. Sorry I haven't been around in blog land much these days, I'm very busy. Take good care, Shirleyxx

  7. Bears and sheep and goats! That's my kind of home. Wonderful "cottage" in the woods and your hybrid showcases both amazingly! Awesome sauce! Hugz ~Niki

  8. ooohh wie süss deine seite mit den bärchen und der katze ist,auch die bilder aus dem wald sind klasse,ich liebe schafe.
    einen schönen sonntag dir.

    hugs jenny

  9. What a funny and sweet piece, did you make up the little verse to go with it? Looks such a pretty place, too. Hope you are doing well, hugs, Sarah

  10. Entzückend das süßr Brautpaar und es gefällt mir den Platz und die Bewohner Deiner Szene auch in den schönen Fotos zu sehen!
    Einen nochmal entspannenden Sonntag wünsch ich Dir bevor es wieder in die Tretmühle - zu den Rheinland-Marines in die Ausbildung geht morgen!


  11. Great fun piece Valerie. Have a good rest up today, hope next week is not as bad as you're expecting! :) xx

  12. What a wonderful scene and a great couple--wonder what the children will look like?

    Terrific photographs and all so clear. I love the cottage one with the flowers

    Enjoy your rest day and look forward to tomorrow if you can

    Hugs Chrissie xx

  13. A very original piece! Have a good Sunday!

  14. Eine zauberhafte Kollage! Wunderbar! Die Foto-Serie ist auch wieder wunderschön! Alles Gute für dich und weiterhin gute Besserung!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  15. Love the wedding party, I imagine it was a fun day for them when you look at this fabulous page. The cottage is a lovely photo as are all the others. Have a good rest day.
    Yvonne xx

  16. Love your hybrid piece, and wow, lots of animals at the cottage in the woods. Amazing! hugs :)

  17. Liebe Valerie,
    da ist dir ein ganz wundervolles Liebespaar gelungen, traumhaft... dazu die absolut genialen Fotos, einfach fantastisch. Ich liebe dieses vierte Foto mit dem Haus, das ist absolut toll.
    Herzliche Sonntagsgrüsse, Sichtwiese

  18. The couple appear well suited and very happy. They found a home in a beautiful area and the sheep do not appear to be worried about the Bears. Hope you rested well over the weekend.

  19. Brilliant!….Brilliant everything!! I love the rhyme and Bertie, Kitty and Benny! What a lovely place to be!! Hope the homework isn't tiring you too much!! Hugs, Chrisx

  20. The poem is funny. The cat looks very surprised about something, I do like the polkadot headband.

  21. I am loving your hybrid artwork, Valerie! What a great picnic they will have! Love all the animals enjoying the day! Hope you get that much deserved day of rest! Hugs!

  22. Now I miss out goats! But I must admit I do not love all the work.
    Your page is delightful and that poem makes me smile from ear to ear. I do love that cat - I do, I do!
    Sandy xx

  23. What a beautiful cottage Valerie! And the flowers growing on the side, just as I imagined it wood be for a countryside cottage! Beautiful!! I love the goats as well,tried to talk Riley into getting a couple, but he brought up the good point of us starting to travel and it would not be a good idea "(

  24. A truly fab page love the animals x


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