
Thursday 25 February 2016

The rhythm of the night

Hi Everybody!

Had a bad day on Tuesday, with lots of awful pains,
and got lots of medis which knocked me out. And
even worse, the WiFi was down, what a catastrophe!
I get all of my tubes pulled on Thursday, which should also bring
great relief. Thanks for all the encouraging messages, will write
when I have more strength.

For Art Journal Journey, music is the food of love, I have
another hybrid page. The background is a Van Gogh copy I made with pastel chalks and white pen. I digitally added the mask and the silhouette of the little girl and bird.

And these are the sights I am missing just now:


Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I am glad you are better. Lovely creation Valerie!
    Take care!

  2. So hope you are feeling better and that the paint lessons. My hubby had a pacemaker in last Wed. and he is finally pain free - there is an end in sight! Love your artwork and photos!

  3. Liebe Valerie,
    wundervoll dein Van Gogh, so filigran. Ich kann sehr gut nachvollziehen, dass das Rheinufer fehlt, bei den genialen Fotos, die du einstellst. Gute Besserung, viel Kraft und herrliche Erholungsmomente wünsche ich dir von Herzen.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  4. Hi Sweetie,
    Sorry to hear you've been having a rough time. Any thing I can do for you? Reading material? Let me know.

  5. Lovely page. Praying you are feeling stronger soon. hugs, Teresa

  6. Look after yourself Val, love the art and photos.Hugs, Sarah

  7. Hang in there Valerie! Beautiful art and photos.

  8. Eine zauberhafte Seite und wunderschöne Fotos Valerie!
    Ich wünsche ganz viel Kraft und dass es weiter bergauf geht und
    gute Internetverbindung natürlich auch!

  9. Hopefully you are over the worst now Valerie and will begin to feel much better once you're up and about. Take care. Xx

  10. Beautiful page with wonderful elements to admire and inspire.

    Hope all goes well for you today and that the pain will get less each day.

    Thinking of you

    Hugs Chrissie xx

  11. Pleased to hear that your tubes are out today-that should make moving a bit easier! I love the hybrid page - great silhouette and I love that song! Wishing you a good day, hugs, Chrisx

  12. wow,eine wunderschöne seite und ganz tolle fotos.
    ich wünsch dir alles gute und das es bergauf geht.

    bussi jenny

  13. Hope all the tubes came out today and the pains are under control, thinking of you.
    Love your hybrid page and the photos.
    Yvonne xx

  14. Oh my dear very sorry you had a bad time and then to be without WiFi too is just rotten timing!
    Hope today and every day from here on out are much much better for you.
    It will be nice when you're back home and enjoying your own routine again.
    Your lovely collage made me think of the Phantom of the Opera and now I have the music playing in my head.
    Take good care of yourself liebe Valerie!
    Sending lots of gentle healing (((hugs))) oxo

  15. Hello Valerie, hope all went as planned. Also hope that your WiFi has stabilised, yes that was a disaster.
    Your night-time piece is splendid, a great swirling Val-Gogh in those lovely blues and blacks.

  16. Valerie, so sorry to hear you've had a rough time of it. All this for a knee op, which sounds so simple yet it is not, really. I do know joint pain, so I certainly hope it will all be worth it. You were so sweet to schedule posts. Always thinking about your readers. You should just show your caretakers our comments so they will know we will storm the HospiCastle if our Val ain't treated right! heehee Well, the thought's what counts, right? Prayers for your quick eviction and liberation! xoxo

  17. Valerie, the second day after surgery seems to be the worse as the body reacts to the invasion. I pray the pain will continue to be less each day. Rest, breathe deeply knowing your blogger friends are wanting you to regain your strength and be up on your feet soon. Pain isn't fun and takes its toll not only where we had surgery but the brain too. I am sorry you have to experience the pain. Keep smiling as you think of the birds waiting for their photographic events.

  18. Hi Valerie, Praying you have a better day with less pain. Lovely art work once again and your photos are always so interesting. Hope you are back home soon. Sending friendship hugs your way. xo

  19. Sorry to hear you've been a bad day. I hope you feel better the next few days.
    Take care of yourself Valerie!
    Your page is totally gorgeous!
    Hugs, Mar xx

  20. Oh dear - I guess it's par for the course but sure hoping by now the tubes are out and you can at least move a bit better without them. Thinking of you a LOT and believing for a much better day tomorrow.

    I bet you are listening to the rhythms of the night for sure with all the nurses in and out. Love your little gal playing her music - that kind of night rhythm is SUPER FINE!!! Hugs. j.

  21. A beautiful page Valerie - I hope you start to feel better soon.
    xxx Hazel.

  22. Sorry your day has was bad... it will get better before you know it :) Love the art today... you know I'm in love with Van Gogh anything ♥

  23. I love your piece today. I know you must be missing your walk and the river but every day that passes you are one day closer to getting back to this. Stay strong! Hugs.

  24. This is a beautiful entry for AJJ. I love the silhouette and the horn. Sorry about the pain you experienced, but laughed out loud at the loss of your WiFi. You were living in MY world when that happened!


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